Lex Magica of Adelaide

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This document is a DRAFT and contains information NOT YET ACCEPTED by the Adelaide Consilium

Gold Law

The Precept of Secrecy

The Precept of Secrecy is held true, and has been held true since the founding of the First Consilium. It demands that the existence of the Mysteries be kept secret, such that sleepers will not learn of it nor unawakened supernaturals glean its secrets.

The Precept of Recognition

The Precept of Recognition is held true, and has been held true since the founding of the First Consilium. It demands that any mage or cabal wishing to be protected by the Consilium must be formally recognized by the Consilium, and that any mage recognized by the Consilium is beholden to follow its laws and submit themselves to its judgements. It further deems that any formal declaration by the Consilium Council sets a precedent by which future judgements may be pronounced.

The Precept of Protectorate

The Precept of Protectorate is held true, and has been held true since the founding of the First Consilium. It demands that all mages and cabals may, at their discretion, disclose to the Consilium the location of their sanctums and in return those sanctums will be held sacrosanct under this Precept. It further demands that any recognized mage or cabal is beholden to respect the sanctity of any sanctum so protected, and not do any unsanctioned harm to it.

The Precept of Hubris

The Precept of Hubris is held true, and has been held true since the founding of the First Consilium. It demands that all mages recognized by the Consilium are beholden to follow a high standard of behaviour, such that they may be an example to the world.

The Precept of War

The Precept of War is held true, and has been held true since the First Consilium. It demands that any recognized mage may call for dispute resolution via duel, and that such a resolution may be sanctioned by the Council. This right extends to groups of mages.

Greater Protocols

Cabals within the Consilium may honour one or more of the Greater Protocols under the Precept of Protectorate (also known as the Great Rights):

  • Right of Crossing: Let no borders stop an Awakened with a clear heart.
  • Right of Emeritus: Those who have earned respect must be treated with respect.
  • Right of Hospitality: Those who request hospitality must be granted it.
  • Right of Nemesis: When vengeance is declared, let none stand in its way.
  • Right of Sanctuary: Protect your home, and let no action cause it harm.

Silver Law

Silver Laws accepted in Adelaide

Proposals not yet accepted

Bronze Law