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Breed: Homid
Auspice: Theurge
Tribe: Bonegnawer
Honour: ••
Wisdom: ••••• ••
Rank: Adren
Sept: Ronin
Pack: Ronin
Player: Rene Leahy
Storyteller: Steve Doyle

Name: Macca "Watches-the-In-Between"

Tribe: Bone Gnawer

Breed: Homid

Auspice: Theurge

Sept: Ronin

Pack Totem: Mouse

Rank: Adren


Macca’s history according to Macca

  • Family where some of the first Swagmen in Australia and is just continuing on his families tradition, Waltzing Matilda is about his great grandfather and his fight with a fallen garou farm owner
  • His family reinvented much of the Bone Gnawer rites into Australian versions, even though many of them were lost when his father died
  • He was raised by his Mother and her husband but his real father was a modern day swagman.
  • His father went from job to job, and visited him once a year; he had a lot of different women on his routes and a lot of children.
  • Mother did not want him to leave, but he ignored her threatening to tell her husband who his real father was.
  • Had his first change on his first trip with his dad, was a messy affair with a Fomori house wife
  • Dad died in Canberra trying to rescue a bus load of kinfolk, before Macca became a cliath
  • Inherited the family fetish (an old ute), and took over his route, the same spirit has served his family for generations in different vehicle fetishes
  • Has allot of children across Australia from his trips, gives them each a toy magpie (the football team) and a fetish
  • Works in trade for things, e.g. will fix your car for petrol, help move your cattle to the sale yards for a cow.
  • Does not like to take charge, just drops into places says hello then disappears
  • Has made allot of connections with Australian spirits around the nation, although is not really friends with any of them particularly

Suspected Children

  • Underfeet
  • Col

Information Known by the Spirits

Deed Names:

“Uninvited Aid” Rite of Passage
“Guardian of the Forgotten” Fostern Challenge
“Watches the in Between” Adren Challenge

Renown Stories

Macca has lost nearly as much honour and glory as he has gained for his deeds, a guardian and protector in the places forgotten by the Garou nation. His dedication to uphold his oaths to the spirits is legendary, but so is the distrust he has earned for trickery and subterfuge when dealing with other Garou in order to ensure there assistance. As self-appointed watcher of the forgotten places he has launched solo crusades against the wyrm time and time again which he has barely survived. But these acts have nearly been eclipsed by the scandals from when he has refused to help other Garou believing his duty to the forgotten was more important. Below are some of the stories the spirits know.

