Archived-The National Channels

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Communication Shall be Our Defence

The first telegraphs were installed in Australia in 1853. A trip from Europe to Australia could take as long as six months. Orienteering across the rugged Australian terrain was nigh on impossible. For over fifty years the Kindred population of Australia were isolated, cut of from what they considered civilised society. Not only from the rest of the world but from each other. Their number where scarce. They were extremely vulnerable.

In order to protect themselves pioneers from the Five Great Clans and Covenants devised unique ways of communicating across vast distances so that the Kindred of Australia could remain connected and aid one another in the case of external threat. It was though this method that the Kindred of Australia Endured.

Ordo of Dracul

TBC A ley-line chatter box


TBC Revenant Family

Lancea Sanctum

TBC Legates with a Variation on the Theban Inscription

Circle of the Crone

TBC Variation of Drops of Destiny


TBC Underworld Network, Homeless Network


TBC Variation of Cacophony Listening


TBC Variation of Bleak Annals


TBC Variation of Lordly Palette


TBC Variation of Dream Visions


TBC Variation of Rose and Thorn

OOC How to Connect

To connect to the National Channels the Player must have a sanctioned character with the relevant Clan or Covenant status.
Then Simply visit the following links to subscribe to the mailing lists and start posting.