Serena King

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You know you have encountered something special when a group of undead that routinely consume the blood of the living and enslaves mortals, consider one of their own to be unreasonably callous and cruel. Such a creature goes by the name of Serena King. Without question the most reviled Kindred in all of Perth.

Serena is no more than fifteen years embraced but has earned infamy with startling alacrity. A sociopath in the truest sense of the word, she disregards the law and social order entirely and without remorse. In the court of Prince Marius, Serena was consistently being reprimanded for speaking out of turn and offending her betters. She would scream and cause such immense commotion that she was banned from court, formal gatherings and even beaten into torpor several times. Most notably during a Daeva salon, Serena took a kitchen knife to the faces of three of the host’s favoured retainers in response to what she declared “an insufficient praise of the effort she had invested into her attire”. Serena earned thirty burning lashes, and the nickname “The Bitch of Knives”.

In time, Serena learned to limit her outbursts to more accommodating environments. Unfortunately, those environments tended to be the parties of any court member that did not hold office. Serena would arrive despite lack of invitation and, without fail, drama and trouble ensued. It was during this period that Serena’s talent for the games of the dance macabre became apparent. She took to Kindred politics like a duck to water, and applied her skills to devastating effect.

Serena’s list of enemies grew steadily over the years. Naturally, she never took responsibility for the sheer vitriol she inspired in others, instead, loudly dismissing their hatred as petty envy. Serena soon established a clique of wayward neonates. Being a part of Serena’s clique meant you were protected from the attentions of those looking for easy prey. More importantly, however, it meant you would no longer be a target for Serena herself.

Through some miracle, Serena survived long enough to see Marius lose the city to the Brotherhood. She was amongst the first to applaud their ascendancy. It was during this time that Serena’s sire disappeared, yet Serena carried on, her stride unbroken if not longer than before. It was Prince Kardyva himself that recognised and sought to utilise Serena’s talents. So long as she respected his rule, and his law, she would act as his Harpy.

Serena in unquestionably mad and entirely without conscience. Should she ever feel neglected or in any way slighted, things begin to go horribly, horribly wrong. The application of her powers as Harpy is more often a reflection of who she considers popular in kindred circles than who upholds tradition. More often about who throws the best parties than who protects the masquerade. Slights against her Prince, however, earn Serena’s full and undivided attention. She may be crazy, but she is no fool. She knows that The Brotherhood’s fall would spell her doom and so she defends them viciously and without remorse. More than a few kindred have fallen as a result of underestimating Serena. Such falls, are never, ever graceful.