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Canberra uses the Rank Purchase system described at http://wiki.beyondthesunset.org.au/index.php?title=RankPurchaseSystem
Canberra uses the Rank Purchase system described at http://wiki.beyondthesunset.org.au/index.php?title=RankPurchaseSystem
Canberra also enforced the spirit guide, specificly the gift purchasing rules.
==Character Sheets==
==Character Sheets==

Revision as of 20:40, 14 August 2013

Venue Style Sheet: Canberra Apocalypse (Pending Approval)

Domain: Canberra/Carpe Civitatem


Venue Storyteller: Ren Leahy The Canberra Apocalypse venue hosts a single, monthly core Apocalypse game. All other events are considered supporting games, such as tribe, auspice and pack meetings. These games are mostly considered supplementary to the other games, do not require an ST presence and are limited in the effects they can have on the core game.

Description of Venue: Apocalypse Canberra – The Sept

Monthly, Saturday Days. 12.00pm to 5.00pm.
Location: Scout Hall, Haig Park, Canberra.
Lead Storyteller: Ren Leahy (VST Canberra Apocalypse)

Temporary Narrators: May be appointed for any game when necessary.

Styles of Play. 1 (Never Present) to 5 (Always Present).

Style of Play




Combat and Challenges



Development, personal dilemmas and choices



PC death or corruption



Ceremony and grand story



Politics and negotiation



Social etiquette and peer pressure



Enigmas and investigation



How fast do stories emerge, develop and resolve?


Storytelling Mechanics

Character Death

Character death is a very important part of the Epic story that is Apocalypse, you cannot be a hero if there are not deadly consequences to your actions. In the PvP sense, attempts at character death are expected to be reasonable to the roleplay surrounding the events. It should be noted that kill attempts in downtime do not work.

Rules Interpretations

Any instance of a rule requiring clarification or interpretation will be noted here.

This section can be edited at Low Approval.

Canberra uses the Rank Purchase system described at http://wiki.beyondthesunset.org.au/index.php?title=RankPurchaseSystem

Canberra also enforced the spirit guide, specificly the gift purchasing rules.

Character Sheets


Character sheets are maintained by the VST. Players are encouraged to keep an updated version of their sheet, and may request a copy of their sheet from the VST at any time.

The sheets used are drawn from [XXXXXXX] for the time being, sheet selection will change should a superior or updated sheet be written.

The sheet file being used can be changed at low approval.

Excel 2003 versions are used to allow maximum compatibility.


Kinfolk PC’s are discouraged from long term play, such concepts will only be approved if this is taken into account.


All derangement's must have a clear trigger, which will be written on sheets. Triggers must have a possibility of being activated from time to time.

Approval Form

The preferred approval form can be found here.

Proxy Rules

Proxy rules are as per the Addenda.

Barring proxies that involve combat, un-detailed proxies are accepted on the condition they clearly state:

• The character’s that are involved

• Their intentions

• Method of travel (Appropriate level allies can be substituted here)

Air Travel: Flights originating from outside Canberra will ordinarily land at the Canberra Airport

Rail Travel: Rail services existing in Canberra can be viewed here. There is one rail line operating between Canberra and the rest of Australia.

Road Travel: Canberra has some of the best and worst roads in the world (mostly the best).

Local Proxies: Follow the same rules. They must be cleared ahead of time by the ST chain. On the spot Proxies will not be approved.


Experience Awards

Potential XP awards each month are as follows:

  • Character attendance: 2/month
  • Character Development/Roleplay: 1/month
  • Downtime/Game Report: 1/month

XP claims must be made on a downtime.

New Players

Those new to the club get full xp for their first six months of games so they are not penalised while they are still learning how the process works.


An in game Media release will be done prior to each game, detailing the local news available. Characters with appropaite status/allies/retainers can impact the news appropiate to the level of the relevant merit(s).


The minimum requirements for a downtime are:

  • Experience claimed and what for
  • Any experience spent
  • Answer to feedback questions

Downtime Actions

Downtime – Spending Experience

Training actions are not required; the only limit (Outside of approvals or specific learning requirements, such as a teacher) is the amount of available experience.

Learning gifts requires the appropriate interactions with the spirits, making the deals with these spirits will be run at game and should be finalised before inclusion in your downtime.

The only way experience spends will be approved is via email to the VST Canberra address. Experience spends will not be approved at the session unless previously discussed with the VST.

Late Claims

Experience can be claimed and spent after downtime periods have expired within reason. Such retro-active downtimes will not have pro-active actions approved (For instance, time spent training/researching/and so forth is fine, stalking PC’s is not).

Due Date

Downtimes are due the week prior to the game, at times an exception will be made for unexpected circumstances.

A reminder email will be sent two weeks prior to the game, which will also detail Ascendancy and Eminency for the month, as well as that month's feedback question.

Back History

See Canberra_Apoc_History

Wyrm Taint


Beginning Character Details


The Venue has a preference that starting characters begin at Claith or Cub Rank, every second PC should start at one of these ranks. When approving PC starting at higher ranks the ST will be more supportive of players who have previously earned this rank in game.

Spirit Bans