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Template:PC Summary Requiem


Personal Information


Rinn appears to be a 17 year old with brunette hair tied back neatly in a ponytail, she stands at 156cms generally running around the court in the little red dress that her sire gave her. She doesn't show much expression except for the small markers that show a change in her mood unless she is completely comfortable around the person or experiencing a strong emotion of some kind. She also always carries her notebook around, and if you notice, she carries two daggers just under her dress, strapped to her thighs.

  • note: occultation 1 - features don't leave distinct memory, but you will know who she is when you see/talk to her again. However, if trying to talk about her, mixing up height, hair colour, etc, is possible. One kindred even thinks she is a male despite her wearing dresses around them constantly.


Rinn is quite naive and trusting, she likes to help wherever she can and give what she can to others, even if it means risking herself. She believes that everyone has some good in them, despite what they try to do to her and because of this, she has been abused a lot in the past.

Likes and Dislikes


  • Yellow and blue, like a sunset.
  • Occult/Supernatural books
  • Computers
  • Learning
  • Her Mother


  • Things that are sexual
  • Killing or violence for no reason
  • Being abandoned or bullied
  • Mirrors
  • Phone calls


  • Reading occult books
  • Programming and hacking on her beloved computer
  • Recording information in her notebook

Mortal World

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1920 - Born August 26th
  • 1931 - Mother remarries and they move in to the new household
  • 1935 - Death of Mother from illness
  • 1937 - Embraced January 2nd at 2:57am
  • 2015 - Released by Sire and sent to Australia

Recent History


  • FEB - Details
  • MAR - Details
  • APR - Details
  • MAY - Details
  • JUN - Details
  • JUL - Details
  • AUG - Details
  • SEP - Details
  • OCT - Details
  • NOV - Details
  • DEC - Details


Known Kindred Family

  • Sire - Rí O'Callaghan: Anti-social with violent tendencies.
  • Cousin - Tybalt:


Quotes By

"I found a kindred, can I keep it?" - When finding Cervantes
"I found one of your nos, where do I send it?" - Message to Enric upon finding Carsten.
"I found some freshies, what do you want me to do with them? The address is xxxxxxx. Can I keep them?" - Message to Pietro upon finding Vincent and Alastair.

"Quote" - reference

Quotes About

"Another of Tybalt's kittens! i don't know where he finds them all, but she seems pleasant enough hopefully our world doesn't change her to quick" - Karlin


"Quote" - reference

"I saw you there, shadow-sister, at the factory where they killed my wiyanga, saw you fight their mulla. Not well, but you try, saw them knives bloody. I thank you, deep, my blood, I thankyou, and I remember this."
-Ganhaarr Warragal


Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • Melanie Martinez - Dollhouse


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Shannon Spanks]
Number: 2015020003
Domain: Brisbane