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Apostate Shaman

Born: 1991

Age: 24

Rank: Adept of Life

Titles/Memberships: Councillor (representative from cabal The Aegis)

Physical description: Duke's 5'11" but seems to will herself taller - she's built solidly despite her long limbs, and it's mostly muscle. She has pale skin, short, medium-brown hair, gray-green eyes, and a face that would be pretty if not for the lingering sense that she's about to fight you. She has the wary, cagey energy of a boxer, though it usually only comes into full focus when she's purged her system of the hallucinogens that are a more or less constant part of her brain chemistry.

Nimbus: Dusk light, sand & heat, the suggestion of small winged creatures flapping swiftly by.

Duke - drawn by Morgan Petrie


Awakened: 2012

Initial Master:

Recent events








Quotes by

Quotes about

"The thing you have to realise about Duke is, she once punched an angel to death." -- Cadence

"At first, I was offended, but then I came to realise. This child is extraordinary. Let's keep her around, shall we?"

- Vyra Anala



  • Punched an Angel to death.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

Cosby Sweater - Hilltop Hoods you get a scar you get a scar you get a scar! me, drunk, in the back of a rental car

Dear Science - Seth Sentry when i was just a kid at a tender age, i was thinking about tomorrow and them better days i just wanna let you know you let me down

The Plan (Fuck Jobs) - The Front Bottoms i fuckin' hate the comments, why do you feel you have to talk?

Choked Out - The Mountain Goats if they all wanna die dead broke that's fine that's fine everybody's got their limits, nobody's found mine

Motherfucker - Hopsin how come nobody takes me serious wherever I go?

Super Duper Fly - Hopsin fuckers acting like they hate to show love until they find out what i'm capable of

Loser - Beck you can't write if you can't relate

Float Away - Seth Sentry i could tell 'em what's on my mind or I could just float away

Horse Steppin' - Sun Araw