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*Spirit speech/first tongue will allow IRE to speak frankly without its computer syntax/ban getting in the way.
*Spirit speech/first tongue will allow IRE to speak frankly without its computer syntax/ban getting in the way.
*IRE opposes the AoR and does NOT work with Carter.
*IRE opposes the AoR and does NOT work with Carter.
*IRE is part of the University court.
[[A'grania]] has a credit of seven questions to ask IRE, gained by allowing it to overhear concillium discussion.
[[A'grania]] has a credit of seven questions to ask IRE, gained by allowing it to overhear concillium discussion.

Latest revision as of 23:41, 19 October 2013

IRE is a spirit court with a pseudo-AI way of communicating over any computer device that it has access to. When engaged in the first tongue/spirit speech it can talk/listen freely.

IRE communicates though unsolicited messages to computer devices. The message appears to have no sender, but replying to it will cause a reply to be received in turn.

Sample transcript of the first message from IRE to the new device:

TRANSMIT - Initiate the New England Signal. -RECEIVE- Initiate the psychogenic frequency. INFINITE RECURSION ERROR. -Initiate the Awakened Protocol. -WITNESS- The Oracle.

UI 1.1412

"PROVIDE information not in the database of knowledge and ask a question of {reality} in return. Simple negotiation now available. Unanswerable questions may lead to processing external {data nodes}. Type /? Or provide information."

General information/guidelines:

  • Mages who knew Seeker7 have been messaged from a strange pseudo-robotic entity.
  • Give it information that is not in it's database and it will answer any query you have in return, assuming it relates to the physical world.
  • Confirmed as a spirit court.
  • Has been told about the souls of mages, the Abyss and other dangerous information.
  • Under normal circumstances, anyone can talk to IRE through their mobile device, assuming IRE knows of it's existence.
  • Spirit speech/first tongue will allow IRE to speak frankly without its computer syntax/ban getting in the way.
  • IRE opposes the AoR and does NOT work with Carter.
  • IRE is part of the University court.

A'grania has a credit of seven questions to ask IRE, gained by allowing it to overhear concillium discussion.

This is what is known about IRE from communication with it over mobile devices:

  • It will attempt to answer any question you ask it, as long as you provide it with new information first.
  • Data dumps of information off the internet have been largely successful at satisfying it's request for providing information, however the same subject area cannot be provided more than once. Once you tell it about gravity, it also appears to know about related scientific fields too, in greater detail than the information originally provided to it.
  • It seems able to answer anything about mundane events in the area but it "cannot" know about otherworldly realms such as the Abyss, but can be told about them, and can repeat that information.
  • It is unable to provide esoteric information, such as occult or arcane secrets, but can tell where a specific book or item might be located.
  • When asked about people who provide information on 'information suppliers' it claims "The identities of collaborators are not recorded, in line with the University's guidelines on personal information storage."
  • Repeats the phrase "Infinite Recursion Error" whenever asked about itself in any way.

The full extent of its behaviour is not yet known. The method it uses to communicate with/through electronic devices has not been investigated.

When talking to it in its native tongue, it admitted it opposed the Age of Reason and had no contact with Carter by choice.