Archived-The Clan

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The Clan 1.jpg

"What is below, stays below. That is the Law."

It's an undeniable fact.
Some kindred are born more monstrous than others. More cursed.
Those embraced or adopted into The Clan understand this more than most.
They revel in their condition and seek to develop in strength and/or influence.

The rules of The Clan:

  1. What is below, stays below. Internal disputes are dealt with internally
  2. Always aid those of The Clan in need. What's mine is yours
  3. No Invictus or Lance. As covenants they are too closed minded
  4. Need a few more. Happy for suggestions

Meet the Creeps

  1. Undisclosed NPC who embraced Mr Hobbes on one of the lesser Antiles Islands
    1. Mr Hobbes sewer dwelling monstrosity of the Ordo Dracul
      1. Childer
      2. Avused etc
    2. Adopted
      1. Childer
        1. Childer
      2. Etc