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'''Transgression''': Set teaches that everyone’s mind and spirit are bound by invisible chains of their own making. Their Blood chafing at these bindings, the Minister suffers a burning need to break them. The vampire receives a two-dice penalty to all dice pools not relating to enticing someone (including themselves) to break a Chronicle Tenet or personal Conviction, causing at least one Stain and ending this Compulsion.
'''Transgression''': Set teaches that everyone’s mind and spirit are bound by invisible chains of their own making. Their Blood chafing at these bindings, the Minister suffers a burning need to break them. The vampire receives a two-dice penalty to all dice pools not relating to enticing someone (including themselves) to break a Chronicle Tenet or personal Conviction, causing at least one Stain and ending this Compulsion.
[[Category:Masquerade V5]] [[Category:Anarch V5]] [[Category:Ministry V5 Status 0]] [[Category:Ministry V5 Status 1]] [[Category:Ministry V5 Status 2]] [[Category:Ministry V5 Status 3]] [[Category:Ministry V5 Status 4]] [[Category:Ministry V5 Status 5]]
[[Category:Masquerade V5]] [[Category:Anarch V5]] [[Category:Ministry V5 Status 0]] [[Category:Ministry V5 Status 1]] [[Category:Ministry V5 Status 2]] [[Category:Ministry V5 Status 3]] [[Category:Ministry V5 Status 4]] [[Category:Ministry V5 Status 5]] [[Category:Clans V5]]

Latest revision as of 20:49, 21 December 2020

The Ministry
In-Clan Disciplines
Obfuscate, Presence and Protean
The Clain of Faith, Setites, Followers of Set, The Clan of Lies, Typhonists, Serpents, Liberators, Judasians

Who are The Ministry?

Tracing their lineage from the Egyptian would-be god of deception and chaos, the clan formerly known as the Followers of Set has a reputation as motley as their history. As much cult as clan, most of the Ministry adheres to a uniquely disruptive system of beliefs, fighting a war of morality and ideas against the legacy of Ra and the One God. Known and abhorred as tricksters, enticers, and outright liars, the clan has had a history of playing all sides in conflicts of the great sects. Their entry to the Camarilla rejected, many have joined the Anarch Movement and are now arming their twin weapons of temptation and subversion to bring spiritual liberation to all descendants of Caine.

Vampires of the Ministry typically Embrace from the ranks of the irreligious, the heretical, and the corrupt. Criminals are common targets, as are con artists, stage fraudsters and self-help gurus. Likewise, the clan approaches those who seek to destroy or subvert religion. Proselytizing atheists, iconoclasts, professors and students of philosophy, and historians who seek truth behind myth are all desired by the Ministry. The clan are drawn to those who know their way around human desires and falsehoods. The Ministry does not seek to corrupt them – this is a common misnomer – but they do seek out those who know how to handle debasement, fraud, and erosion of blind belief.

As they’re inducted into the vampiric condition (or often before), clan recruits are brought into the cult of Set. To the Ministry, the clan and their secret belief are intimately entwined, though their faith takes many forms. Equal part religion and memetic instrument, it can insert itself into any creed, organised or personal, and bring it down from within. Usually taking the shape of a subtle alternative to, or outright heresy against, its parent belief system, its ultimate purpose is to erode whatever faith it clings to, liberating (as the Ministry tells it) the believer from their former chains. It is no coincidence that the rise of the Cainite Heresy follow the growing Ministry presence in vampire domains. Many of the clan keep vast libraries of philosophical and theological tracts for this very purpose, in some cases making it a nightly occupation to hunt for ancient writings and artifacts to bring home to the cult. Others take a more improvisational route, seeking out to liberate subjects, vampires and mortals alike, on a more personal level, not limited to the breaking of strictly religious convictions. Many months can be sunk into simply observing their mark, in order to deduce exactly what forbidden vices will yield the greatest temptation.

Known SPCs

  • Details
  • Details

Historical Importance to The Ministry

  • 2013: The Camarilla meets with the Banu Haqim and the Setite Ministry on the same night to weigh the merits of admission into the Camarilla. The Ministry meeting ends prematurely when a bomb levels the hotel where the dignitaries are convening. The preferential optics of the Banu Haqim selecting a discreet, small-town kitchen in Denmark as their venue likely results in their admittance to the sect. Facing rejection, the Ministry instead moves to align themselves with the Anarchs.

Clan Weakness

Clan Bane

The Blood of a Minister abhors the light. When exposed to direct illumination – whether natural or artificial – members of the clan recoil. Ministers receive a penalty equal to their Bane Severity to all dice pools when subjected to bright light directed straight at them. Also, add their Bane Severity to Aggravated damage taken from sunlight.

Clan Compulsion

Transgression: Set teaches that everyone’s mind and spirit are bound by invisible chains of their own making. Their Blood chafing at these bindings, the Minister suffers a burning need to break them. The vampire receives a two-dice penalty to all dice pools not relating to enticing someone (including themselves) to break a Chronicle Tenet or personal Conviction, causing at least one Stain and ending this Compulsion.


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Pages in category "Ministry V5"

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