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'''As Longinus has spoken'''<br>
'''As Longinus has spoken'''<br>
'''The priest and their attendants depart.'''<br>
''The priest and their attendants depart.''<br>

Revision as of 02:35, 12 March 2013

Explanatory text is in italics, the priest’s in black and the response of the congregation is in bold.

Introductory Greeting

After the priest and their attendants have entered and taken their places, and after the final stroke of Midnight between the Saturday and Sunday night:

In the Name of God, the Dark Prophet, and for our Holy Damnation


The curse of our Damnation and the purpose of our Sanctification be with you all

And also with you


As we come together as taught to us by the First Childe, St. Monachus, let us confess our sins and petition the Lord to continue to stay our judgement

A period of silent reflection may be included here.

Lord we have sinned against you, and do not deserve your mercy

Yet you have chosen us

You have forsaken us, and in our Damnation you have granted us strength

We give thanks to you God

Allow us to be your vessels of wrath and judgement upon this Earth and the next

As Longinus has spoken, Amen

Gloria of the Night

The Gloria may be sung (by the congregation or the choir) or it may be recited. The Gloria may begin with a brief invitation by the priest.

Blessed be God. Blessed be His Holy name
Yet Cursed be Longinus. Cursed be the Children of the Night. Cursed be those who seek men for their blood
And in their curse remember them to the Will and Word of God
As Longinus has spoken

Opening Prayer

Let us pray
A period of silence may be included here.

All praise be to you, Most High, for the shadow of your divine grace which you have allowed to fall upon us! Blessings be upon you and may our nights always venerate your Holy ways



The first reading is chosen from the Rule or from First or Second Sanguinaria

The first reading, from the Book of (book)

After the reading:

The Words of St Monachus, the first Disciple of the Dark Messiah

Glory to God

The Testament proclamation:

We are the Grandeur

We are Sanctified

A reading from the Testament, as written by the Dark Prophet himself

As Longinus has spoken

After the reading:

Our Divine Mission, as told by God's chosen Prophet

We give thanks to the Lord for the Centurion

The Homily

The Bishop and / or Priest may speak to the general congregation, and this is usually where any evangelical sermon will be given. If appropriate, the Prayer of Evangelism or the Prayer for the Unbeliever will be given first.

Profession of Faith

Let us declare our faith so that all may hear

We believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of Heaven and Earth
We believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary to redeem Man from Sin through his death and resurrection
We believe that Longinus, by piercing the Saviour’s side as he hung from the Cross, did reveal the divinity of Christ through fulfilment of the prophecies and that, while Longinus was rightly Damned for his blasphemy, his damnation was itself part of God’s Holy Plan
We believe that those so Damned are the agents of God’s will, chosen to receive the Embrace that we may test the faithful and reveal the divinity within each of them
We believe that for my sins we are damned to Hell and yet through damnation we may find my purpose in God’s Holy Plan

As Longinus has spoken


General Intercessions

Let us pray

The intercession is then made. After each petition, the following is said:

For the sake of your Holy Work

Lord, hear our prayer

Communion of the Faithful

Before this ceremony can take place, those that the Sanctified are Evangelising to must leave, for the following is only for those under the Chapel of the Lance and Spear.

Let us pray

The Blessing of the vitae is conducted over the cup or the vessel at the altar.

O God above who so righteously Damns us, bless this holy Vitae which we claim to fulfil our anointed purpose


The Lord’s Damnation is bestow to you

And also to you

Ready yourselves for predation

We prey upon the sinners

Let us rejoice in our purpose

Though our acts are sinful, our mission is Divine

The Nightly Prayer

Let us pray in the manner that St. Monachus, first Disciple of Dark Messiah, taught us

Thank you our God for your holy Damnation and thank you for showing us our place in your ineffable plan
May our prayers and predations be always acceptable in your sight and may our actions this night drive Kindred and man alike to a more perfect understanding of your will

The Blessing

The Blood is given to you, it’s Master

I rejoice for the Lord wills it so

Let this Vitae bring strength to your Damned children so that we may go forth into the coming nights and feed upon the mortals which you have given us


As each Sanctified feeds, the following is said:

The Blood thunders like a storm

The Blood burns like fire

A period of silence may be included here.


The conclusion can be read after the Intercessions if Communion is not conducted

Our God, all praise is due to you for the miracle of transformation that you bestowed upon the centurion. Blessed are we who know the truth of divinity in the world because of the blood of the Christ that gave the Centurion sight and life! May we ever walk in his ways and follow his example, by your power and will


The Mass has ended. Go into the world, and bring the wrath of God

As Longinus has spoken

The priest and their attendants depart.