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Sect: Sabbat --
Clan: Lasombra (Masquerade) --
City: Brisbane --
Pack/Coterie: Bone Breakers
Title: Ductus
Sire: Unkown
Lineage: Unkonw
Embraced: 2001
Generation: Unkown
Player: Zac D
Storyteller: Brisbane VST
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Personal Information


Due to his close ties with many of the city's Tzimisce chirurgeons the exact specifics of Frederick's outward physical appearance changes from month to month or project to project. So far as clothing is concerned,Frederick generally has his Thralls select ensembles of various shades of black for him to wear while attending the esbats and monthly pack meetings, but of late he seems to be experimenting with splashes of crimson and scarlet. The surest way to identify him is by the very battered rosary he wears, and the call of a shared Vinculum.


Pious and fearful of the LORD, Frederick devoutly believes in the inviolable truth of his own irrecoverable damnation. That it is his destiny to serve his LORD in heaven by marching alongside the Sabbat headlong into the fires of perdition. His ultraconservative Catholic upbringing influences his actions to a far greater extent than what he has learned of conventional Sabbat doctrine, and it moves him to commit both his wickedest of atrocities and his increasingly rare acts of genuine compassion. To those who know him well, it is clear that some inner madness drives him mercilessly forward but he pointedly refuses to discuss it.

Mortal World

Given that he was born in Brisbane and was embraced in 2001 it stands to reason that Frederick should still have some family and friends living in the area. In truth he has completely turned his back on his old mortal identity to better concentrate on successfully building a new life serving within the Sword Of Caine.

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • Embraced in 2001.
  • Arrives in Australia in 2014.

Frederick claims to have been born in Brisbane, but to have been shanghaied into the Sabbat while doing missionary work in Singapore by a seagoing pack of Lasombra pirates who were on their way to participate in the Australian Crusade. According to Frederick his first pack was lost at sea off the coast of Queensland due to enemy action, and he believes himself to be the sole survivor of the ill-fated venture. After scrambling out of the Sunshine Coast surf sometime around midnight in early January 2015, Frederick fell upon the first suitable vessel with a ravenous appetite before slipping away into the night.

When Frederick first arrived in Brisbane he could be best described as mad, bad and incredibly dangerous to know or take advice from. However the implementation of martial law and the imposition of a nightly curfew has seen him gradually clean up his act. It would seem to a casual observer that when times get tough, Frederick gets going. If this trend continues he might actually graduate into a fully fledged asset to the Brisbane Crusade and the wider Sabbat movement.

Recent History

  • January 2014

Frederick is first sighted in Australia by Sabbat operating in the Gold Coast area. He passes through and heads to Brisbane.

  • February 2014

Frederick arrives in Brisbane and readily accepts an invitation to join Insanctis Peribat. Immensely charismatic and dangerously erratic, by the end of the night Frederick has convinced both his new Ductus Azazael and his Pack Priest Sebastian to commandeer a river ferry an enact one of the first open massacres of the Kine by the Sabbat in Brisbane. While his new pack tosses dead and wounded kine into the Brisbane river, Frederick cuts open his hand and pours his blood into the waters. The combination of blood, gore and thrashing bodies soon attract the attention of local sharks, and an enormously massive mutant albino crocodile. The pack manages to evade the crocodile when Frederick successfully manages to Dominate it back into the river. The arrival and pursuit by the police culminates in another massacre on a nearby bridge.

  • March 2014

Insanctis Peribat loses a valuable ground to Trashed Lost Strung-Out after they cheat at a game of instinct, the use of which was suggested by Frederick himself as a means to peacefully resolve the ownership of the disputed territory. The pack is forced to relocate to the front lines in Indooroopilly by Bishop Nancy of the Black Kiss. He also meets a young, impressionable Tzimisce by the name of Phillip. Frederick takes Phillip under his wing, but only after trying to palm him off on every other pack in Brisbane. The evening ends with Frederick being lucky enough to be standing outside of the warehouse as a massive police strike force rolls in and surrounds the building. From afar he watches the entire See stand down and flee in a humiliating rout.

  • April 2014

Insanctis Peribat dissolves in the temporary absence of Ductus Azazael. Most of Frederick's pack mates abandon the Brisbane Crusade completely. The Pack Priest Sebastian joins Black Kiss.

  • May 2014

Frederick arrives to the meeting stoned and drunk after a feeding attempt goes disastrously awry. As a consequence he gets very little done and remembers even less.

  • June 2014

Frederick forms up a new pack and grants himself the title of Ductus. He calls his new pack The Bone Breakers after the etymological meaning of the name of Brisbane. The only other member is the Tzimisce Phillip, who takes on the role of Pack Priest. Later in the evening, Frederick pulls together a handful of Cainites from across the packs of Brisbane and leads them on a rumbustious and chaotic assault on the household of a militant group of vigilantes who call themselves the Nightswatch. The targeted assault quickly spills out into open conflict as more vigilantes arrive, but the children of Caine are ultimately victorious over the children of Seth. During this engagement

Frederick meets the Pander Jonesy for the first time, and they fight back-to-back in pitch black darkness brought forth with Obtenebration. Afterwards he joins The Bone Breakers as a founding member.

