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Template:PC Summary Awakening

The Zali.jpg

Born: February 29, 1988

Age: 28

Rank: Master of Death, Disciple of Matter and Prime, Initiate of Space and Fate


Various nicknames and aliases:The Zali, Zali

Physical description:

Nimbus: Solid objects appear to have extra dimensions and non-euclidean geometry. Shadows move and voices seem to whisper from a great distance. Scars, especially the one on her wrist, seep blood.



Awakened: September 2015, Adelaide

Initial Master:



Not too much about The Zali has been revealed to the other Mages yet. She has been quite happy to say the following things but has not presented any actual information to show any of it.

She has a Masters in Cultural Anthropology.

She likes red wine.

She lives in the city.

She is a Curator as the SA Museum.

She has a surprising knowledge of cars and mechanics. She knowledge goes beyond what someone with her lack of passion about cars normally has.

While she has been quite free with that information and her opinion on matters. Beyond a point she hasn’t given any details. When she speaks people tend to notice what she says. They don’t notice how much she sits quietly and listens to others give their opinions. Her face blank and hard to read.

She is active on the forums and those who pay close attention to her posts will notice she references things or threats that have only happened in other cities months ago. While she may not have a lot of practical experience it appears as though she is making a point to study every bit of theoretical information she can.

Recent events


  • SEP: Awakened. A traumatic experience which resulted in chronic blood loss. Fortunately she 'randomly' had it in Cadences' coffee shop while there was a gathering of Mages.
  • SEP: Taking the first steps of learning about the arcane and her abilities. As well as the new world she has found herself in.
  • OCT: Continuing the learn about the Arcane as well as delving back into history and myth with a new perspective.
  • OCT: Created her first ever Arcane Tool. A heavy hammer, as much a weapon as a tool. Focused to Moros but clearly shows her favouring for Matter in its aspect.
  • NOV: Acquired Sanctum. Helped form a Cabal, The Foundation.
  • NOV: The Seer Treaty. Has had to move house and rush/ abandon projects.


  • JAN: Travelled extensively to Perth and received good guidance from experienced Concillium mages there.
  • JAN: Helped exorcized a ghost
  • FEB: Had some good breakthroughs on her understanding of the Supernal and connection to her watchtower.
  • FEB: Went to finish the ghost job. Found out she didn't actually do the first job properly.
  • FEB: Won three duel arcanes against two Arrow initiates and one Arrow on the same night. Did so with almost embarrassing ease.
  • APR: Has joined the Free Council
  • JUN: Was responsible for the death of a family of three when a bridge she was collapsing to disrupt lay lines collapsed at the wrong time. Zali felt horrible about it but still part of her was whispering "You knew it would happen, you said it was collateral damage."
  • JUL: Reached Mastery of Death.
  • AUG: Having reached Mastery of Death her body and mind have changed. Her hair is darker and her skin pale. More important is that she has come to totally accept the transitory nature of existence. She is slower to anger of petty things and quicker to enjoy that which can be enjoyed during her brief life.


Quotes by

Quotes about

"Kid's got some strong ideas, which I like, but she also knows just how much she doesn't know, which I like more. Bit of an edge to her. She's going to grow up real interesting." - Sash

"She's kinda standoffish at times but when you push through it she's actually really nice. Reminds me of Kyu, really. I wonder if it's a Moros thing?" - Usagi



  • Continues her sleeper job as a Curator the South Australian Museum.
  • Requested that the scar be left on her wrist from her Awakening.
  • Has a younger brother into petty crime and drug dealing.
  • After the death of the Seer Sarah she has gone mad. That using her Death magic to all but kill the Seer the creating a ghost of Sarah as she died drove her over some personal edge.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Info

While IC she is a bit stand offish and abrupt, especially which she is getting used to the new normal, she also wants to learn everything she can about the new magical world. So just pique her curiosity if you need someone to do any research for you as she will jump for the chance.

Member Information
Player: Brett Symons
Number: 2015050005
Domain: Adelaide