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Template:PC Summary Requiem



Personal Information

Lucky's a young Daeva with a lot of passion who doesn't always know where to direct it, beyond trying to make something of herself as desperately as she can manage. She's more than aware of what she was - a street punk with no direction in life, and no power - and, surprisingly, is determined to try and be something more than that, hard as it is.

She doesn't want to be a dirty punk just because society told her that's what she was. She's going to be powerful. She's going to be a Primogen, or a Harpy, or a Priscus. She's going to be fucking important - just to prove everybody from her mortal life wrong.


Lucky is decently attractive; most of her good looks come from a modern, punky style that uses a lot of buckles and studs. She's got curly, vaguely messy brown hair, high cheekbones, and usually opts for a heavy dose of black eyeshadow and liner, and a healthy amount of red lipstick. A pair of sunglasses are tucked away in her hair - being sunsmart is important, after all.

There's a fair few tattoos on her arms and body; she's often seen with her shirt open to show them off. She's also clearly fit - the Embrace covered up the scars and bruises of a hard life on the streets, leaving her with hard, defined muscle under unblemished skin.

She's also got red eyes. Nobody's really sure why she has red eyes, though.


Passionate, loyal, and easy-going, Lucky's definitely obnoxious, but barely manages to avoid being too irritating for her own good. She's a joker at heart, chipping in with a terrible sense of humor yet amazing knack for puns. It makes her charming, in a down-to-earth way. It's helped by the fact she's a decent judge of who's in power; she manages to get by through striking up a friendship with the right people.

That said, there's clear flaws; any in-depth conversation reveals that while she's bright, she's horribly uneducated. Sure, she knows how to hotwire a bike or stop a 7/11 owner from hitting the alarm under the counter, but any academic subjects result in a blank stare.

Mortal World

Lucky's a minor thug in Austrlaia's criminal scene who's been in and out of juvie and prison since she was fourteen. She grew up in and around Adelaide, rolling around with a minor street gang until she was abruptly Embraced. She's since moved to Brisbane and has started shaking up the stagnant political underworld; her easy-going charisma has meant that she's starting to lead a small gang of punks and thugs.

Information Known by Kindred Society

Lucky was Embraced in Adelaide. She's reluctant to identify her Sire, but she was evidently given a quick instruction by either her, or the Carthians in Adelaide. Since then, she's moved to Brisbane and latched onto the Invictus and Ordo Dracul - their promises that they can help her be better are incredibly appealing.

She's also an athiest. Occasionally, she wavers, but for the most part she seems fairly certain that there's no God. Vampires, yes. Djinn, yes. God? No.


