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Template:PC Summary Requiem

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Personal Information


Everything about M could be summed up in the word "unassuming".

She has short, brown, unstyled hair topping a pale, gaunt be-freckled face. Her facial expression was described as "wooden" when mortal and are perhaps even more so in death.

She cares little for fashion labels and will wear even the raggiest of clothes out in public so long as it is both warm looking and passably decent. she never wears skirts, finding them impractical to move in. And has no patience for high heals. She will proudly wear merchandising from video games and comics that she appreciates.

She bears no striking marks, scars, or jewelery. if it weren't for her beast letting its silent presence be known she could be mistaken for an antisocial geek of some sort


Timid, reserved, even tempered, but unconvincing.

M hates confrontation, it is stress inducing if not outright harmful and she will avoid it if she can. As a result of growing up as a high functioning autistic she keeps her emotions in check for fear of stimming and looking a giant fool. However she also avoided dealing with people and therefore sucks at finagling in social situations.

Mortal World

Only a year since her embrace and still close to her old home M is possibly running a dangerous road. Should her mortal family find and confront her she will probably have to take dire action to maintain the masquerade. She aims to avoid this by creating a new life for herself and a new identity. Homeless and alone she has no mortal contacts, she has sustained herself by stealing petty cash from the homes of her geriatric victims.

As a human she loved food and trying new tastes she will regularly flush herself with blood so as to eat food even if the pleasure is not the same as it once was.

Information Known by Kindred Society

M is a disturbing mystery, an amnesiac childe with no knowledge of their sire or even how to be a vampire living among other vampires. When the gangrel priscus presented the wayward childe to Brisbanes prince Tybalt, Alvyss Langrif was nominated to act as her sire and master. Teaching her the ways of the court and shielding her from any negative repercussions her ignorance may bring upon her. Time will tell whether M proves a boon or bane to the scholarly Harpy.


  • 1970 - Details
  • 1980 - Details
  • 1990 - Details
  • 2000 - Details
  • 2012 - Details

Mysteriously embraced

  • 2013 - Details

Happens across the Brisbane court when passing by the ANZAC Square Shrine of Memories. Is acknowledged by prince Tybalt and given to Alvyss Langrif as a surrogate childe.

Recent History


  • AUG - Arrived in Brisbane!
  • SEP - Details
  • OCT - Details
  • NOV - Details
  • DEC - Details



Known Sire

Known Siblings

Known Childer


Quotes By

"I am absolutely delightful!"

- M, describing herself.

Quotes About

"M is absolutely delightful!"

- Someone, describing M

"The only reason I even noticed her was due to the very fact that she was so very unnoticeable. A paradox in and of itself"

- Charles Volmark


"Here's something one person said!"
"Here's the next line!"

"And another!"

- Person 1 and Person 2, talking about something.


Inspirations and Soundtrack





  1. Acknowledged as a Gangrel and ward of Alvyss Langrif


  • None

OOC Information

Any out of character notes should go here.

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Tamala Beer]
Domain: Brisbane