Evangeline Séguier

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Revision as of 13:40, 21 May 2013 by Decibelle (talk | contribs)
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Name: Evangeline Séguier
Sect: Sabbat (•)
Clan: Brujah antitribu
Pack: Brides of Gehenna
City: Brisbane
Lineage: Line of Kaloyan
Generation: Ninth
Brides of Gehenna.png
Revo Example.jpg

Personal Information

Revo is a fresh member of the Sabbat with a significant age and charm at her back that's uncommon among the sect in Brisbane - backed up good looks, excellent dress sense and the most refined manner of speaking possible. It doesn't distract from the fact, however, that outside of her pack, the sect nearly universally mistrusts her. More than a few want the strength her blood offers, and the rest believe that she's not yet proven her dedication after defecting.


Reva is always dressed in expensive, elegant clothing, and usually wears something new every day she can: cocktail dresses and high heels are her preference, of course, but she also adores


Evangeline, stalwart philosopher of the Brujah, was a charming, elegant socialite with the drive and passion that marked her clan, as she relentlessly drove the line towards its silent goal. With a sharp mind and a remarkable talent for manipulation, she did an excellent job of setting up the social upheaval they were after while passing information up the line that the opposite was occurring. Nonetheless, she was also weary: weary from the struggle. Constantly playing the games necessary to avoid and avert Kaloyan's plans without attracting attention had taken its toll on her, and her Childer recall how the vibrant personality she once had seemed to vanish under the strain of the Jyhad. It's believed that, eventually, she faltered, just once, under the relentless pressure, and that's what finally drew Kaloyan's gaze to Brisbane. Once she defected to the Sabbat, though, the weariness vanished, replaced by fervor and passion in enormous amounts. While still every bit as charming as she was within the Camarilla, it's backed up by an almost ecstatic love of excess, be it violence or indulgence.

Notable Traits

  • Path of Cathari
  • Flaw: Probationary Sect Member
  • Dynamic Personality
  • Very skilled in Presence

Information Known by Kindred Society

The Camarilla distinctly remembers Evangeline - a stalwart member of Kindred society who, unfortunately, felt the toll of her Beast too keenly in later years, regressing to a vicious monster patrolling the streets of Brisbane, only held in check by the kindness and wisdom of her Elder. When the Sabbat attacked, she took a small number of her clan to repel the Sabbat from taking over the Anarch territories that a large number of the Rabble held. She didn't make it back. And this is where the Sabbat come into the picture. Nobody aside from her Ductus is sure what happened, but she was quickly taken into the pack and given the opportunity to drink from the Vaulderie. If Australia had a greater organization to it, perhaps her defection would have been more difficult - as it is, she has significant stigma to overcome, and a closeness to Caine she's determined to prove - and improve.



Quotes By

Quotes About

"E4 to C5."

- Kaloyan The Vlach



Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • "Sabbat is your stress-relief-game, remember?"



Considered an Initiated member of the Sword of Caine, and Loyal, by her pack, for her service as Abbot. Considered Untrustworthy for her recent defection.

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Decibelle
Number: 2012040010
Domain: Brisbane