Raven Nightshade

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Personal Information

Template:PC Summary Requiem


With dark brown hair, that can look black at times and blue eyes Raven Nightshade tends to favour form fitting clothes but is not adverse to wearing flowing outfits too. She prefers purples and blacks but will wear reds and golds as well. She wears a necklace created for her by her sire Wade Grayson and the ring that shows she is part of the Guild of Artifice.


Raven Nightshade is easy going and kind to most she meets. She is good at hiding her true feelings about humans or kindred she meets.

Mortal World

Mortals know who she is as she gives concerts and hold regular night markets. The humans do not know that, the night markets is a ruse to get more of them out at night for the kindred to feed on them.

Information Known by Kindred Society

Raven was born in Glasgow, United Kingdom in 1936 to a moderately wealthy family. She missed the war herself but still felt the effects as her family lost her three elder brothers to it. She excelled in school and would sing whenever she could. At the age of 18 she was told she would be working in the fabric factory. Obviously distraught at the thought, she decided it was time she left home to do her own thing. She moved to London in 1954 without tell her parents she was leaving. It took a few months but, she eventually found a small club that would hire her as a waitress. This is where her love of Jazz was born. It takes a few years but she manages to convince the owner of the club to let her sing and on the night of her début (and her 21st Birthday) she meets her Sire Wade Grayson.

6 months after being embraced, she was alone again. Her sire having gone off to attend to business matters. 10 years passed and she met a human with whom she would share some companionship. He was a weapon smith and interesting enough that Raven would not get bored with him easily. Raven told her sire about Leo who decided that he would make a nice addition to the family and embraced him. Raven now has a body guard to help her when she does her concerts and shows. She only really trusted him and he would only really listen to her without question.


  • 1936 - Born in Glasgow.
  • 1954 - Moved to London to pursuit a career in Jazz singing.
  • 1957 - Embraced on her 21st Birthday, Continued to sing around the United Kingdom.
  • 2015 - Moved to Canberra, Australia.

Recent History

Known singer of mostly Jazz music but has recently started expanding out into most genres. She is well known in the United Kingdom with a growing fan base in Australia.


  • Unknown

Known Sire

Known Siblings

Known Childer

  • Unknown

Known Grand-childer

  • Unknown


Quotes By

Quotes About


Inspirations and Soundtrack


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Claire White
Number: AU2014120003
Domain: Canberra