Archived-House Pendragon

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While all Ventrue consider themselves the nobility of the Kindred, Pendragon take this to the next level; They don't so much crave power as consider it their due. A sentiment perhaps born out by the surprising number of not only current Praxis holders but past Princes who have stepped down from their thrones and still live today.

Many still make their home in their spiritual home of Sydney but they have spread members to several other domains.

Origins and Progenitor

The creator of the house, The Right Honourable Alder Battuo Aurialanus, remains an active participant in the modern nights. The exact point of the House being declared is unknown, pending a statement by any of the older members of the lineage.


Though starting with Invictus roots, these nights the majority of the house are members of the Ordo Dracul, with the remainder generally split between the First Estate and the Carthian Movement.



OOC Info

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