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==== Personality ====
==== Personality ====
<!-- Description of how the character acts including notable traits and quirks -->
When Ezekiel first came to the court of Adelaide he was a young man, freshly embraced not a month ago, and had already killed his father in anger frenzy induced by the removal of his sires head from his shoulders. He was still trying to keep things bright. but as a Kindred, bright and cheerful is not what we are. After many months and his eventual rise to prince Ezekiel became a stern, hard faced prince.
==== Mortal World ====
==== Mortal World ====
<!-- What the mortal world knows and thinks of the character -->
<!-- What the mortal world knows and thinks of the character -->

Revision as of 07:36, 8 February 2017

Template:PC Summary Requiem

Ezekiel Abrams

Personal Information


20 year old, Caucasian man with long brown hair pulled up into a ponytail. Usually wearing formal clothing.


When Ezekiel first came to the court of Adelaide he was a young man, freshly embraced not a month ago, and had already killed his father in anger frenzy induced by the removal of his sires head from his shoulders. He was still trying to keep things bright. but as a Kindred, bright and cheerful is not what we are. After many months and his eventual rise to prince Ezekiel became a stern, hard faced prince.

Mortal World

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • Year - Details

Recent History


  • MAY - Details
  • JUN - Was discovered and brought to the court
  • JUL - Details


Known Sire

John Sellicks -- met Final Death

Known Siblings

Known Childer

Known Grand-childer


Quotes By

"Wow, this looks like fun" - Sarcastically to himself as he sits down for his Circle of the Crone initiation

"Yes its true I sent an elder into Eclipse" - Ezekiel smugly whenever anyone mentions it

"In combat I promise you i'm INCREDIBLY useful, you will be making a very good decision" - To Derric Cole in the talk of Vassalage

"At least I walk with my head held high and honour in my heart" - On his way to the court of March 2017

Quotes About

  • "Oh god, I have a brother now. What do I even do with those? I've never had one before" - Ariana Trentworth, in reference to first meeting Ezekiel for the first time and discovering his Sire.
  • "He has a really cool card game! It's a lot of fun." - Logan "Dragiskra" Hall
  • "Dayum boi, why all the fancy clothes? You goin to a funeral or somethin?" - Sarah Lake
  • "He remind me of Daeva I met in travel, he was good time, good in bed." Viktor
  • "Alice, walking through the looking glass" - Manx
  • "Both handsome AND dashing. Certainly a worthy Prince for Adelaide. - Saul Rodrigues


"Brother Rodriguez, what havent you told us about what happened that night?" - Ezekiel

"Whilst sitting there at home that night, I began to play certain...scenarios in my mind. Ones that concerned you. Ones that concerned members of the court. Many members of the court. None of us were clothed, many of us were loud. I'm talking about sex. We all indulged in it, you yourself were very involved." - Saul Rodrigues


  • Got Lucky.
  • Has torpored at least 1 Alder.
  • All those he HAS Torpored seem to be Gangrel, whether that's a coincidence or not who knows?

Inspirations and Soundtrack


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Coby Romano
Number: 00000000
Domain: Adelaide