Jarrett Elroy

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Personal Information


Jarrett is a rather tall, lightly built man with blue eyes and short dark brown hair. Although 40 years old when embraced, he appears to be somewhere in his early 30's. His usual attire has changed slowly since leaving the legal profession, shunning tailored suits for less formal but still respectable smart casual clothing.


Jarrett is usually quietly reserved, except for when he speaks and his rather magnetic and persuasive charm comes to the fore. A logical individual, he usually applies his keen intellect to a situation before anything else, which garnered a reputation for him in various legal circles as being one of the better young minds.

Mortal World

Jarrett plays darts regularly and is fairly good, though he has never played professionally.

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1968 - Born Oct 28, the son of Robert and Claire Elroy
  • 1986 - Completed high school
  • 1991 - Graduated USYD with a bachelor of Law (LLB)
  • 1995 - Became a solicitor
  • 2008 - Embraced by Sawyer, retired from legal profession
  • 2009 - Started own practice as silent partner

Recent History


  • JUN - Began dipping his toe back into the legal circles of Sydney, elected Carthian Prefect. Awarded Eastern Regency.
  • JUL -
  • AUG -
  • SEP - Relinquished role as Carthian Prefect.
  • OCT -
  • NOV - Attended Richard Fitz's Release Party, helped thwart assassination attempt on Yegor Zadorozhny
  • DEC - Attended the Christmas party hosted by outgoing Govenor of Sydney.


  • JAN - Attended the gathering put on by Tobias Mol
  • MAR - Visited the Orlak and became Governor of Sydney
  • APR - Attended the gathering hosted by Marquis Aurialanus at his war Elysium, retook position of Carthian Prefect, embraced William Crassus
  • MAY - Attended the gathering hosted by Governor Bush at his island.
  • JUN - Attended the bush doof.
  • JUL - Hosted the gathering of the court at a private residence in Vaucluse. Brood threatened the gathering but were repelled.
  • AUG - Attended the gathering at Cockatoo Island.


In 2008, Jarrett was embraced by Sawyer as thanks for helping him out with a particularly sticky legal situation.


Quotes By

"I once told my mother that the sun was green. She double checked and burned her corneas." - Jarrett Elroy to Sawyer

"How do you feel about a stake dinner and pine box?" - Jarrett Elroy

"Avery, could you please find Tobias and tell him to clean himself up?" - Jarrett Elroy to Avery, shortly after Tobias' ghoul was killed at Conclave 2014.

Quotes About

"Baby rat" - Mr Hobbes referencing The Clan's feelings about his sire and by extension him also.

"He was made to be one of us, after all he was sucking blood for years before his embrace." - Source? discussing his legal background.

"He reminds me of me... Only he's got more charisma, stronger business plans and a touch better fashion sense...' - Sawyer

"As a person a' faith, I'd have to say that Mr. Elroy is an occasion to sin - to all kinds a' sin. As an officer a' this Court, I'd like to add that there ain't no-one with a better claim on that big chair since his Daddy died on it, an' that I think he's gonna do just fine." - Connie Gambrell


"What are you doing?" Sawyer asked incredulously as Jarrett nonchalantly tore another corner off the piece of paper in his hand and popped it into his mouth.
"I'm eating the counted votes" he replied. - at the election of the new Carthian Prefect.


  • Throws knives almost as well as he throws darts - unconfirmed.



  1. The Clash - I Fought The Law
  2. Beastie Boys - Sabotage
  3. Deftones - You've Seen the Butcher
  4. Black Strobe - I'm A Man

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Morgan Di Val
Number: AU2013010003
Domain: Sydney