Archived-Canberra Requiem VSS

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Venue Style Sheet: Canberra Requiem (Draft)

VSS Approval Number: This is the draft form of the new version of the VSS as required above.

Domain: Canberra/Carpe Civitatem

Venue: Canberra Requiem

Venue Storyteller: Jahn Barfoed

The Canberra Requiem venue hosts a single, monthly core Requiem game. All other events are considered supporting games, such as clan, covenant and coterie meetings. These games are mostly considered supplementary to the core game, do not require an ST presence and are limited in the effects they can have on the core game.

Description of Venue: Requiem Canberra – The Court

Monthly, Saturday Nights. 6.00pm to 11.00pm.
Location: Scout Hall, Haig Park, Canberra.
Lead Storyteller: Jahn Barfoed (VST Canberra Requiem)

Temporary Narrators: May be appointed for any game when necessary.

Styles of Play. 1 (Never Present) to 5 (Always Present).

Style of Play




Combat and Challenges



Development, personal dilemmas and choices



PC death or corruption



Ceremony and grand story



Politics and negotiation



Social etiquette and peer pressure



Enigmas and investigation



How fast do stories emerge, develop and resolve?


Storytelling Mechanics

Feeding (MET Requiem p.230)

The ST will roll a single die prior to printing sheets, this is the base amount of blood for the character.

Haven Location is automatically added to this roll.

Herd creates an available blood pool equal to the merit rating. PC's can choose to drink it themselves at the beginning of game, or may provide it to any other PC, informing the ST or assistant at the time. This changeover can happen at any point during the game.

Vampires will always begin with a minimum of 4 blood, as it is assumed no vampire will arrive at court whilst starving.

Coil of Blood 1 (Blood Seeps Slowly) increases the base amount of blood received by relevant characters to either half or full, dependent on the opening roll (1 - 5 = half, 6 - 10 = Full). Location and Herd are added after the Coil's affect is determined.

Hunting Actions

Hunting actions are disallowed at game. This is to ensure the relevancy of the feeding system, as well the Merits, Powers and Covenant advantages that affect blood totals.

Carthian Law

This section can be altered at Low Approval.

None at this time.

City Status

An “Active” PC is defined as one who was visibly present at the previous game.

Ascendance and Status levels are tracked by the ST.

Status points refresh at the beginning of the monthly Canberra game, rather than at the beginning of the Calendar month.

Status changes announced during a game apply during the game, but are not permanent unless the VST is made aware as detailed below.

After each game an email will be sent by the VST to all applicable players of IC position holders to determine:

  • Who was affected (Player and PC name)
  • The degree of change and points spent
  • The position being used

Status changes can only be made at game; though a follow up message on the list is encouraged it is not mandatory.

Visiting characters will have their local city status counted with the appropriate penalty as per the Red Book, provided the storyteller has sufficient notice.

Characters are aware of the city status of other local PC's, which will be indicated by a visible marker each game.

Character Death

Character death every so often is expected. The World of Darkness is a dangerous place and vampires are parasites on mankind, not a condition that engenders a great deal of mercy or kindness. In the PvP sense, attempts at character death are expected to be reasonable to the roleplay surrounding the events. It should be noted that kill attempts in downtime do not work.

Rules Interpretations

Any instance of a rule requiring clarification or interpretation will be noted here.

This section can be added to at Low Approval.

Character Sheets


Character sheets are maintained by the VST. Players are encouraged to keep an updated version of their sheet, and may request a copy of their sheet from the VST at any time.

The sheets used are drawn from here, sheet selection will change should a superior or updated sheet be written.

The sheet file being used can be changed at low approval.

Excel 2003 versions are used to allow maximum compatibility.


Ghoul PC’s are discouraged from long term play, such concepts will only be approved if this is taken into account.


Armory – For the purposes of the Armory merit, Tasers, Chainsaws and any other weapon with a rating of 0 or less are treated as having a +1 bonus.

Damnation City Merits - Will not be used in Canberra.

Fighting Style Filipino – If using the manoeuvres unarmed, Brawl is used in place of Weaponry for the appropriate draws.

Masquerade/Requiem from Danse Macabre - Will not be used in Canberra.

Murder Status - Not currently used in Canberra

Shared Haven - Only active PC's count for this merit. In this instance "Active" is defined as any character that attended game, sent a downtime or participated in a proxy.


The following bloodlines will not be approved for new PC’s.

