Victoria Low

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Template:PC Summary Requiem

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Personal Information


A Fairly solidly built women she has green brown eyes and an almost Mohawk styled hair cut in black with pink tips. she wears jeans and warn out slightly stained band T-shirts. her nails are painted black and she often wears moderate to heavy makeup.


he can be very rough around the edges she holds to the belief that if someone pushes your should push right back regardless of how big and important they may think they are. This often gets her into trouble as her way of judging a room is to poke at everyones weak spots and she who snaps first and pushes back once they have fought back win or lose she will respect them. Words mean nothing its your actions she judges you by not your titles not your statements.

Mortal World

She is the bar keeper of a little hole in the wall pub just outside the industrial estate. The clubs legality is questionable but she gets the police drunk when ever they come by so its kind of hard for them to file a coherent report. Shes a laugh who doesn't stand on ceremony and believes hole heatedly that everyone has the right to be drunk. just dont mess up her place or her people or she will come after you.

Information Known by Kindred Society

She came in like a wreaking ball, chose her convenient with a children's game and seems to have made it her duty to piss off as many of the court as possible. oh and she has one of those blue tattoos on the back of her neck.


  • 1988 - Born
  • 2015 - Embraced by some bastard who tattooed her neck

Recent History


  • SEP - Was picked up by the sheriff as she left her pub having just woken up with what she took to be a dead guy in her mouth. was sent off with the peoples harpy to learn about being a "proper" vampire.
  • OCT - attends her first court with the force of a fire cracker. she insults almost everyone but no one more the Gregory Volmark when she insinuates the leviathan is actually just a flying sex snake.


Quotes By

  • "Leviathan you say I don't know about that, looks more like a winged dick to me" - about the Volmark heraldry.

"Quote" - reference

Quotes About

"Quote" - reference


"Quote" - reference


  • She was embraced drunk
  • She doesn't know how to act when shes sober
  • She's killed people her act of sorry is just that an act

Inspirations and Soundtrack


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Kat
Number: 2013090005
Domain: Armidale