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====[[Canberra Requiem|Vampire: the Requiem]]====
====[[Canberra Requiem|Vampire: the Requiem]]====
Venue Coordinator: Michelle Briggs
Venue Coordinator: [mailto:shadowklepto@gmail.com Michelle Briggs]
Venue Storyteller: [mailto:vstcanberra@gmail.com Jahn Barfoed]
Venue Storyteller: [mailto:vstcanberra@gmail.com Jahn Barfoed]

Revision as of 02:56, 17 February 2013

Carpe Civitatem - Domain of Canberra

Canberra is the Federal Capital of Australia. The World of Darkness Canberra is different from the real Canberra: buildings have a more gothic feel, street crime is up with large gang violence and Mafia presence. This is not a clone of the American gang violence however, as gun control has restricted firearms on the streets. This has resulted in a mock-honourable tradition of fighting with fists, knives, chains, barbed wire, wood stuck with broken glass... whatever is sharp really.

The gulf between the rich and poor is vast. The wealthy live in well protected enclaves where they need never see a homeless person, ever. Or perhaps there are homeless about, but they never get noticed by the well to do?

It is recommended that you read the History of Canberra to see the differences between the real Canberra and the World of Darkness Canberra.

The Camarilla Australia first appeared in Canberra in 1999 with the Werewolf Chapter, Monkey's Paw. The game grew in popularity to expand to a Vampire game, and thus Canberra became a Domain and thus able to govern itself within the Camarilla.

The Venue

At present, all the games in Canberra are held at the Turner Scouts Hall

Turner Scout's Hall

Haig Park

5 Masson St

Turner ACT

Link to google maps.

The Games

All games occur on the third Friday and Saturday evening of each month. All at the same venue (per the details above).

First Saturday Games

Vampire: the Masquerade

Venue Coordinator: Pam Saunders

Venue Storyteller: Stephen Justice

Third Saturday Games

Vampire: the Requiem

Venue Coordinator: Michelle Briggs

Venue Storyteller: Jahn Barfoed

Struggle to survive in the backstabbing politics and violence of the creatures of the night, forever competing to see who is strong enough to claim leadership and survive the predations of his fellow monsters....

The Staff

Domain Staff

  • DST - Tim Smith
    • ADST - Steven Doyle
  • DC - Ali Lawrie

Venue Staff

  • VST Requiem - Jahn Barfoed
  • VC Requiem - Michelle Briggs
  • VST Masquerade - Stephen Justice
  • VC Masquerade - Pam Saunders

Out of Character Game rules

The most important rules will be outlined below, the rest will be explained at the games themselves by either the VC's or the DC.

No Alcohol or Illicit Drugs. Anyone who is intoxicated at the game will be asked by the VC/DC to leave the venue and will not be allowed to play in the game. Obviously prescribed medications are permitted, we will ask that you take these in the Out of Character area though.

No Touching. We have a strict no touching policy in the Camarilla. No one is to touch another person at all with one exception. Permission may be given by individuals at the game, which must be stated aloud and clearly. If you are in doubt it's simple don't touch. Rough Housing or inappropriate touching is never acceptable and will not be tolerated.

If you have any queries about these or any other rules please do not hesitate to contact the VC/DC for further Clarification.


After each game, many of the players get together to talk about the game, catch up, and generally hang out and have fun after being at each other's throats all night. This is a great way to meet new people, tell everyone how good (or bad) your character is, maybe recruit for a table top game you'd like to run and most importantly unwind in a non-threatening or intense setting.

Afters normally occur at a pub or club based on the general consensus of the membership. Obviously the no drinking rule no longer applies as the game/s will have finished. When you're at the game, be sure to ask the Venue Coordinator where the Post-Game Gathering is happening.