Cyrus Skorra

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Personal Information

Real/Mortal Name: Brandon Skorra

Age: 31

Titles: None

Entitlement: None

Mask: A slim built man with black hair and brown eyes, dressed in black pants, leather jacket and black and green shirt.

Mien: Hair tightly pulled back, with skin transitioning to scales on his hands, around his slitted eyes and along where a snakes mouth would extend to, often mistaken for a smile when in fact it isn't.

Mantle: Autumn

Motley: The First Response

Known History


• Born: 13/04/84

• Capture: 31/10/00

• Escape: 01/02/15


Brandon was the eldest child of John and Robyn Skorra, and 8 years older than his sister Lee. John had taught his kids how to hunt and take down wild animals since they lived on a Reservation in Texas, USA. Lee was trained to use rifles whereas Brandon preferred the stealth approach and able to chase after animals that Lee was able to wound. His hunting method was exceptional, although at times as he crawled along the ground to stay out of line­of­sight would encounter the local wildlife head­on and come face­to­face with various rattlesnakes. They were the only things that ever scared him but his reflexes were able to avoid him from being struck. However on one occasion he wasn't fast enough.

Lee never went anywhere alone without Brandon by her side, but this time she was the one there for her brother as John got both kids and drove to the nearest hospital before it was too late. Brandon was gravely ill because the Rattlesnake involved delivered quite a bite, injecting a fair amount of venom. Because they were both home­schooled, Lee was allowed to stay with Brandon in the hospital without fear of missing out on the school­work that Robyn gave her daily.

After 11 days, Brandon full recovered just in time for Halloween. That night Lee's treat stash was forcibly taken by one of the bullies who went to the school in town and threw them down an embankment. Brandon was furious that somebody upset his sister, lunging at the bully, breaking the kids nose. Pouring out blood, the bully ran off as Brandon went down the hill to get Lee's treats...


With blood on his hands, Brandon crawled into the bushes to find the treats, but they weren't there as he was no longer in the real world but in the Hedge. He could hear the rattling of snakes draw closer and just as fear and anxiety overwhelmed him, he was dragged away into Arcadia by the pet snakes owned by the Fae named Cassius.

There in the Menagerie, Brandon was forced to feed the snakes everyday or be punished by slow bodily stretching on the torture rack. Because of the fear of snakes and the memory of being bitten, the snake­feeding had to be done fast and quite carefully. Over time, Brandon's skin had begun to fall off in flakes, new 'skin' would be underneath but in the form of scales and the shape of his eyes and pupils changed to accommodate the light. After almost 14 years what was Brandon did not exist anymore, turning into the exact thing he feared the most, adopting the name Cyrus.


After witnessing Jonathan Cross, Neko Nyan, Sesha and another escape the Zoo, Cyrus saw that leaving this place was possible afterall. The time for it wasn't right though. His opportunity came when a guard delivered the food that was to be stored for later feeding sessions. A split­second decision came to mind and he threw the entire lot of food into the snake pit, sending them into a mass feeding frenzy. Cyrus caught one of the snakes by the neck under his foot and ripped out both of its fangs to keep as souvenirs. As the guard tried to calm the situation down Cyrus saw this as the perfect opportunity, stabbing him in the neck with the newly acquired fangs. Cyrus then ran for his life out of the Zoo gates and into the Hedge.

Recent Events

The vetting process taught Cyrus not to be so trusting with other changelings as a cigarette was put in his eye during the interrogation. It has since healed and he joined the First Response Motley


Cyrus Skorra

Seeming ­ Beast

Kith ­ Venombite

Court ­ Autumn

City ­ Brisbane

Title – n/a

Entitlement – n/a

Group – n/a

Player – Tim Johnson

Storyteller – Brisbane VST