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"Thy domain is thine own concern.
All others owe thee respect while in it.
None may challenge thy word while in thy domain"
-The Second Tradition: The Domain

Sect — a vampire’s political and philosophical affiliation — is ostensibly a matter of choice. If a Cainite dwells in a Sabbat city, however, she’s almost certainly a Sabbat member whether she wants to be or not, and a vampire in a Camarilla-held city had better have an exquisite explanation if he chooses not to honor the word of the Prince.

Each Sect has a dogma and an objective its members seek to attain. Being broadly distributed organizations populated by creatures as selfish as vampires makes a Sect’s nature in each city a unique thing. Some Sect dominated cities might be paragons of their organization’s virtues, while other pay only lip service to Sect creeds.