Brisbane Camarilla Harpy Report 09

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Index of Harpy Reports

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Venerated Elders, Esteemed office holders and honoured members of the seven clans, acknowledged and welcomed visiting guests.

A new crimson star burns brightly in the night's sky. It is rumored that it announces the devastation and ruin of an entire clan of vampires.

The court gathering was hosted by the Revered Scabs of the Nosferatu, the events and announcements also cover the Toreador Salon held earlier by Ms Cassandra Rose.

We are Camarilla, we have endured and will endure.

I submit for your pleasure, discernment, and posterity record, the observations of the Toreador Salon and the October Brisbane Scotty Court, as witnessed by myself Mr Felix Parker of the Clan of Seers on the 10th of October 2015.

New Members at Court

The October court was graced by several new faces, I must ask for the indulgence of understanding as no insult is intended by any misspelling of name or use of improper title. Corrections will be made to my records, as they are submitted. The new members awaiting formal recognition within the Brisbane Court are:

The Tradition of Hospitality was extended to the previously Acknowledged as tradition dictates and to the visitors

The XXXXX Acknowledged of Clan Nosferatu.

The Ancillae Scaramouch, guest of Prince Scotty.

The Catiff Michael, who is now known as Autarkis Michael of Clanless by command of Prince Scotty.

Announcement and Changes in Position

To the regular changes of station in the October Court, is added the changes of station that occurred at the Toreador Salon.

  1. Revered Manager Vishakhadatta of the Clan of Kings is to be know as Well-Connected by Lord Archon Stone who is Overpowered.
  2. Mick Diamond Ancillae of the Bruja is to be now Feared as Sheriff by word of Seneshal Cassandra Rose.
  1. The Informed Herald Lady Eliza Montague did declare that The Autarkis Michael of Clanless has been granted hospitality and the right of business within the CBD of Brisbane by his Majesty Prince Scotty.
  2. The Informed Herald Lady Eliza Montague did declare the Setites are banished and may be killed upon sight. However should they supplicate themselves to a member of the court they are to be captured for interrogation by order of His Majesty Prince Scotty.
  3. Dex is to be the Deputy Sheriff to the Feared Mick Diamond.

Declarations of Status

  1. Revered Manager Vishakhadatta of the Clan of Kings is to be know as Efficient by His Majesty Prince Scotty who is Famous.
  2. Kit Dimitir of the Clan of Seers is to be known as Efficient by His Majesty Prince Scotty who is Well Known.
  3. Dex of the Clan of Seers having been outcast for one month is to be no longer knows as Outcast by word of His Majesty Prince Scotty who is Exalted.
  4. Mick Diamond Ancillae of the Bruja is to be now Feared as Sheriff by word of His Majesty Prince Scotty.
  5. Baroness Black of the Ventrue is considered Vigilant by Manager Vishakhadatta who is Revered as Primogen of the Ventrue.

Events, Rumours, Lies and Slander

Items of note that have come to pass, some notable events, some lies some slander all with varying amounts of accuracy. Those that have been refuted by their betters have been noted.

  1. The New Sheriff has a very proactive hands on approach approach.
  2. Amazing that the Rules of Elysium so long held should be questioned.
  3. Setite infiltrators in Clan Toreador? are you sure it's just in Clan Toreador?
  4. Was there a ghoul at court? Yes none of you business.

Records of Prestation

Records of Prestation were received and recorded by the Harpies from, His Majesty Prince Scotty, Revered Manager Vishakhadatta, Honourable Viktor, Revered Scabs, Elder Austraukas, Ancillae Alistair, Ancillae Scaramouch guest of Prince Scotty, Kit, Michael of Clanless by declaration of Prince Scotty.

This concludes the identified changes in standing and the events that would be considered celebrated, and those that may be considered ill advised. The next court would normally be hosted by Clan Toreador in the month of November 2015.

These are my observations in service to the Camarilla and Domain of Brisbane, The Antipodes,

Yours sincerely in service to the Camarilla,

Mr Parker, Chief Harpy.