• Morotrophian

• Kallisti

• Bohagande

• Dead Wolves

• Mellisidae

Note: Visitors to the city will not be barred from playing, but will have to reach an understanding with the VST regarding aspects of their bloodline.


All derangement's must have a clear trigger, which will be written on sheets. Triggers must have a possibility of being activated from time to time.


It is the rare vampire that can hold onto their humanitas down the years. A starting characters humanity level will be less depending on their age, decided after discussion between the player and VST as required. Players starting below seven may either opt to fail the resultant derangement roll or draw as appropriate, losing humanity in background does not automatically stop the chance to gain a derangement.

As a rough guide:

  • New vampire – 6 or 7
  • Neonate (up to 50 years) – 5
  • Ancilla (Up to 150 years) – 4 or 5
  • Elder (150+ years) – 4

Vampires at humanity three (3) or below are considered to be extremely rare at the start of play. Note that this means vampires that wilfully murder humans are not frequent, at least to start with. If the concept is appropriate, individual characters may discuss with the VST to have a different starting level of humanity to the norm.


Basic Firearms are Low approval in Canberra as opposed to Mid (Universal Addenda Section IX.B.1.a)

Approval Form

The preferred approval form can be found here.

Approval Requirements

Those going for Mid or higher approval levels are generally required to owe at lest two other PC's boons of at least a minor level. This is to encourage the prestation economy and create ties.

Bloodline holders are expected to make links with other members of the bloodline in the chronicle as far as is reasonably practical, with an understanding they are to be considered a point of contact for those desiring to join the bloodline in game or with incoming characters.

Proxy Rules

Proxy rules are as per the Addenda.

Barring proxies that involve combat, un-detailed proxies are accepted on the condition they clearly state:

• The character’s that are involved

• Their intentions

• Method of travel (Appropriate level allies can be substituted here)

Air Travel: Flights originating from outside Canberra will ordinarily land at the Canberra Airport

Rail Travel: Rail services existing in Canberra can be viewed here. There is one rail line operating between Canberra and the rest of Australia.

Road Travel: Canberra has some of the best and worst roads in the world (mostly the best).

Local Proxies: Follow the same rules. They must be cleared ahead of time by the ST chain. On the spot Proxies will not be approved.


Experience Awards

Potential XP awards each month are as follows:

  • Character attendance: 4/month
  • Downtime/Game Report: 2/month
  • Feedback: 2/month
  • ST Discretion: 2/month

XP claims must be made on a downtime.

New Players

Those new to the club get full xp for their first six months of games so they are not penalised while they are still learning how the process works.


An in game Media release will be done prior to each game, detailing the local news available. Characters with appropiate status/allies/retainers can impact the news appropiate to the level of the relevant merit(s).

As a rough indicative guide:

1 - Knowledge of how much of a story is disingenous from the reporting point

3 - Put out a major local headline

5 - Stop or completely alter a major headline (i.e. Change "Peaceful Protest Against Inflammtory Local Government Policies" to "Quiet Riot: The Silent but Violent MInority Ruining Our City")


The minimum requirements for a downtime are:

  • Experience claimed and what for
  • Any experience spent
  • Answer to feedback questions

Downtime Actions

Downtimes actions are governed as per the Minds Eye Theatre book. To clarify:

  • Characters receive a downtime action per dot of resolve, per game period.
  • Retainers have their own downtime action in an area applicable to their type (i.e. A bodyguard retainer cannot act as a lawyer)
  • Allies have their own downtime action in their specified area.
  • Downtime hits are disallowed

Downtime – Spending Experience

Training actions are not required, the only limit (Outside of approvals or specific learning requirements, such as a teacher) is the amount of available experience.

The only way experience spends will be approved is via email to the VST Canberra address. Experience spends will not be approved at the session unless previously discussed with the VST.

Downtime - Feedback

Feedback XP is added to encourage it. Every so often there will be a question sent with the Downtime reminder for the feedback portion of the sheet. This is to help me make the game suit you; it’s more fun for everyone that way.

Late Claims

Experience can be claimed and spent after downtime periods have expired within reason. Such retro-active downtimes will not have pro-active actions approved (For instance, time spent training/researching/and so forth is fine, stalking PC’s is not).

Due Date

Downtimes are due the week prior to the game, at times an exception will be made for unexpected circumstances.

A reminder email will be sent two weeks prior to the game, which will also detail Ascendancy and Eminency for the month, as well as that month's feedback question.

