Rex Giles

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Template:PC Summary Requiem

Prince Rex Giles.jpg

Personal Information

Prince Rex Giles is something of an enigma. No one is quite sure where he has come from, his name clearly assumed at this location. Perhaps his childe knows, perhaps not. What is known about Rex Giles is that he founded Roxby Downs and the Olympic Dam mine. He has been very hands on at all stages of building and improving the city. He is the type to constantly make small changes and micromanage, through retainers, aspects of his city. It is believed that he is over a hundred years old.

While people may suspect his Bloodline he has kept its existence a secret.


Rex appears as a 45 year old man. Always dressed in suits and often wearing glasses. Most of the time he seems disinterested in anything other than his city. Happy to delegate authority in any other area but when his favourite subject comes up he focuses like an eagle on the person speaking.


Driven, focused, forward thinking are the main things people think of with the Prince. The cities existence is down to Rex's will. It is his obsession. If the other Kindred did help run other parts of the city he probably would have never let them in.

Mortal World

To the mortal work he is a shareholder in the Olympic Dam mine and an adviser to the Mayor (his Thrall). Most people only see a name or hear a voice at the end of the phone, rarely getting any face time. Those that meet him face to face tend to forget minor details like his exact age...

Information Known by Kindred Society


Recent History


Known Sire

Childe of Earl Leon Faust, Grandchilde of Alder Prince Duchess Alaine Latourelle, Great-Grandchilde of The Ermenjart la Charpentière

Known Siblings

Known Childer

Tim Harvey


Quotes By

Quotes About



Inspirations and Soundtrack


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Incomplete
Number: Incomplete
Domain: Incomplete