Yegor Zadorozhny

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Template:PC Summary Requiem

"Need something done? Why not Yegor?"

Personal Information


Yegor is a dishevelled looking man, who commonly wears track suits, sports gear and hooded jackets. While not unclean, he usually smells strongly of alcohol. He is rarely seen without some form of skull mask, and he has several to choose from. Black is his favoured colour for clothing, but not exclusive. Often he has a bottle of vodka on hand or nearby (sometimes with blood in it)


Yegor is a dodgy russian. He has a thick accent and often doesn't quite understand some language specific sayings. He is normally friendly but can get quite loud quite quickly. He loves working things out, and is a skilled detective. He happily takes jobs from people, for payment, though he prefers to use his own methods fir reaching the desired outcome.Often drunk, he has a habit of feeding from intoxicated people.

Information Known by Kindred Society

Known Sire

Known Childer


Quotes By

Quotes About

"Sneaky fuckin' Russian" - Eddie Chandler


"Quote" - reference


Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Conan
Number: AU2013050007
Domain: Sydney