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=<font face="Broadway">Rumors</font>=
=<font face="Broadway">Rumors</font>=
* Silvio can get you anything in the real world, no questions asked... No seriously, ANYTHING
* Silvio and his motley all have a death pact with a billion dollar pay out for the last one standing.
* Silvio and the Corruptibles are actually all immortal.
=<font face="Broadway">Inspiration and Soundtrack</font>=
=<font face="Broadway">Inspiration and Soundtrack</font>=

Revision as of 19:56, 4 June 2013

Spectre Banner.jpg

Silvio "The Spectre" Luciano
Seeming: Fairest
Kith: Archived-Larcenist
Court: Courtless Court --
City: Brisbane
Title: None
Entitlement: none
Group: None
Player: Owen Sillence
Storyteller: Brisbane VST

Real/Mortal Name: Silvio Luciano

Age: 102

Mask: Middle aged slender italian man with strangely pale skin.

Mien: Small blue bolts of electricty dance beneath his skin. Large veiny insect wings protrude from his back.

Mantle: None

Motley: The Coruptables

Known History

Time Line

  • Born: 16/07/1911
  • Capture: 16/07/1932
  • Escape: 29/12/2009


Silvio was raised into the Luciano crime family. Doing little odd jobs, stealing bits a pieces was all part of who he was growing up. At 19 he married a beautiful girl from his neighbourhood, who he’d idolised his entire life. Their wedding was the happiest day of his life. When he was twenty his wife informed him that they were going to have a baby. This would have been another great moment. But in the 20’s life was hard and Silvio barely made enough money to support his wife, let alone a small child. The party of his youth was well and truly over and it was time that he took responsibility and earned himself a decent living.

Finally two weeks before his daughter was borne he was given an incredible opportunity. The Luciano family had offered him a job and if it went well he’d be set for the rest of his career.

The job was a simple routine bank heist, minimal security, big cash pay-out. The guys Silvio was partnered with were all more experienced and had fearsome reputations. The whole thing seemed like shooting fish in a barrel.

But as with most story of this nature, it turned out to be too good to be true. The bank was well defended, a simple snatch and grab turned into a hostage situation and what was supposed to be stealing a few easy bucks turned into the deaths of four innocent civilians and shoot-out with the down-town police.

When it came to the trails, Silvio was blamed for everything. He hadn’t even fired a shot, but he still got pinned for the murders and he was set up as the one orchestrating the whole job. The other more experiences criminals got five years, he got the death sentence.

The night before his execution was the night that his Keeper came to him and offered a way out. He was told that his daughter had been borne and if he ever wanted to see her again then he’d make the right choice. He shook the hand of the creature that called itself The Hive and his fate was consigned with Arcadia.

As ten thousand volts of electricity passed through his body, his soul was taken by the Gentry, stolen from the Death.

If he only had of know what awaited him on the other side, he probably would have chosen death...


Silvio was taken by a True Fey that called itself "The Hive". Little else is known about Silvio's durance other than the fact that it involved stealing things.


As Silvio's daughter drew her final breath, old and decrepit, lying in a comfortable warm bed in tropical Queensland, Silvio made his way out of Arcadia. He was able to look upon his daughter’s living form only long enough so that she could pass from the world. He was defeated, he had failed, he was broken. It was only a matter of time before Silvio would turn his gun on himself and end the impossible pain that he faced.

But the Freehold got to him first.

Recent Events


Quotes By

Quotes About



  • Silvio can get you anything in the real world, no questions asked... No seriously, ANYTHING
  • Silvio and his motley all have a death pact with a billion dollar pay out for the last one standing.
  • Silvio and the Corruptibles are actually all immortal.

Inspiration and Soundtrack

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Owen Sillence
Number: Incomplete
Domain: Brisbane