  • (+3x W) Tagged along with a group of other cubs in Sydney on their rite of passage, helped them out in figuring out what was causing the pollution on a beach in the southern part of Sydney (group of formori dumping waste at night from a local factory). Made a deal with some rat spirits to help track the formori back to their factory. Den mother decided that Macca was deserving of being a cliath even though he had not been originally a part of the rite of passage. Earned the spirit name ‘Uninvited Aid’
  • (+W) While stopped over in Goulburne helping out on a farm, sensed something wrong in town while he was at the pub. On further investigation tracked down a bane nest in the local truck stop but there were too many to fight. Instead he tricked the banes into chasing him down to the local dam where he had already cleansed the water.
  • (+W) Not yet an Adren Macca did not join the higher ranked Australian Garou when the disappeared overseas, but as he moved across the nation he felt the vacuum of their absence. The few that returned where broken in many different ways, one of them was the Elder Bone Gnawer Theurge Hive Eater, she had been known to keep up to Ahourn in a fight. Perhaps that’s why the depression of her broken body hit her so hard. A call went out for high ranking Bone Gnawers to attend her right of the winter wolf, so Macca rocketed up to her sept. But as he stood watching the rite he began to worry about all the knowledge that would disappear with her, and as he struggled to name another senior member of his tribe he finally screamed disrupting the ritual. Hive Eater growled a Macca demanding he leave her to go die, but finally acceded to his arguments and promised to remain until till she had taught all she knew only if he promised to make the same oath. So she summoned a spirit of falcon and the ban was placed upon both of them.
  • (+W) Frustrated at losing ground to the Wyrm time and time again Macca sought out to recruit more Garou to become Road Warders like himself, but he quickly discovered that he was the abnormally among his kind. His next attempt was to create a Network of kinfolk, and while he got a lot of information often it had little to do with what was actually happening in the umbra, and by the time things crossed the gauntlet they were often too difficult to deal with by himself. Finally he create a network of spirits across the nation, it took him several years to build, and they enforced a very specific ban, he must always speak the truth to spirits, and pass on the truth of what spirits have said.
  • (+W) Knowing he was nearing his Adren Challenge Macca sought out an Adren Theurge known then as Pantsanphy Catalyst, she laughed at his old clapped out Combi Van and offered the seemingly simple challenge, to test to see if he was ready to do his Adren challenge; renew your family deal with the spirit of the Car. The spirit of travel was happy to upgrade its home having been in the van for many years, but it had its eyes set on something that flew. While somewhat confident he might get his hands on some type of light plane, it would limit his ability to travel. After allot of debate and to Macca shame (being a holden man) it was agreed a Ford Falcon Ute would be his compromise.
  • (+G) It was only an hour after completing his impromptu rite of passage did Macca face his first wyrm threat as a cliath. He had hopped onto the Federal highway when he noticed combi van was running low on fuel, too drained from the rite of passage to fill it up himself, he had to take the exit to Picton. As he entered the town he instantly knew something was wrong, a maze of streets twisted towards the centre of town which was on top of a hill which a huge BP sign stood. It took only minutes to get to the Petrol station and fill up the combi, twice that long to find something to trade to the attendant for fuel. But it wasn’t till he start to drive out of town did he understand the trap, every time he neared where he thought the exit was, he would make the turn and find himself back near the BP station, with each attempt the smog covering the town appeared to grow darker. After 3 attempts he finally pulled over, he was confident he could get out if he stepped sideways and went off road but could he leave the trap in place. With a sigh he turned around and drove back to the petrol station, flooring the van he let her leap into the umbra and hoped to Gaia that there would be something to run over. 4 seriously injured banes later and the desperate need for a new set of tyres Macca leapt out of the van intent on binding the wyrm creatures into a bottle of Evian. Three quarters way through the ritual the big mother arrived, its smoke like tendrils slowly wrapping around Macca and started melting his fur and skin, not willing to let his prisoners go he battled on with the ritual barely controlling his growing rage in check. When finally he felt the chains lock together he took a breath and let his frenzy take control, when he finally could make sense again he was in the realm, a bottle of Evain lying next to him and a burning petrol station.
  • (+G) After narrowly avoiding death in Bendigo, Victoria from a very large greed bane and its formori minions he went out seeking allies to return and destroy the bane. He returned with a small force of Shadowlords (after making a deal with their packs Totem Spirit Grandfather Thunder) which he lead on to defeat of the bane.
  • (-G) Happened to be visiting the major sept in Northern Territory of Australia while they were battling a powerful hive. While Macca helped out the local Garou with talons, and making deals with local spirits he refused to join a pack attack the centre of the Hive. His response when asked was “While you might feel like committing suicide today, I have a duty to project the forgotten and their aint no other who is prepared to do it.” A scandle was called upon Macca after the pack died during the attempt.

  • (+H) During his fostern Challenge Macca was asked to recover something lost to the Garou Nation, he struggled for a month or two searching for a forgotten Caern, searching his foes bodies for fetishes lost to the Garou. While enjoying a delicious roast dinner after doing some yard work for an elderly kinfolk, inspiration hit him as he listening to a news report about a child found in the bush. Leaping out of his chair he left through the reflective screen of the old TV and into the umbra and began summoning a lune. The first lune said it couldn’t help him but offered that larger member of his choir might be able too, and offered to lead him on. The deal Gaffling offered was simple, if it was going to send out lunes to look for lost kinfolk Macca better promise to go save everyone they found, and promise to always help kinfolk. Macca accepted the Ban and hunted down and rescued 20 kinfolk over the next 3 months exclusively.
  • (+H) Macca had lost the scent of his prey, a formori who had been murdering his way across Australia. He hated losing the trail but it happened time to time so he put his head to the ground and listened to the barking chain. These rumours where hit and miss, and the one he heard that night turned up false led him to happen to be in the same town as (PC Name) when his first change happened. It was a bloody affair with half a dozen people dead and the police had arrested (PC Name). It was obvious to any Garou it was definitely a first change, and it was only a matter of time before (PC Name) would frenzy again but this time in a police station shattering the Veil. Thanks to rats help with stealth it wasn’t difficult sneak into the crime scene and drop a couple of things he had picked up during his hunt pointing the police towards his Formori on the run. Sitting in his combi van he waited for the newly changed Garou to be released, the confused newly awoken Garou wasn’t too difficult to convince getting out of town was the best move and Macca dropped him off at a nearby sept.

Rediscovered Australian Bone Gnawer Rites

Rite of the BBQ: As per Rite of the Pizza, although updated to use a mobile phone

Rite of the Swag: Acts in all ways the same Rite of the Cardboard Palace except can be used with a swag or similar camping implement.

Rite of the Hangover: as per rite of the crash space but works with a swag or other camping equipment.

Rite of the Eski: The same as Rite of the Shopping Cart but used with an Eski.


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Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Rleahy]
Number: AU1998100244
Domain: Canberra