Silent Legion

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Silent Legion.png
Silent Legion

Comprising the victims of Despair
Deathmarks: Hollow eyes, sunken cheeks, the pallor of inadequate rest and poor nutrition.

By Their Own Hands
"...with the exception of the small but vocal martyr demographic, [the Silent Legion] is made up of wraiths who so despised and feared their mortal existences that they found a total end to be better than any other alternative." - Wraith: The Book of Legions, page 15.

Membership in the Silent Legion

The wraiths of this Legion have all ended their own lives by direct action. Whether they have taken poison, jumped from a high place, hanged themselves or fatally shot themselves, they have all made a conscious decision to end their own lives. Many of them are displeased when they cross the Shroud and discover the Underworld and another existence of suffering.

Sometimes known as the Quiet, wraiths of this Legion often display palpable hopelessness; some transform this into almost suicidal commitment, in battle, in the Tempest or in Doomslaying. The smallest of the legions, the Silent Legion has a deserved reputation for subtlety and planning.

Silent Legion Lexicon

  • Jumpers: A wraith who attempts a second suicide after realising they are still "alive". Attributed to the most common form of second-suicide - jumping head first into a Nihil.
  • The Quiet: members of the Silent Legion, though not usually applied to the Martyrs
  • Shadow-Nudging: Subtle influencing of a mortal to take the fnal step of suicide. Frowned upon as a breach of the Dictum Mortuum as well as being a Shadow-friendly practice.
  • Steel-Martyr: Silent Legion members who volunteer to be soul-forged in order to find peace.
  • Wrist-Slitter: A derogatory term for a would-be Jumper who doesn't pick a suicide method that works in the Underworld.

Special Orders

  • Warriors of Lethe:
  • The Band of Quixote:
  • Angels of Angst:
  • the Bleak Legion:
  • The Ten Thousand: