Archived-Sydney North Necropolis

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Necropolis Merits

Equivalent to the "Domain" Merit of the land above, a Noferatu with dots in Necropolis gains territory belowground, defining the space and volume which the other Necropolis Merits require. 1-5 dot merit.

Bleak Annals (0)

A Bleak Annal is the space where Nosferatu collect information - sometimes in actual books, but more often in some esoteric and disturbing manner such as oracular cockroaches, skin tomes preserved in blood vats, or even more deviant methods. As a member of the Necropolis, a Nosferatu may gain bonus dice if they research a topic in which the Bleak Annals specialize. 1-5 dot merit.

Catacombs (1)

If dots in the Necropolis Merit determine the sheer volume occupied by a Necropolis, the Catacombs Merit determines geographical area. The more dots in the Catacombs Merit, the further the Necropolis extends, potentially allowing a Nosferatu to travel underneath the entire city in secret. Unless one knows the exact path to take, however, they could easily become lost and prey for all sorts of nasty denizens, not least of which the Nosferatu who make their havens there. 1-5 dot merit.

  1. Ferdinand Wolfe
  2. Mr Hobbes

Necropolis Spectre (0)

A (more-or-less sentient) ghost occupies the Necropolis, bound there by some important item or even from the ghost's living days. (Or unliving nights.) This ghost may occassionally be roused from its own heart-breaking haunting to offer information, stories, or possibly even services for Nosferatu that can cajole it properly. 1-5 dot merit.

Sepulchers (1)

While a Necropolis defines the extent of the underground city many Nosferatu call home, they still need secure and homey places to sleep. The more dots in this Merit, the more secure and palatial a Nosferatu's personal haven-space becomes. While within their Sepulcher, a Nosferatu may perform better at one of their hobbies, since they have spent a while customizing the space to suit their needs. 1-5 dot merit.

  1. Ferdinand Wolfe

Trapdoor (1)

It's a fact: Necropoli need entrances and exits. While most of these are "public", in that all Nosferatu of the Necropolis know about them, some Haunts reserve more private or hidden routes into and out of the underground. These access holes give Nosferatu bonuses to Hunting rolls, as they allow Nosferatu to dart out quickly and quietly to nab a convenient snack that just so happens to be innocently wandering by. A "trapdoor" can be as simple as a manhole in a seldom-traveled alley, up to and including a false bookshelf hidden in the back of a public library. Either way, however, the Nosferatu still needs to take their prey by force; willing victims are purchased with the Herd Merit. 1-3 dot merit.

  1. Mr Hobbes

Dark Temple (0)

A Dark Temple is holy ground sanctified to either the Circle of the Crone or the Lancea Sanctum. The word "temple" is used in only the most general sense, as the holy site of a Necropolis can take the structure of a small alcove with the ashes of a vampiric saint to a massive natural underground cathedral lit with balefire. On this holy site, practitioners of Cruac or Theban Sorcery gain bonus dice; they also gain bonus Social dice when speaking to those who do not share their faith. 2 dot merit.

Garbage Pit (0)

Exactly what it sounds like: a massive pile (or piles, or many rooms' worth) of junk, organic and inorganic. While digging around in the garbage, a Nosferatu may find an item that gives bonuses to a Craft roll, or they can hide among the objects d'rusted and slimy to surprise their enemies. 2 dot merit.

Labyrinth Guardians (0)

There is a place where all the abandoned animals go. Dogs thrown from bridges for biting their owner, cigarette burns covering their bodies. Unwanted kittens half drowned in sacks. White mice whose negligent owners left their cage doors open. Even the proverbial baby crocodile flushed down the toilet. This place collects these unwanted and unloved and does something to them. Ragged and neglected, the nosferatu sense kindred spirits in the animals and give them a home. In return they thrive in the tunnels and keep out intruders. They know where you are. You cannot hide from them. A squealing, crawling mass of hairless patchwork flesh, roiling over you and devouring you down to the bones. An unending tide of flesh and teeth

  • The Maker - Demented homeless people with rusty chainsaws (3)

Caldarium (0)

Hot springs, warm blood baths, or even more icky pools of liquid that serve as the spa resorts of Nosferatu Necropoli. While soaking in one of these odious baths, Nosferatu gain bonuses to Social rolls. They also occassionally serve as meeting places with vampires of other Clans or loyalties. 4-5 dot merit.