Morrigan McNamara

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Template:PC Summary Requiem

"Can't clown me, come round me --
bow down, I was C R O W N E D when they found me."

Personal Information

Morrigan is the sort of person to wear sunglasses at night because she thinks it’s cool, and say “swag” completely unironically. She’s about as personable as an aggravated bear, and tends to insult, glare, or snap her teeth at people rather than give a polite “hello” like a proper, functioning member of society.

  • Notable traits:
    • Protean (••••)
    • Inhuman Resistance (•••)


Morrigan McNamara is, perhaps, one of the trashiest looking Kindred in the Brisbane Court. Sporting a gold snapback and ripped, worn old clothing, she certainly lives up to her junkie reputation with her choice of attire. She has a mop of wild brown hair that likely hasn’t been brushed in weeks, and sharp yellow eyes, ringed thickly with black eyeliner.


Like many Gangrel, Morrigan isn’t exactly stellar when it comes to social graces. She has always felt as though her Beast lingers just under the skin – prowling, waiting for weaker or worthy prey to destroy. Those who are not members of House Valdyr are often treated with contempt, indifference, or hostility, despite her being only a Neonate. She is capable of civility when it is required, though she finds this difficult to maintain for extended periods of time. Morrigan is also known to be rather flirtatious, when she is not feeling aggressive.

After entering her first torpor in the wake of the Volmark-Valdyr battle, Morrigan awoke a different person. She claims that she is guided by Berengaria's shade, and has taken on a far more forward leadership role with the family. She is fierce and intense, and has lost much of her devil-may-care attitude.

Mortal World

In life, Morrigan was the kingpin of a drug empire operating in her home country of Ireland. She ruled over this enterprise with an iron fist – no dissent or failure was tolerated. Those that could not complete jobs, carry out orders, or heed warnings were brutally executed, the bodies only found when she wished to relay a warning to others beneath her rule. In early 2014, law enforcement managed to sink their teeth into the flesh of Morrigan’s empire – forced to flee Ireland, Morrigan came to Australia hoping to find the only blood relative that she knew to be alive – Eira.

Morrigan decided to lay low upon her arrival. She had a few contacts in Australia, but was largely alone. After a few months, she managed to strike up some business with the local Bikie gangs, manufacturing and selling various illicit drugs. She was still up shit creek, though no longer without a paddle. Three more months roll by, with still no sign of her cousin. Morrigan's shaky foothold quickly turned to crumbling stone when a drug deal went wrong. A rival gang arrived with an array of weaponry - a firefight ensued, and Morrigan was gunned down.

A bullet to the head was supposed to end her life that night - but a certain crow had kept his watchful eye upon her.

Recent History


  • May: - Arrives in Brisbane after fleeing Dublin.
    • Tries to find her cousin Eira, but there are few leads.
    • Morrigan is forced to lie low and live in abandoned houses to avoid any potential law enforcement interference.
  • June - Contacts a small number of her dealers in Brisbane, to begin cementing herself.
    • Starts doing business with local Bikie gangs.
    • Meets Muninn Whyte-Crowe for the first time. Unbeknownst to Morrigan, Muninn begins to consider Embracing her.
    • A violent fight occurs when a meeting with a gang goes wrong, and Morrigan is killed.
    • Saving her from death, Muninn Embraces Morrigan.
  • July – Morrigan’s training with her Sire begins.
  • September – Morrigan is introduced to the Valdyr family.
    • Finally, Morrigan is reconnected with her cousin, Eira.
    • Meets Vilrec for the first time, and finds him fascinating.
    • Attends her first Court gathering under the watchful eye of Muninn, Berengaria, and Eira.
    • Meets Prince Lothar for the first time, and is acknowledged.
    • Reconnects with Gawain, her rival in mortality, for the first time in four years.
      • Surprised to find that he has been Embraced, too.
  • October – Attends the Toowoomba and Brisbane gatherings.
    • Meets Vlad for the first time in Toowoomba. Instantly takes a liking to him.
    • Steals important documents from Gawain.
    • Attends the Brisbane gathering.
    • Victor is given the blood eagle and put into torpor.
  • November – Attends the Gangster’s Ball.
    • Brings along Gawain and Jeremiah Smithton as her bodyguards.
    • Kills a werewolf in the sewers, and brings the pelt to Berengaria.