  • July 2014

Using his wife and child as collateral, Frederick blackmails Ben into joining The Bone Breakers. Ben is a former member of the Nightswatch, and the newly embraced childe of his former Ductus Azazael.

  • August 2014

After Heinrich fails to properly seize and secure the Greek Orthodox Cathedral on Browning Street as a safe meeting place for the Sabbat, the building is assaulted by the Nightswatch. Frederick helps escort the Toreador Antitribu who was acting as the Cardinal's representative from the building. Frederick captures two of the Nightswatch agents using Obtenebration, while the Toreador Antitribu chases down and consumes the third. The surviving hunters are bundled off into the night by Lasombra Ancilla, Tye Jarlsson of Black Kiss. Frederick's adherence to the path of humanity begins to falter and buckle under the strain of serving so actively and for so long in the Sabbat.

  • September 2014

The assembled Pack Priests elect Hyena, formerly of Black Kiss but now of Crimson Steel to be the new Archbishop of Brisbane by default. All other candidates managed to disqualify themselves from contention, one way or the other. Bishop Nancy challenges Hyena to Monomancy through her proxy, Jared Jackson. While Hyena chooses his new Ductus Heinrich to represent him. Heinrich quickly and efficiently destroys Jared in a notably unfair, one-sided Monomancy. Frederick meets another Tzimisce who introduces himself as Alphonso, who after bonding with Frederick over a shared background in the Catholic clergy joins The Bone Breakers. Displacing Phillip as their new Pack Priest due to his superior knowledge of Sabbat spirituality.

  • October 2014

A Palle Grande is held, and an entire apartment worth of Kine are rounded up and slaughtered to provide enough vessels for a decadently wasteful Blood Feast. Hyena is officially anointed Archbishop in a blood bath. By the end of the evening Frederick is left holding onto his humanity by his very finger tips, and faces the choice of either embracing one of the Sabbat's paths of enlightenment or facing the very real possibility of descending into Wassail. The assembled Ducti are told that the Nightswatch is led by someone who calls herself the Oracle, and that she poses a grave risk to the Crusade's continued survival.

  • November 2014

Replete with all the trappings of a Catholic Mass, Alphonso holds a reading of the Book of Nod and invites the Sabbat of the Brisbane See to attend. Frederick is instructed by his Pack Priest to guard the entrance, and anoint each of the attendees with water from a sacramental cup. Two members of the Nightswatch manage to sneak past him with listening devices by masquerading as nomadic Sabbat, but are ultimately caught and killed. One is murdered by the Sabbat, while the last is taken out through a window by a waiting Nightwatch sniper.

  • December 2014

Mordecai of the Black Hand announces to The Bone Breakers that he will be joining them. The mass disappearances of police, security and governmental personnel during the G20 summit is finally enough to tip the city of Brisbane into outright declaring martial law and instituting a nightly curfew in the southern portion of the city. The Bone Breakers turn up to the meeting with a large number of strange, unfriendly Cainites, before Alphonso reveals himself to be Knight Inquisitor Ezekiel Alphonso Iona. He declares Archbishop Hyena to be an infernalist, and the entire See closes in to ensure his destruction after Hyena confesses his guilt and admits to the presence of Baali within the city. Mordekai attempts to stake him with arrows, but things go awry when Hyena summons a literal demon in response. The red-skinned horror seizes Hyena and claws it's way through the roof in an effort to escape with the Archbishop by taking to the skies. Dragging a good number of Cainites along with it. But ultimately the demon turns upon Hyena, casting him down. Hyena smashes through a ceiling, through a floor before finally smashing into the concrete floor of the basement. There he faces final death at the hands of a victorious Ezekiel, who has turned himself to lava using unknown blood magic. Frederick loses half his shovel-heads as they succumb to hungry frenzy and crawl into the fiery hell that consumes Hyena, and later loses half again to action by the Camarilla.

  • January 2015

Frederick keeps mainly to himself, meeting only his pack mates and a selected few allies from amongst the Sabbat. He foolishly attempts to open diplomatic relations with the Rokea on behalf of the Sabbat, but his attempts at parley are rebuffed and the Rokea attempt to murder him. He manages to escape pursuit by open flight through the suburb of Wynnum.

  • February 2015

Frederick calls the packs together on behalf of the Cardinal with the intention discussing the problems that confront the Brisbane See, including the election of a new Archbishop. While the problems are discussed, the process of organizing an election is derailed when most of the local Pack Priests either fail to turn up, or leave the meeting early. Later in the evening Frederick leads some of the members of Medvet' Blok on a successful operation on behalf of Mordekai of the Black Hand to recover both the bodies of Azazael and Thorne from the police and return them to their pack.

