Archived-Perth Lost (PL)

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The City of Perth

Venue Information

* VST changling - Paul Taylor
* VC changling - Mary Tyler


Scheduled Games

Sign in is available from 7pm and game start is 7.30pm.

  • Next Scheduled Game - April 8th 2016
  • Next Scheduled Game - May 6th 2015

The Background of Perth

A Quick History Lesson

Freehold History of Perth

Recent History

The members of the current Freehold escaped en masse very recently. Moving in to the Four Seasons Hotel and commencing to restore it to a fully functioning hotel well known for producing excellent food and wonderful service, they are gradually beginning to pick up the pieces of their fractured lives.

The Path of the Freehold

The courts

  • Amp
  • Bunny (Winter Monarch)
  • Chronos
  • Nameless

The Freehold

The Four Seasons is an up and coming five-star hotel with only the finest in wares and quality. Tripadvisor, zomato, no matter what review site or person you talk to, all agree on one thing: this place it where you want to go and where you want to be. Sweeping marble floors and brass fittings gleam with a formal and simple elegance, but when you look past the front you will see the magic behind closed doors.

The body of the Freehold within the Hedge links to the Grimm Castle, an ancient and powerful castle where Master Felix Grimm allows the Changelings to operate as long as they meet requirements and pull their weight.

Sworn members of the Freehold receive a benefit to their ability to survive in the wilderness (a +3 to all Survival rolls) and can attain positions and status in the Hotel and Freehold which provides access to merits and extra resources.

Within travelling distance of the Freehold are multiple landmarks, such as:

  • The Leatherhand's Orchards where fruits and produce are grown,
  • A hand infested swamp with a strange hand infestation,
  • The hub ran by the hedge-traversing Pathfinder hobgoblin family.

Rumours and Whispers

  • The Court was chasing this "Pumpkinhead" for quite some time, where did he go and why did we stop?!?
  • How did Grimm ever get the Pathfinders to agree to help the Freehold and why did he pay the price for service instead of the Changelings when they last met?
  • Who is Grimm and what was his family to own the Grimm Castle?

Other Venues in Perth
Perth OOC Requiem Forsaken Awakening '