Brisbane Camarilla Harpy Report 03

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Index of Harpy Reports


Greetings and Salutations Venerable Elders, esteemed Ancillae and Acknowledged kindred of Brisbane.

I submit for your pleasure, discernment, and posterity record, the observations of the Brisbane Montgomery Court, as witnessed by myself Mr Felix Parker of the Clan of Lunatics on the 14th of March 2015.

The court was hosted by the (Ravnos??) Elder of Clan (Ravnos??) as an evening of dancing, joy and romantic walks by moonlight at the Gardens Point Gardens and the Old Government House.

New Members at Court

There were no new members introduces to court in the month of May.

The Tradition of Hospitality was extended to the previously Acknowledged as tradition dictates and to the visitors

Baro Sasha of the Ravnos and Mr Johnston of the Setites.

Announcement and Changes in Position

  1. Dr Karl who is Famousas the Prince of Brisbane did declare Voce Outcast.
  2. Voce gained the negative status of Outcast which title supersedes all Stations or Status a Kindred may have.
  3. Dr Karl called a major boon on Scotty to uphold the decision to make Voce Outcast.
  4. Dr Karl surrendered his praxis in an undignified manner and left.
  5. Aurelia DuBois is no longer the Cherished and Esteemed Seneshal of Brisbane with the departure of Dr Karl.
  6. Scotty of the Gangrel claimed praxis, Aureliea of the Toreador contested praxis as Seneshal. **
  7. Calabrac Primogen of the Nosferatu did declare that the Primogen had elected Scotty to be Prince.
  8. Scotty claimed praxis, non contested.
  9. Vincenzo Primogen of the Tremere announced that the Primogen Council had voted to overturn the boon called over Scotty.**
  10. Aurelia DuBois is now the Cherished and Esteemed Seneshal of Scotty Prince of Brisbane.

Declarations of Status

  1. Dr Karl who is Famousas the Prince of Brisbane did declare Voce Outcast.
  2. Voce gained the negative status of Outcast which title supersedes all Stations or Status a Kindred may have.
  3. Dr Karl is no longer the Exalted, Well-Known and Famous Prince of Brisbane.
  4. Aurelia DuBois is no longer the Cherished and Esteemed Seneshal of Brisbane.
  5. Scotty is now the Exalted, Well-Known and Famous Prince of Brisbane.
  6. Dr Barnett who is Revered as the Bruja Clan Head, declared Alistair MacLeod to be known as A F*cking Sh*t for failing to do his duties as Primogen.**
  7. Dr Barnett who is Well-Known as the Bruja Clan Head declared Emily Black to be Stalwart her valiant efforts against the Sabbat.
  8. Mr Parker is now the Revered and Well-Known Malkavian Clan Head.
  9. Calabrac who was considered Influential by word of Voce, did declared Emily Black to be Rude for the month. **
  10. Calabrac declared on behalf of Scotty Prince of Brisbane that Calibrac is to court Herald and be considered Informed.
  11. Calabrac who is Informed as Herald, on behalf of Scotty Prince of Brisbane that Luella Hunter is to be Chancellor.
  12. Calabrac who is Informed as Herald, on behalf of Scotty Prince of Brisbane that Aurelia DuBois is to be Seneshal.
  13. Aurelia DuBois is now the Cherished and Esteemed Seneshal of Brisbane.

Rumours, Lies and Slander

For the discerning and influential Master Harpy to consider what constitutes scandal, listed from most creditable to least. Those that have been refuted by their betters have been noted.

Records of Prestation

  1. Dr Karl did call the fulfillment of a major Boon over Scotty, to support Dr Karl's decision to declare Voce outcast.
  2. Revered Vincenzo of the Tremere is considered to have fulfilled his boon to Aurelia DuBois.

Details were not mentioned as the Chancellor was unavailable to record them.

This concludes the identified changes in standing and the events that would be considered celebrated, and those that may be considered ill advised. The next court would normally be hosted by Clan Gangrel in the month of June.

These are my observations in service to the Camarilla and Domain of Brisbane, The Antipodes,

Yours sincerely in service to the Camarilla, Mr Parker

Announcement and Changes in Standing