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All characters starting about rank 1 are required to purchase there rank with flaws, bans and battle scars, these items do not provide any other benifit in character creation (e.g. if you take enemy flaw you do not get creation xp), these flaws can go above the 7 max from creation.

Rank Costs Fostern 5 Adren 15 Athro 45

Point Buy The only avaliable battle scars for point buy are listed below

Class Type Points Restriction
Battle Scar Cosmetic Damage 1 Effects as per 191 Laws of the Wild
Battle Scar Improper Bone Setting 1 Effects as per 191 Laws of the Wild
Battle Scar Broken Jaw 1 Effects as per 191 Laws of the Wild
Battle Scar Missing Eye 1 Effects as per 191 Laws of the Wild
Battle Scar Gelded 1 Effects as per 191 Laws of the Wild
Battle Scar Collapsed Lung 2 Effects as per 191 Laws of the Wild
Battle Scar Missing Fingers 3 Effects as per 191 Laws of the Wild
Battle Scar Maimed Limb 3 Effects as per 191 Laws of the Wild
Battle Scar Spinal Damage 5 Effects as per 191 Laws of the Wild
Battle Scar Brain Damage 5 Effects as per 191 Laws of the Wild

Derangement (Maximum 2) 2 Permanent Spirit Bans Minor Ban (Max 3) 2 Medium Ban (Max 3) 3 Major Ban (Max 3) 4 Misc Dark Secret (as per flaw) 3 Enemy (as per flaw) Half Rating of Flaw

Bans All Bans are to be ongoing,a Medium Ban is something not necessarily difficult but likely to have repercussions, e.g. a ban about never accepting help, or you must always steal not purchase, never sleep in the same place twice. A major Ban is something far more difficult to uphold, it should make it difficult to make deals with other spirits due to pacts previously made. Always submit to servants of Falcon (if you are a bone gnawer) or never wield a weapon (for a glasswalker)