Davian Darko

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"We all have a dark side...mine is just more literal than others."

Davian Darko
Seeming: Darkling
Kith: Archived-Palewraith
Court: Winter Court ••
City: Brisbane
Title: None
Entitlement: None
Group: None
Player: Dallas Fogarty
Storyteller: Brisbane VST
Coming Soon.gif

Personal Information


Mask: A young male with black hair (streaks of blue on one side of the fringe) and a pale face with dark hazel eyes. He dresses in a style known as 'Emo'.

Mien:Cloaked by wisps of smoky shadow stuff that cover his entire body and always shifting. The irises of his eyes are nothing but a mass of undulating darkness and his skin has a habit of paling into near translucence.

'Mantle:A sense of a cold wind that also carries with it haunting whispers.


A very introverted and quiet individual, not a moment passes when he is not studying his surroundings and the people within it. He tends to stick to the corners of rooms and hope to not be noticed. Very sarcastic and dry. He was disillusioned and embittered by his life in the Mortal World, one can only imagine what he thinks of himelf now.

Mortal World

Though he still has a human family, Davian would be one of the first to tell you this isn’t as much of a connection to the Mortal World as some would think, he has yet to go back. There isn't anyway he would consider friends and as such he hasn't made much effort to integrate back into the Mortal World.

Information Known by Lost Society


  • 1987 - Born on the 12th of March
  • 1992 – His sister, Danielle is born
  • 2008 - Taken
  • 2013 - Escape


Capture It was the night of December 31st, 2008, New Year’s Eve. Davian’s parents had organised to host a party for the ending of the year and invited many friends and other relatives. Davian was expected to actually mingle instead of stay tucked away in his room as he’d prefer to do. Needless to say he was not having a very good time and envied his 16 year old sister who was staying at a friend’s house that night. Davian was able to extricate himself from the festivities for a moment and slunk outside to partake of a much needed cigarette, a practice his parents knew nothing about lest they punish the young man. He had only just lit up when a man from the party came out to join him. It was not someone Davian recognised, not that he was familiar with all of his parent’s acquaintances. He gingerly offered Davian what he called 'an exotic ciggy', it was definitely nothing Davian had seen before and thrilled at the prospectof preserving his own stash he happily accepted. How was he to know it was spiked, it didn't take the young man to realise something was wrong as his visiong became blurry and he lost feeling throughout body. At that point everything went black and when Davian woke up...well...he would have preferred to remain unconscious.

Durance Coming Soon


Coming Soon

Recent History


  • OCT – Escaped from the Hedge alongside a Polychromatic Fairest named Danny and after their interrogation were ingratiated into the community of the Brisbane Freehold.
  • NOV – Travelled with Danny, Lachlan and Iago to the Toowoomba Freehold.
  • DEC/JAN - Visited the Library and after offering Lizzy a story he read and learnt much on Changeling Lore.


  • JAN - Joined the Winter Court and chosen by Erebus to be his Silent Squire.
  • MAR - Became a founding member of the probationary Motley known as the Guardians of the Found and joined a small group in killing Neko's fetch.
  • JUL? - Became a member of the Corruptables Motley.
  • NOV - Attended a ball with the underworld elements of Brisbane as a plus one of Belladonna. During the evening he and a motley group accompanied Finnegan, the Shifter, to a meeting. They were approached and attacked by Werewolves. Davian's leg was injured during the fight. There was considerable confusion as some within the group revealed themselves to be Vampires whilst others, who initially aided the Werewolves, were revealed to be Mages. Eventually the Werewolves were killed but so was Finnegan. The Mages involved offered healing and reparation after the conflict.
 -Davian was present for discussions and negotiations began on the incident and about a new Concord.
 -Davian became Nemesis of the Freehold and by decree of the new Regent, Finn, and the other Lords of the Freehold he executed Danny as she had spent time with Goblins in the Hedge and was turning into one. Thus because she had broken her pledges she was deemed a threat to the freehold and a lost cause. Early the next morning he disappeared.


A member of the probationary Motley, the Guardians of the Found. A member of the Corruptables of the Information Network


Quotes By

"Clearly she isn't dead but...but she should be." about Cordetta

"Stay the fuck away from Danny!" To the Information Network

"Where you are going there will be lots of new friends to play games with all day long..." seconds before executing Danny.

Quotes About



"So who were you before?"

"Just a normal guy who liked to be left alone."

w/ Mother Lupa at a random moment during the night of 2013 Regent Election

"Did Belladonna and Spectre do the same thing to you when you escaped?"

"I got interrogated yeah."

"Doesn't that just make you want to rip their hearts out?"

"I certainly wasn't happy about it, but I prefer to do things a different way."

w/ Cordetta during a private conversation.


  • Apparently Davian knew something about some stirrings within the Autumn Court


  • Danny: She is in actual fact his younger sister, taken to Arcadia earlier the same year. Coincidence? Or something else? Since escaping however she has shown no sign of remembering him and Davian, for some reason, avoids revealing this fact openly (he has slipped up once much to Danny’s confusion, though ultimately it seemed of little consequence). As it became apparent that Danny was severely troubled and Davian was helpless he conceded defeat and responsbility for his sister over to members of the Autumn Court and the Oneiromancers, believing them capable of what he is not, looking after Danny.
  • Jax: Apparently Jax and his sister Haylee shared a Durance with Davian. This caused Jax to get rather fired up when he saw Davian, a reminder of what he went through. As such Davian is rather wary of this particular individual as he threatened to decapitate him and obviously Davian is rather attached to his head.
  • Sebastian Lund: Considering he and the rest of the House of Janus were the first to treat both Davian and Danny with the slightest modicum of decency he regards them slightly better then the others. Though still instinctively wary. Not too keen on the idea of the Favour he owes Sebastian for staying at the Tranquility Hotel, nor was he fond of the idea of Erebus being able to track him wherever he went. Now as time passed Davian barely regards Sebastian.
  • Spectre and the Information Network: Considering this was the one who interrogated him, and that he heard that Spectre, along with other members of the Information Network, having been paying considerable, unnatural attention to Danny he severely dislikes them. As events transpired Davian's view and understanding of the Chnageling Society and his own role changed and as such he is now a member of the Information Network.
  • Belladonna: It was a huge surprise to both Davian and Belladonna to discover they had a considerable amount in common and had many similar experiences. Eventually, despite his confusion, they became very close and are ow romantically involved.
  • Lachlan: Sees him as one of the more honest Lost and may even come close to trusting him.
  • Erebus: Friend and mentor. May need his assistance now more than ever.
  • Michael: Motley mate, confidant and friend, someone Davian knows he can depend on to have his back.

Treats pretty much everyone else with a cold indifference

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • Whispers in the Dark by Skillet
  • Falling inside the Black by Skillet
  • Without You by Breaking Benjamin
  • World So Cold by Three Days Grace and Mudvayne

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Incomplete
Number: Incomplete
Domain: Incomplete