  • March 2015

Voices are raised and tempers fray when Frederick clashes with Aaron of Trashed Lost Strung-Out, before the intervention of his pack mates convinces Frederick to stand down. Mordekai seizes the position of Archbishop through displaying superior leadership according to a representative of the Cardinal. It is revealed that the Sabbat of the Gold Coast are having some trouble with some members going rogue, but the Brisbane See has so many problems of it's own that nobody seems to care. While Frederick is again caught flat-footed by Aaron when he nominates Frederick to contest the position of Bishop of War. He seems to accept Aaron's nomination somewhat reluctantly.

  • April 2015

The newly reforged blade of Caine proves to be far too much for the Nightswatch who had dug themselves in at 40 Lang Street, Sunnybank Hills. The Sabbat assault the building from all directions, before the Hunters realise that they're hopelessly outclassed and choose to sacrifice themselves in a massive explosion. Although there is significant collateral damage to the local civilian population in the vicinity, Sabbat loses are limited to a handful of aggravated wounds that were inflicted by enchanted silver bullets, and a single war ghoul. The victorious Sabbat return home to find further good news waiting for them, as Mordecai presents the See with evidence that he has tracked down and assassinated the Oracle herself. For his role in planning and executing the operation Frederick proves himself worthy of becoming a Bishop of Brisbane. Though he has started trouble with Trashed Lost Strung Out after he potently kicked Vulpe for disrespecting both Archbishop Mordecai and himself by disrupting the planning session.


Quotes By

"Hey. Wanna see a magic trick?" - Frederick quotes the Joker's line from the Dark Knight to an elevator packed full of mortals, before he subdues them with a dozen abyssal tentacles.

"I love how now that you're the center of attention you speak with such fluency and eloquence, Vulpe. Nobody is taken in by your child-like facade. Nobody with two brain cells to rub together at any rate. I don't care what you do, but stop disrupting my mission briefing!" - After potently kicking her Frederick struggles to maintain control over his beast whilst he shares terse words with Vulpe over her perceived disrespect to not only himself but also Archbishop Mordecai by her disruptive behaviour.

Quotes About

"Frederick? He seems to be the most competent cat herder the city has." - Report from Lionel Crabb.


"Then we can assume it will be a united sword of Caine that shatters the Camarilla blockade? Not the twelve pronged caltrop of Brisbane past exploding in different directions?"...

"Don't assume things Sasha.." conversation between Fredrick and Sasha on the cohesion of the February Brisbane See

"Quote" - reference



  • Both his former Ductus Azazael and his former Pack Priest Sebastian will only refer to Frederick as, “trouble”.
  • Frederick was suspected at one point to be an Infernalist or Baali infiltrator by his former Pack Priest Sebastian.

Known Associates

  • Knight Inquisitor Ezekiel He is well-liked, admired and respected by Frederick, but the same cannot be said for Ezekiel's immediate superior.
  • Mr. Jarlsson: While he might only be a Pack Priest, anyone who ignores Mr. Jarlsson does so at their own peril.
  • Archbishop Mordecai: Believed to be a stone cold killer of just about everything that has walked or crawled at one time or another. Frederick tries to bend his ear with what he feels is good advice whenever he gets the opportunity.
  • Jonesy: A refreshingly straightforward Pander with post-apocalyptic fashion sense.
  • Catriona: A young fledgling that was recommended to him by Mr. Jarlsson. Seems oddly wary of her for some undisclosed reason.
  • Phillip: While Phillip might not make it to as many gatherings as he once did, Frederick still counts him as a loyal ally.
  • Sasha D'Sabbat: – Of all the members of Medved Blok, Frederick has taken a shine to Sasha D'Sabbat.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

DAAS - Broad Lic Nic “And I And I dare any man here to call me a liar (Liar!), but I swear I've seen Ezekial, I swear I've seen Isiah, toasting marshmellows in Beelzebub's fire”

Blind Guardian – Poor Man's Crusade “Vicious and cruel, let's kill them all, let's kill them all. So we will slaughter in the name of Christ. Holy Father, Holy Father. All in all it's just a poor man's crusade.”

Iced Earth – A Question of Heaven. “I guess it's too late now to be with you. I'm extremely frightened of what will surely be. I sold myself, the death of me, I know you can't forgive me. I know I'm on my own.”

Lorde - "Everybody Wants To Rule The World" “It's my own desire. It's my own remorse. Help me to decide, help me make the most of freedom, and of pleasure. Nothing ever lasts forever, everybody wants to rule the world.”

Within Temptation – “Dangerous Mind” “I'm searching for answers, 'cause something is not right. I follow the signs, I'm close to the fire. I fear that soon you'll reveal your dangerous mind. It's in your eyes, what's on your mind. I fear your smile and the promise inside.”

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog – “On the Rise” “Any dolt with half a brain, can see that humankind has gone insane. To the point where I don't know if I'll upset the status quo, if I throw poison in the water main.”

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog – “Here lies everything” “Now the nightmare's real! Now Dr. Horrible is here! To make you quake with fear, to make the whole world kneel! And I won't feel. A thing.”

Father Alexander Anderson from Hellsing.


  • Initiated as a member of the Sabbat
  • Feared as Ductus
  • Lasombra as Lasombra


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Name
Number: 00000000
Domain: Domain