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Internal Disputes
Internal Disputes
External Disputes
External Disputes
this is our own bonus system to help give you ideas of flavours you want to
influence your Cabal construct
the Good guys
+ The winding path to peace is always a worthy one, regardless of how many
turns it takes
+ Fail with honor rather than succeed with fraud
+ Greed and fear of loss are the roots that lead to the tree of evil
+ Fear is a disease; hope is its only cure
+ A single chance is a galaxy of hope
+ A secret shared is a trust formed
+ Great leaders inspire greatness in others
+ Belief is not a matter of choice, but of conviction
+ Easy is the path to wisdom for those not blinded by themselves
+ A plan is only as good as those that see it through
+ The best confidence builder is experiance
+ Trust in your friends, and they'll have reason to trust in you
+ You hold onto friends by keeping your heart a little softer than your head
+ Heroes are made by the times
+ Ignore your instincts at your peril
+ Most powerful is he who controls his own power
+ When surrounded by war , one must eventually choose a side
+ Arrogance diminishes wisdom
+ Truth enlightens the mind, but wont always bring happiness to your heart
+ It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness
+ The costs of war can never be truely accounted for
+ Compromise is a virtue to be cultivated, not a weakness to be despised
+ The first step to correcting a mistake is patience
+ A true heart should never be doubted
+ Believe in yourself or no one else will
+ No gift is more presious than trust
+ Attachment is not compassion
+ For everything you gain you lose something else
+ Easy isnt always simple
+ If you ignore the past ,you jeopardize the future
+ Fear not for the future, weep not for the past
+ In war , truth is the first casualty
+ Searching for the truth is easy, Accepting the truth is hard
+ A wise leader knows when to follow
+ Courage makes heroes , but trust build friendships
+ Choose what is right, not what is easy
+ The most dangerouse beast is the beast within
+ Adversity is a friendship's truest test
+ Brothers in arms are brothers for life
+ Where their's a will, theirs a way
+ The indivual and the group are one and the same in a cabal
+ With no True loyality to each other, betrayal is a certainity
The Bad guys
+ Fear, suprise and intimidation on your side is the keys to rulership
+ Fear is the mind killer to enslave humanity
+ When the Lies become truth, few will despute it
+ The weakness of others shall become the edge of rulership upon them
+ Those with hate within their heart are malable to your causes
+ Those with lustful hearts with destroy themselves with their own desires
+ Take that you desire for it is yor right to do so and others be damned
+ Nobility is a weakness of exploitation for our own gains upon others
+ Their are no friends in this game only Partners in crime
+ In Life their is only winners and losers, were the winners
+ A Person desires is a key towards servitude
+ Devide and conquer

Revision as of 08:37, 4 July 2013


1)CABAL NAME Choose a name of symbolic meanings for your Cabal Examples: Sons of Anarchy,Carriers of the Golden Flame, Keepers of the Sacred Dream,Children of the Dreamtime,


Farseeker( Scounger ):Primary/leader,Second/2nd In-charge,terit/axilery Description:

Doorwarden( Bouncer ):Primary/leader,Second/2nd In-charge,terit/axilery Description:

Lorekeeper( Scribe ):Primary/leader,Second/2nd In-charge,terit/axilery Description:

Edgetaker( Hexer ):Primary/leader,Second/2nd In-charge,terit/axilery Description:




Membership Oath Examples 1) Praxis of Awesome I <insert name> do here by give the Pledge to be the most Rockin Person within this group of Awesome People that know how to PARTY and be excellent to each other

THE GREAT RIGHTS 1.1) A Cabal can choose which of these Rights they want in the territory ( all,none or some ) 1.2) The more Rights a Cabal has the more territories and respect they can claim as they are more inline with Gold Law and Atlantean Traditions 1.2) If the Consilium Court has a guide'ing principle in Silver Law ,then the Cabal interpretations must fall within their guidlines, but are free to add their own flavour & legality

  • Right of Crossing

Examples: A) B) C)

  • Right of Emitrius

Examples: A) B) C)

  • Right of Hospitality

Examples: A) B) C)

  • Right of Nemesis

Examples: A) We announce it and p B) C)

  • Right of Sanctuary

Examples: A) B) C)




Description: A Interdicts is something a cabal member must never do or face punishment,shame and worse every cabal should have at least three, but the more one has can claim a greater morality than the other

Examples/choices of Interdicts + Never attack a unarmed person with weapons + Never use Lethal force or Greater upon other humans unless in equal response + Never allow the deaths of sleepers via Black Magics in ones Terrirtories + Never allow the sacrifice of children + Never trade sexual favours for political gains + Never to engage in Sexual acts as this is a Cabal of Celebacy + Never create a Undead being + Never make Clones of another person + Never use your powers for amorale purposes against Sleepers + Never make deals to Terrorist threats + Never break deals with Spirits + Never enslave a Spirit, always bargain for it's help + Never make Magic items that can harm others, only items that heal,help and protect + Never kill a possessed person, banish or destroy the spirit and save the Person + Never Scry upon others for selfish or neferious reasons + Never destroy any Atlantean Artifact for any reason what so ever + Never desacrate any Church/mosque/sinagouge/sacred space + Never Curse a fellow member of your Cabal + Never tortour prisoners within ones care + Never corrupt spirits to harm others + Never allow or belong to a National Mage Goverment + Never use a Gun for it is a cowards weapon + Never release giant spirits that want to destroy Tokoyo again + Never allow your Paradox manifestation to be handle by others, it is your responsibility + Never seeve your sword until it has taken Blood + Never defile the Cabals Banner & Symbols + Never break your Cabal Laws when your in another Cabal territory were they make lack the graceful & wise Laws of your Cabal + Never wear clothing made from Animal hides + Never preform animal sacrifices + Never wear shoes in the Temple + Never be without your Honor Knife + Never enslave another Mage + Never to make a soulstone + Never use made man items for magic foci ,but the God/'s gift of nature to perform magic via a foci + Never kill any sentient being as they are of thought ,feeling and emotions as any other person + Never eat the flesh of any creature, for we are a vegitarian Cabal + Never talk or act upon the idea of Assasination + Never allow harm towards your living foci (ie snakes for snake handlers, etc,etc) + Never marry and live a life of Celebacy + Never eat Pork + Never Unleash powers that can accidently harm innocent people + Never pernamently alter a creatures DNA or you have created a abburation of nature + Never allow admoniation of nature to reside in your territories ie Vampires, Corrupted Possessed beings + Never Teleport unless needed, general transportation will is susficant + Never miss your religion holy day at your local church/sinague/mosque/holy place + Never allow research no matter how it was gained to deleted + Never eat meat on a friday + Never cause harm to a type of species ( raven,snake,crocadiles,cats,dogs,rats,cows,horse) for they are sacred animals + Never use Microsoft Windows 98 in ones computer software + Never use Nuclear based weaponary/equipment + Never disrespect others upon communication networks casually or without foundation + Never act towards a person as guilty from visions of future crimes + Never teleport immediately unless in a emergency ,always look before you leap + Never create Artifical Intelligence with free will + + + +

ADDENUMS TO INTERDICTS These are the Interdicts added after the orginal draft of the Cabal Interdums were made from their orginal conception & formation



BANNER SIGILS Honoraries Orders Colors Foundations Arch Motto

RITES AND PASSAGES Fostering The Rite of Requite Banishing Rite Celebrations Internal Disputes External Disputes