  • 1992: Born to Darren and Debbie Houston, two preachers for a Pentecostal church operating out of a former warehouse. She'll eventually be the youngest of their ten children, and one of only two girls.
  • 1996: The small church starts having a significant rise in profile, as their hard-hitting, evangelical style of Christianity hits the mainstream. A Sunday-morning TV show featuring the Houston Song Church's gatherings is broadcast on national television. Behind the scenes, however, there's signs of strain; a higher public profile pushes the family to conceal more and more things.
  • 1997: At five, Lucky features in a high-profile political advertisement urging for a return to 'family values'. Launched by the Houston Song Church in favor of the conservative, opposition Government, it helps mobilize Christian voters in support of the party. Darren hits Lucky for the first time, when the tired five-year old refuses to be dragged out in front of the crowds to give another spiel. Her mother tells her that she needs to be a 'good girl'; it'll be a common refrain for the next few years.
  • 1999: Cracks continue to be hidden behind the family's charming, super-Christian facade. Her father and mother focus on projecting and spreading God's word wherever possible, increasingly leaving the care of their children to private schools, nannies, and au pairs. Lucky's few interactions with her parents are mostly opportunities for them to relay their disappointment over something that had happened that day. Thankfully, Janelle's there to fill in the void of their absence.
  • 2000: Lucky's sent to state school along with the rest of her siblings, to 'spread God's word wherever it can go'. As her parents continue to pull away and immerse themselves in their high-profile religious bombast. Lucky sees them even less, save for angry fights or abuse.
  • 2002: Janelle commits suicide at the age of sixteen. It's a huge blow to the family's front as the perfect Christian family, and the family's public mourning and outspoken cries for suicide prevention bring them more acclaim. There's minor scandal that works up to a frenzy before an angry lawsuit shuts it down, claiming that the eldest son of the family - and newly graduated pastor - was sexually abusing Janelle. Darren's rage at Lucky for letting 'stupid, sinful rumors' slip to her friends is apocalyptic.
  • 2005: After nearly a decade in the public spotlight, the Houston Song Church announces that their oldest son will be stepping into the position of CEO and senior pastor, while her husband, Darren, starts a potential political career. While their sons have become solid, shining, and mildly spoiled members of the community, their only daughter hasn't. She's a withdrawn, faintly sullen thirteen year-old who rarely speaks, though she's always obediently standing with her family. They describe her as someone with 'special needs' who requires a great deal of love, care, and prayer to recover from her beloved sister's death. She gets nothing but neglect.
  • 2007: After four years, the family's again in the spotlight, as Lucky's dragged out of the house by police, kicking and screaming, for assaulting her oldest brother with a candlestick. In a tearful public statement, Darren announces that he can no longer sit idly by while his daughter destroys himself, calling her a disgrace to the family - a possessed, disgusting wretch who refuses to live a Godly life or make anything of herself. Practically disowned, she's given little, if any support, while her case progresses through the system; her parents achieve public praise as they continue their story of beleaguered parents who will always love their child. The situation is easily spun in their favor; Lucky's accused of being a teenage tearaway who stole from her parents to feed a supposed drug and alcohol problem, and attacked her brother when the family attempted to send her to a treatment facility. While her claims of an attempted sexual assault are heard by police, they're quickly dismissed by an uncaring judicial system. Lucky's sent to juvenile detention until the new year.
  • 2009: After years of drifting in and out of the penal system, Lucky's practically become what her parents described her as - an angry, abusive misanthrope who runs with the wrong crowds, sells drugs to solve her own problems, and abuses anyone who tries to give her a helping hand. There's a vicious streak of pride in her, though, that refuses to be tarnished; no matter how bad things are, she's determined to make something of herself. When a court-appointed counselor attempts to point out what a fortunate background she's had, and how she's abandoned it, she laughs, and opts to turn that 'fortune' into a nickname, going by the epithet 'Lucky'.
  • 2013: Now in her twenties and forced to stand trial as an adult, there's a significant attempt to pin the murder of a police officer on her. Over time, the teenage tearaway has become a hardened criminal, organizing a racket of thugs through a wicked sense of humor and easy charms, along with, naturally, a propensity for violence should anyone go against her. She's accused of shooting the police officer in the head, execution style, after his refusal to cease interfering with drug operations. Police point to multiple, escalating altercations that led up to the shooting; the defense briefly argues that such incidents are a sign of someone attempting to avoid violence by any means. The case is eventually dropped due to the lack of evidence.
  • 2015: Out of the blue, Lucky's bitten, drained, and Embraced, given only a quick and hasty rundown from her Sire before being flung in with the Carthians. Pissed-off, but quickly realizing the power that's come from the Embrace, Lucky does a bit of research, and abruptly elects to abandon Adelaide, making her way to Brisbane when the chance comes her way.

Recent History


  • OCT - Out of the blue, Lucky rolls up to a Brisbane Court, wandering around with a dumb, easy-going charisma that's alternately annoying and endearing. She stops someone from frenzying, manages to avoid paying boons for the privilege, and gets acknowledged. She also manages to catch Roxanne's interest, when she mentions an interest in the First Estate.
  • NOV - Lucky's quick to get in on the ground floor, starting to establish a minor gang and shake up the criminal scene; they burst into action and start tearing up the city something fierce.
  • DEC - Attempts to mug




Quotes By

"Holy shit, you literally just crammed your foot so far up your mouth that your toes are probably tickling both of your brain cells. That's commitment."
- On the forums, regarding Corvus

Quotes About

- Charlie pretending to be Roxanne Eupraxus Lorainne
- :|
- Roxanne Eupraxus Lorainne pretending she doesn't adore the shit outta the Luckster
"If you bang her, you get to say you got Lucky" - Charlie Kay
"She's lucky I used dominate instead of the knife I had up my sleeve."
- Mikhail Torre
"How do I describe Lucky..? Unwilling to accept the truths of who she is? Probably. Crass? Definitely. Prettier than Judith? Definitely not. But she's definitely attractive, I have to give that to her."
- Evelyn Bathory
"I wonder if there is any part of her that others haven't touched. No, not her body; her mind, can't you see it her auras weak as a babe and orange as the setting sun! I guess I feel sorry for her, at least i know what I've lost"
- Karlin


"Fuck that. That's fucking bullshit."
"Who has the right to say that? Fuck anyone who tells you who you are; who tells you who you're going to be. I say you do whatever you have to, to prove the fuckers wrong."
- A conversation with Roxanne.


  • Some say that after making love, she bites the head off her partner. And that she's had to give up binge drinking now that it's gone up to $1.50 litre. All we know is, she's called Lucky.
  • Black leathers, sunnies, punk, religious background... nothing says deep cover Lance agent more than that... at least nobody accused her of being a good Lance covert agent.
  • Lucky is flawless.
  • Her hair's insured for $10,000.
  • She does Vitae commercials... in Japan.
  • Her favorite movie is Varsity Blues.
  • One time she met John Stamos on a plane... And he told her she was pretty.
  • She punched me in the Face, it was awesome

Inspirations and Soundtrack


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Charlie
Number: 2012040010
Domain: Brisbane