Archived-The Accolade

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The Accolade

Rituals and Ceremonies of the Black Cross

Accolades are usually performed annually in anniversary of the formation of the Order.


The Order of Knighthood Ceremony is highly ritualised. It starts with a Days Vigil in the Dark Chapel. During his last day as a Knappe he prepares for the vigil by ritual bathing and praying - the body needs to be thoroughly cleansed as a symbol of purification.


The Knight wares a black vesture to symbolise damnation covered by a red robe which symbolised nobility. His shoes and hose are black which symbolised death.

The Ritual

A sword and shield are placed on the altar. The Knight knelt or stands at the Chapel altar, in silent prayer, for ten hours.

The Adoubement Ceremony or Accolade


In the evening he is joined by others to hear Mass and a sermon on the duties of a knight.
The Cardinal stands at the altar, the Sponsors stand before it
Cardinal: When the Theban Legion went to battle, God was with them. This is how Daniel caused the Theban Legion to become the wrath of God: the battle was turning against the Romans. The angel Amoniel appeared to Daniel, and said, “Get up in fear and trembling, Daniel, and fight.” Daniel awoke, and the sunlight did not harm him. He drove back twenty men of Burgundy with tooth and fist, and raised his arms, and blackened the sky.
He called Mauritius to his side, and blessed the man’s spear, making it cursed like the Spear of Longinus.
Behind the Spear of Mauritius, the men of the Theban Legion rallied and won the battle, and the few men of Burgundy who escaped alive ran in terror.
After the battle, the Emperor told their commanders to tell the men to sacrifice to the gods of Rome. But the men of the Theban Legion would not sacrifice to the gods of Rome, because they believed that an angel sent from God had fought beside them, and had blackened the sky, and shown them a Spear around which they could rally.
The Emperor commanded time and time again, executing scores of men who refused him. But the Theban legion stood devout until the very last man was slain.
I bless this blade and shield in the name of God, Longinus, St Daniel and St Maron of Icaria
Cardinal passes the blade and shield to the Sponsors
Hochmeister enters
The Sponsors takes the sword and shield and hands them to the Hochmeister
The Sponsors leave
Hochmeister proceeds to the head of the alter, the Cardinal stands aside
Knappe enters flanked by the two Sponsors and they proceed to the foot of the alter
The Sponsors stand aside and the Knappe kneels
Sponsor: Most Honourable Hochmeister (Name) We present to you the worthy Knappe (Name)
Hochmeister: Has she/he stood the days vigil in silent payer?
Sponsor: She/he has Hochmeister
Hochmeister: Has she/he been cleansed in the sacred blood and oils
Sponsor: She/he has Hochmeister
Hochmeister: Very well, Knappe you may make the oath of the Order of the Black Cross
Knappe: I hereby swear fealty to the Spear of Longinus; To ever be a damned knight, without fear in the face of my enemies, brave and true to my purpose, champion of pure souls, sanctifier of blood.
Thus swear I, (Knights Name).
Hochmeister: You take this oath under no less penalty than the eternal torment of torpor by the slicing of the neck with a sword, the removal of your entrails, exposing them to the scotching rays of the sun and the impaling of your corps on a spear as a warning to other heretics and heathens.
A knight must fulfil most faithfully his duties and always, he must be the champion of pure souls a sanctifier of blood.
Know that to wear the cross and chain of a Knight/Dame is to hold a sacred trust; that the obligations of knighthood will demand your efforts every moment of your damnation.
Sponsor hands the Knappe a black cross on a chain
Hochmeister: Bear your sword and shield with strength, so that you might strike down the foes of God and defend the just and righteous.
Hotchmeister hands the Knappe a sword and shield
Hotchmeister taps the Knappe on the shoulders and head with his own sword
Hochmeister: Bear these blows and no others. Rise, Sir Knight/Dame’s Name.