Lucy Mavorick

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Personal Information


Lucy looks dresses and acts like a little girl. She can be seen wearing 'Cute' outfits while carrying around a stuffed owl named 'Buckwheat' and a penguin backpack named 'Leonardo DePenguan'. She has brown eyes and long dark brown hair that is always up held in place by a bow.


Lucy has many personalities, but the one being most prominent is that of a child. Most people dont realize that the personality they 'see' as Lucy isn't the real Lucy this is a dominant personality that is protecting her. This personality is that of a demented child with the need and desire to kill, but she would never harm an animal intentionally. They are her only real passion.

Mortal World

The only people in the Mortal world to lay eyes on Lucy are never able to tell anyone about her.

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1787 - Lucy was born in a small village in England where her mother died giving birth to her.
  • 1790 - Her father remarried a widow with a daughter 2 years older than Lucy.
  • 1803 - She was embraced by her Mama after she slaughtered her Father then her Step-Mother.
  • 1804 - Lucy had to kill the one thing in her mortal life she loved.
  • 1805 - Her Mama took her back to France with her.
  • 1850 - Lucy watches from a wooden box at the end of her bed as another Vampire drinks her Mama to death, but in Lucy's head her Mama is alive and has only been taken by the man.
  • 1850 - Lucy begins her search for her Mama following the man, across mountains, dessert and seas in her search, always arriving just too late.
  • 2014 - Lucy arrives in Brisbane in search of the man that 'took' her Mama. She knows he's still here.

Recent History


  • JUL - Lucy arrives in Brisbane by boat and finds a nice place to nest in the basement of hospital.
  • AUG - She somehow arrives at a Vampire court and meets other Vampires for the first real time. She makes really close friends with Scotty and Victor Creed with their help she starts to investigate the 'Fairy Tale Killer' this is when she predicts his next murder. Lucy also takes a liking to Ian Darro
  • SEPT - Lucy gives Ian Darro a gift but her gift goes horribly wrong and both Scotty and Victor Creed end up offers her to come and live with them so that she can be safe.
  • OCT - Lucy tries again to give Ian another gift which he accepts this time.


Known Sire

  • Known only as Mama

Known Siblings

  • None Known

Known Associations


  • Scotty - Gangrel, Close Friend

He was Lucy's first real friend in court, he spoils her while also caring for her.

Lucy has a fondness for Victor and sees him as a mentor since they share quite a few common interests.

Aurelia was put in charge of Lucy when she arrived but Lucy did not feel that she fit into her high end lifestyle

Lucy has a liking for Ian as someone she sees closer to her age, even she has no idea what she feels for him.

Lucy likes Peyton and if she is not with Scotty or Victor she is with Peyton.


  • The man who took her Mama.

If she finds him she will kill him.


"She's a beautiful rose... just be careful not to prick yourself on the thorns." - Scotty

"Lucy is nice, she's a little sweetie really.... Just don't touch that damn owl of hers... And she won't massacre your family" - Aurelia

"Lucy has a rare skill set and once she is properly focused she'll be a major asset to this city." - Victor to the Prince while discussing her alleged low humanity.

Quotes By

"Its full of eyelashes, that is why it's so soft"
- Lucy says as she holds up her stuffed owl Buckwheat.

"Lucy, Lucy quiet and cutesy how does your garden grow? With petticoats and the blood from their throats And all Mothers maids strung up in a row"
- Lucy sings to Buckwheat.

"Whats a Boon?" Victor tries to answer when Scotty cuts in "Oh..... so like a favor?"
- Victor is asking for a Boon and Lucy has no Idea.

"But Lucy thought that a boyfriend meant a boy that is your friend? Not someone you marry."
- Lucy is talking to Ian as he tries to explain what the meaning of girlfriend and boyfriend is to her and she is just not getting it.

Quotes About

"Why does he love you more, when he has me now?"
- Lucy's Step-Mother shouts as she beats her.

"Mama will always be there for you."
- Mama smiles at Lucy as they hold hands and walk under the moon light.

"(Nickname), 'would you kindly' quickly hide in the box for Mama?"
- Lucy's Mama says to her in a hurry as she opens the wooden box at the end of her bed.



  • She is the Fairy Tale Killer
  • She is Sabbat

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • Where is my mind.

