Emerald Legion

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Revision as of 21:51, 8 March 2013 by Ghostroo (talk | contribs) (Membership)
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Emerald Legion.png
Emerald Legion

Comprising the victims of Happenstance
Deathmarks: dramatically accentuated eyes, whether the eyeball, eye socket or brow makes the eyes stand out as a feature.

By No-one's Hand

Membership in the Emerald Legion

Death brought on by clumsiness or carelessness; stumbling at the end of a lookout and plunging to their death, smoking in bed and asphyxiating when they fall asleep and set their bedclothes on fire; the unlucky who are in the wrong place when an earthquake, tidal wave or cyclone kill mortals indiscriminately. The Emerald Legion is the clearing house for those who died by varied but improbable causes.

The Emerald Values

Appearing shortly after Charon's disappearance, these are at the root of Emerald Legion philosophy. Supposedly written by the Emerald Lord himself, they are applied to much of what the Legion does on a daily basis.

  • Determine Risk
  • Cogs Turn Wheels
  • Throw it Up and See if it Flies
  • Talk Emeralds, Not Thorns

For every member of the Legion, these values mean slightly different things; especially in the Assessor States of Necropoli ruled by the Legion, these values can have a very different effect upon a Necropolis compared to a Necropolis ruled jointly by several Anacreons.

Special Orders

  • Guardians of the Labyrinth
  • Order of Archimedes' Bathtub
  • Green Teams