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“What would you like for your birthday, son? A cricket bat? A cricket team? A cricket stadium?”


The Crassus are all businessmen, they buy, they sell, they make money, they make friends, they make enemies, they trade favors, the trade lives. The family is the rope in the tug-of-war for temporal power between members of the Invictus and the Carthian Movement. The Sanctified would rather purge this family of the debauched and morally bankrupt from existence. The Circle of the Crone pays no attention at all, while the Ordo Dracul keeps track only as a formality, with mildly disgusted amusement. Though that may be the official stance of the Covenants, few Kindred don't like power...


When you have, as a baseline, more money than God, you tend to ooze money. Teenage family members who feel the need to rebel still take advantage of the family’s fat coffers to buy only the trendiest and most costly clothes that their parents wouldn't approve. After all, why settle for less than the best?


Ignorance is bliss for the Crassus family. Even those subject to the Vinculum are generally able to rationalize their situation. They have simply struck a deal with some powerful religious extremists who have eccentric ways of sealing their deals. The abilities they have gained aren't supernatural at all, they would argue, but simply the result of particular talent and skill. Because of their willful disbelief, the family’s Kindred masters usually leave them alone except when they desire something from them. They are allowed to pursue their own lives and agendas. The Crassus simply aren't viewed as a potential breach of the Masquerade, because they cannot handle knowing the truth that would allow them to be so. Therefore, because of their unwillingness to acknowledge and exult in their dark powers, Crassus characters are freer to enjoy the immortal life of status and luxury that they have been afforded than are any other ghouls.


When it comes to wealth and power, the Crassus have more than many of them know what to do with. They are first-class sycophants with centuries of experience in pandering to others, especially to the dark masters who control their fates. Through the machinations of Crassus Inc, most Caesars find it far too easy to accrue wealth, influence, status, and power.


Crassus tend to either be obsessive or unhinged with time.


The Crassus are a family, but they are also a multinational conglomerate of trust funds, stockholders, corporations, tax shelters and shady holdings. The number of members of the direct bloodline is staggering, very near to 1,000, while relatives by marriage involved with the business exceed 5,000 in number. The number of actual ghouls made from those who have the potential is a mere fraction, though, somewhat less than a tenth of total family members. Ghoul or not, almost every single member of the family is directly involved in the business of making the family more money.


Character Family Status Home City Regnant Regnant's Covenant Regnant's Clan
Lester Crassus 5 Sydney - - -
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?