Chris Wavefall

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Chris Wavefall
Seeming: Uncertain
Kith: Archived-Unknown
Court: Loyal Court
City: Brisbane
Title: None
Entitlement: None
Group: The Hunters
Player: NPC
Storyteller: Brisbane VST


Chris wavefall2.jpg

Personal Information

A beautiful woman is impossible to describe, or at least that is how Chris makes you feel. As every description of her varies ever so slightly, all that can be agreed on is that she is beautiful. Hair colour, eye colour, height, shape all seem mutable features, even Seeming and Kith are hard to pin down.

With one of those voices that you just don't want to believe could be lying to you and the knack to always say just the right thing, Freehold Lost are warned never to trust any beautiful woman they encounter as it could be Chris trying to lure you to your doom, like the Siren she is.


Mask: Subtly different every time, always beautiful.

Mien: Also subtly changed, but usually has the unearthly, underwater beauty of the mythological Siren.

Mantle: Shadows seem to thicken when they fall on Chris, covering her slightly more.


Chris has an agreeable personality, melancholy at times, whimsical at others. She is the damsal in distress, the mistress ready to dominate you, all you know is that everything she says is a lie, even if you can't bear to believe it.

Mortal World

In the real world Chris has proven to be very difficult to follow, little is known other than the fact that she seems to frequent the city area.

Information Known by Lost Society

A beautiful, charming and delicate creature. Chris evokes lust and possessive protectiveness in those she meets, distracting you with her wiles. Keep yourself steeled against her charms and you will be safe.


  • 2008 - Lures three Lost into Loyalist capture by convincing them that she was a prisoner, being forced to help them against her will. It turned out to be a trap, this tale is proof she is dangerous.
  • 2013 - She continues to help lure out the scared new Lost with honey coated lies, to this very night.


The Archerfield Loyalists have at least thirty changeling. Jack's particular group of hunters includes;

  • Jack Rover - Ferocious Beast Hunterheart, master trapper and hunter.
  • Grant - A Stonebones brawler, not much of a talker, but hits like a train.
  • Greg Weisman - A darkling lurkglider, a gargoyle like man. Genuinly seems unhappy with what he's doing.
  • Elise - A spider skitterskulk, sensual and deadly. You never see her coming until you feel the bite.
  • Tyson - A mist elemental, a beautiful charming man. Very hard to dislike.
  • Cain - Little is known about this wizened.


Quotes By

"Please... You have to help me. They have my daughter, I can't say much, they'll suspect something if I'm gone too long, will you help me?"

"Oh my, you're so strong... and handsome"

"Follow me, I know someplace more private for us to get... acquainted."

Quotes About

"I see something so similar in her...something I don't like."
- Erebus darkly reflecting on the loyalists.

", I know her, I talked to her, she cleaned my wounds when they hurt me, she was my friend!"
- Briar, on being told Chris was one of the bad guys.


"Quote" - reference


  • She isn't lying, they really do have her daughter, it was a mistake what happened when they tried to save her.
    • That's the kind of willful ignorance that got Matt, Pig and Rose taken. She's a dirty liar and a Loyalist, think with your brain.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Information

Character ties with NPC's are 100% welcome, as long as you can come up with an interesting story to share.

Member Information
Player: NPC
Number: ---
Domain: Brisbane