Venue Style Sheet: Canberra Requiem

VSS Approval Number: VTRVSS1305 (Provisional, update required for the current addenda)

Domain: Canberra/Carpe Civitatem

Venue: Canberra Requiem

Venue Storyteller: Jahn Barfoed The Canberra Requiem venue hosts a single, monthly core Requiem game. All other events are considered supporting games, such as clan, covenant and coterie meetings. These games are mostly considered supplementary to the core game, do not require an ST presence and are limited in the effects they can have on the core game.

Description of Venue: Requiem Canberra – The Court

Monthly, Saturday Nights. 6.00pm to 11.00pm.
Location: Scout Hall, Haig Park, Canberra.
Lead Storyteller: Jahn Barfoed (VST Canberra Requiem)

Temporary Narrators: May be appointed for any game when necessary.

Styles of Play. 1 (Never Present) to 5 (Always Present).

Style of Play




Combat and Challenges



Development, personal dilemmas and choices



PC death or corruption



Ceremony and grand story



Politics and negotiation



Social etiquette and peer pressure



Enigmas and investigation



How fast do stories emerge, develop and resolve?

2 - 4

Storytelling Mechanics

Feeding (MET Requiem p.230)

The ST will roll a single die prior to printing sheets, this is the base amount of blood for the character.

Haven Location is automatically added to this roll.

Herd creates an available blood pool equal to the merit rating. A PC can only benefit from one iteration of the herd merit, though they can give blood to other PC's from any "extra" herds. The VST msut be the one to change the sheets appropaitely. Unless informed otherwise, the highest Herd level is automatically added to the owning PC's blood total.

Vampires will always begin with a minimum of 4 blood, as it is assumed no vampire will arrive at court whilst starving.

Coil of Blood 1 (Blood Seeps Slowly) increases the base amount of blood received by relevant characters to either half or full, dependent on the opening roll (1 - 5 = half, 6 - 10 = Full). Location and Herd are added after the Coil's affect is determined.

Retainer's cannot usually be fed from, "blood doll" archetypes are covered byt he Herd merit. Exceptions can be made upon request, but the likely outcome is the loss of the retainer.

Hunting Actions

Hunting actions are disallowed at game. This is to ensure the relevancy of the feeding system, as well the Merits, Powers and Covenant advantages that affect blood totals.

Carthian Law

This section can be altered at Low Approval.

None at this time.

City Status

An “Active” PC is defined as one who was present at the previous game.

Ascendance and Status levels are tracked by the ST.

Status points refresh at the beginning of the monthly Canberra game, rather than at the beginning of the Calendar month.

Status changes announced during a game apply during the game, but are not permanent unless the VST is made aware as detailed below.

After each game an email will be sent by the VST to all applicable players of IC position holders to determine:

  • Who was affected (Player and PC name)
  • The degree of change and points spent
  • The position being used

Status changes can only be made at game; though a follow up message on the list is encouraged it is not mandatory.

Visiting characters will have their local city status counted with the appropriate penalty as per the Red Book, provided the storyteller has sufficient notice.

Characters are aware of the city status of other local PC's, which will be indicated by a visible marker each game.

Character Death

Character death every so often is expected. The World of Darkness is a dangerous place and vampires are parasites on mankind, not a condition that engenders a great deal of mercy or kindness. In the PvP sense, attempts at character death are expected to be reasonable to the roleplay surrounding the events. It should be noted that kill attempts in downtime do not work.

Rules Interpretations

Any instance of a rule requiring clarification or interpretation will be noted here.

This section can be added to at Low Approval.

Character Sheets


Character sheets are maintained by the VST. Players are encouraged to keep an updated version of their sheet, and may request a copy of their sheet from the VST at any time.

The sheets used are drawn from here, sheet selection will change should a superior or updated sheet be written.

The sheet file being used can be changed at low approval.

Excel 2003 versions are used to allow maximum compatibility.


Ghoul PC’s are discouraged from long term play, such concepts will only be approved if this is taken into account.


Armory – For the purposes of the Armory merit, Tasers, Chainsaws and any other weapon with a rating of 0 or less are treated as having a +1 bonus.

Damnation City Merits - Will not be used in Canberra.

Fighting Style Filipino – If using the manoeuvres unarmed, Brawl is used in place of Weaponry for the appropriate draws.

Herd - A character may only have one iteration of the herd merit.

Masquerade/Requiem from Danse Macabre - Will not be used in Canberra.

Murder Status - Not currently used in Canberra


The following bloodlines will not be approved for new PC’s.