Key Relationships

  • Eira (Blood Cousin)
    • Having known each other in their mortal childhood, Eira and Morrigan have an interesting relationship. The two often became boisterous and loud in one another’s company, and if left alone, tended to get into rather ridiculous situations for fun; one such incident involving a machine gun and a tower shield. Although Eira and Morrigan were seen to be somewhat hostile towards each other, they grew close after reconnecting, and cared for one another underneath the sharp exterior. After Eira's death, something within Morrigan broke. She was no longer the same - her Beast raged beneath the skin, howling for the blood of those that had hurt her family. Morrigan cares for little other than revenge for the pack.
  • Muninn Whyte-Crowe (Sire)
    • Muninn is a grounding power for Morrigan. They are notably quite similar – it’s not hard to pick out that she’s the childe of the Whyte-Crowe. She listens to what he has to say, and takes wisdom from his words. Morrigan thrives with the independence Muninn gives her, but is also very glad for his watchful eye.
  • Gawain (Lover)
    • The two have a very strong history together, carrying over from their mortal lives. Gawain and Morrigan used to be constantly hostile towards one another, often to the point of physical violence. The two have, in the past few months, grown very close to each other. Morrigan and Gawain have a habit of keeping one eye on the other at all times, should anything go wrong. It's obvious that the two are sleeping together, but their relationship runs much deeper than that.

(Left) Gawain & Morrigan

Other Relationships

  • Berengaria Lange ('Grandmother')
    • Morrigan very much adores Berengaria. She sees her as a role model, and aspires to be like her. She does not take kindly to people threatening or saying bad things about Bere, and will quickly jump to her defence. She heeds Bere’s words carefully, and is always there to listen to what she has to say. If Grandmother asks Morrigan to do something, she’ll get it done. In recent months, Bere and Morrigan have bonded further. Morrigan would lay down her life if it meant keeping Berengaria safe.
  • Vilrec Langlifr (Ancestor)
    • Morrigan highly admires and idolizes Vilrec. Due to her naïveté and almost bouncy eagerness to “learn to be a wolf” and become a stronger Vampire, Vilrec has called her a “little pup” several times. She is awed by his age and stories of the old times, and reverently listens to the tales he has to tell. Morrigan wants nothing more than to impress Vilrec, and make him proud.
  • Vladimir ('Uncle')
    • Morrigan took a quick liking to Vlad after meeting him in Toowoomba. Though she has only spent a short time around him, she is exceptionally fond of her affectionately-dubbed 'Uncle'. He seems to be able to make her smile more than most, and she welcomes his protectiveness gladly. Watching others squirm while he interrogates them always gives her a good laugh.
  • Nastasya ('Cousin')
    • Morrigan takes great delight in Nastasya's company. She'll look after her however she can, despite the fact that Nastasya's perfectly capable of handling herself. She would never oppose her cousin, and defends her whenever the situation calls for it, whether Nastasya is present or not.


Quotes By

- Said about six hundred times per Court gathering.

"In this Court? I'm next to no one. But I'm a no one that'll rip out your fucking throat."
- A promise from Morrigan, after Berengaria is threatened for attacking Charles Volmark.

Quotes About

None yet.


"So, where are yeh from?"
"Are yeh fuckin’ mute or sommin’?"
"You got as much personality as a wet rock, you do.”
- Morrigan to Rae Mundr.
"I want to learn to be a wolf!"
"Do you have any idea what that involves? Your skin peels away. Your bones break. Your entire body changes."
"I’m not afraid of pain."
"Pain has nothing to do with it, pup. There is so much more to it that you do not understand."
- Morrigan and Vilrec, at the Toowoomba Halloween party.
"I – I’ve got [coughs] bullets in my lungs – ow, it hurts --"
"...then heal it?"
"Righ’…" [coughs up a wad of bullets]
"Round two…?"
"Round two.”"
- Morrigan and Eira, after dicking around with a tower shield and a machine gun.


  • A few people seem to think she’s sleeping with Gawain.
  • She totally is.
  • Slept with Xander once, too.
  • Really, really hates Volmarks. That's obvious.

Inspirations and Soundtrack


  • 1 x Major Boon from Gawain, for bringing him as a +1 to the Gangster’s Ball

OOC Information

Maddie is the Queen of Swag.

Member Information
Player: Maddie Black
Number: 00000000
Domain: Brisbane