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Template:PC Summary Requiem

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Personal Information

Coming to Australia by boat as a refugee from Gaza by way of Indonesia at the age of 14, Aisha spent most of her teenage years on the streets of Perth, struggling to survive. Forgotten by the system and abandoned, she soon turned to the gangs of other youths roaming the streets on the fringes of Perth's gritty underworld. Trained as a petty thief and getaway driver, she kept one step ahead of disaster until at 17 she came to the notice of a Northbridge pimp - but she wasn't having a bar of that, thank you very much. Surviving on her own, picking up the occasional drive in underground street races for cash and picking pockets wasn't easy but she managed.

Until she lifted the wrong wallet. Or so she jokes, when asked about her sire. There's obviously more to it, given how close they are, but neither of them are saying just how her Embrace came about beyond there being a car crash involving a kangaroo.


Aisha is a scruffy young woman in her late teens. Appearing to be of Middle Eastern heritage, she has long dark hair and unusually blue-grey eyes. Most commonly seen in worn jeans, t-shirt and an oversized woollen jacket that covers her hands. Most barely notice her as she slips quietly through the room, and that's the way she likes it.


Witty and sarcastic, Aisha tends to be the sort of person to poke fun at nearly everything and isn't afraid to tell you exactly what she thinks. Social niceties be damned, she'll say the first thing that comes to mind and is rarely all that bothered by whether someone thinks they're important or not.

She's chronically curious, often firing question after question in quick succession about whatever has caught her attention. Underneath the brashness she can seem occasionally quite defensive, keeping people at arm's length until they gain her trust - but once she's decided someone is one of her people they find a fiercely loyal confidant and friend.

Mortal World

To those in the underground street racing scene, Aisha is known to be among the best. She generally drives for cash these days, but has also been known to work for those in need of someone who can get from one place to another quickly without being caught.


  • Born in Gaza, 24th August 1998
  • Arrives on an asylum seeker vessel and taken to Christmas Island detention centre before later being moved to community detention as an unaccompanied minor 2012
  • Meets Shroud for the first time June 2015, picking pockets at a magic show
  • Embraced September 2016


  • Grandsire - Andrés de Brasa (William)
  • Sire - Shroud
  • Sire's brother - James Wilson (JW)
  • Sire's brother - James Falzon (Not known)
  • Sire's brother - Unknown


  • "We'll be OK. You're with me." - A shared line, often said between Shroud and Aisha

Quotes By

Quotes About

  • "Aisha, she's making me so proud. She can already use many of the clan gifts and has the right mentality to see the world one day be a better place." - Shroud to Rinn when telling her of his Aisha.
  • "A curious young creature, which is an excellent sign of course. A little abrupt perhaps but intelligent and keen to learn, though I do wish she would not dismiss the Faith so easily." - Elizabeth Saint-Matthew, commenting about Aisha in her journal after an attempt to convince the neonate to visit her for religious instruction.
  • Young. VERY Young. Shroud will be Grey before this cycle is complete - Conner McIntire
  • "She reminds me a lot of me, just - me if I'd avoided all the shit that's happened to me." - Lucky
  • "There is always hope for Aisha who shrouds herself in the shadows of ignorance rather than consider that there is a world beyond her own personal experience. One day, one day, God willing she will actually be a useful member of the Danse Macabre." Brother Batholomew


Ziggy - "I get the feeling I'm going to have to chain everything to my clothes when I'm around you two"
Aisha - "Now where's the fun in that? I give them back after"
Shroud - "Usually"


  • Watch your valuables around her, she's a little light fingered.
  • Why is she so close to Shroud? They seem closer than a Childe and Sire normally are
  • Touches everything, but says she can't do the actual Touch - but can she?
  • Is one of the best street racing drivers in Perth, but how? And who did she work for before?

Inspirations, Soundtrack and thoughts of others


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Claire Atwell
Domain: Perth