• Morotrophian

• Kallisti

• Bohagande

• Dead Wolves

• Mellisidae

Note: Visitors to the city will not be barred from playing, but will have to reach an understanding with the VST regarding aspects of their bloodline.


All derangement's must have a clear trigger, which will be written on sheets. Triggers must have a possibility of being activated from time to time.


It is the rare vampire that can hold onto their humanitas down the years. A starting characters humanity level will be less depending on their age, decided after discussion between the player and VST as required. Players starting below seven may either opt to fail the resultant derangement roll or draw as appropriate, losing humanity in background does not automatically stop the chance to gain a derangement.

As a rough guide:

  • New vampire – 6 or 7
  • Neonate (up to 50 years) – 5
  • Ancilla (Up to 150 years) – 4 or 5
  • Elder (150+ years) – 4

Vampires at humanity three (3) or below are considered to be extremely rare at the start of play. Note that this means vampires that wilfully murder humans are not frequent, at least to start with. If the concept is appropriate, individual characters may discuss with the VST to have a different starting level of humanity to the norm.


Basic Firearms are Low approval in Canberra as opposed to Mid (Universal Addenda Section IX.B.1.a)

Approval Form

The preferred approval form can be found here.

Approval Requirements

Those going for Mid or higher approval levels are generally required to owe at lest two other PC's boons of at least a minor level. This is to encourage the prestation economy and create ties.

Bloodline holders are expected to make links with other members of the bloodline in the chronicle as far as is reasonably practical, with an understanding they are to be considered a point of contact for those desiring to join the bloodline in game or with incoming characters.

Proxy Rules

Proxy rules are as per the Addenda.

Barring proxies that involve combat, un-detailed proxies are accepted on the condition they clearly state:

• The character’s that are involved

• Their intentions

• Method of travel (Appropriate level allies can be substituted here)

Air Travel: Flights originating from outside Canberra will ordinarily land at the Canberra Airport

Rail Travel: Rail services existing in Canberra can be viewed here. There is one rail line operating between Canberra and the rest of Australia.

Road Travel: Canberra has some of the best and worst roads in the world (mostly the best).

Local Proxies: Follow the same rules. They must be cleared ahead of time by the ST chain. On the spot Proxies will not be approved.


Experience Awards

Potential XP awards each month are as follows:

  • Character attendance: 4/month
  • Downtime/Game Report: 2/month
  • Feedback: 2/month
  • ST Discretion: 2/month

XP claims must be made on a downtime.

New Players

Those new to the club get full xp for their first six months of games so they are not penalised while they are still learning how the process works.


An in game Media release will be done prior to each game, detailing the local news available. Characters with appropiate status/allies/retainers can impact the news appropiate to the level of the relevant merit(s).

As a rough indicative guide:

1 - Knowledge of how much of a story is disingenous from the reporting point

3 - Put out a major local headline

5 - Stop or completely alter a major headline (i.e. Change "Peaceful Protest Against Inflammtory Local Government Policies" to "Quiet Riot: The Silent but Violent MInority Ruining Our City")


The minimum requirements for a downtime are:

  • Experience claimed and what for
  • Any experience spent
  • Answer to feedback questions

Downtime Actions

Downtimes actions are governed as per the Minds Eye Theatre book. To clarify:

  • Characters receive a downtime action per dot of resolve, per game period.
  • Retainers have their own downtime action in an area applicable to their type (i.e. A bodyguard retainer cannot act as a lawyer)
  • Allies have their own downtime action in their specified area.
  • Downtime hits are disallowed

Downtime – Spending Experience

Training actions are not required, the only limit (Outside of approvals or specific learning requirements, such as a teacher) is the amount of available experience.

The only way experience spends will be approved is via email to the VST Canberra address. Experience spends will not be approved at the session unless previously discussed with the VST.

Downtime - Feedback

Feedback XP is added to encourage it. Every so often there will be a question sent with the Downtime reminder for the feedback portion of the sheet. This is to help me make the game suit you; it’s more fun for everyone that way.

Late Claims

Experience can be claimed and spent after downtime periods have expired within reason. Such retro-active downtimes will not have pro-active actions approved (For instance, time spent training/researching/and so forth is fine, stalking PC’s is not).

Due Date

Downtimes are due the week prior to the game, at times an exception will be made for unexpected circumstances.

A reminder email will be sent two weeks prior to the game, which will also detail Ascendancy and Eminency for the month, as well as that month's feedback question.