Ylva Hall

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Template:PC Summary Requiem

Ylva as a mortal

Personal Information


She is quite tall and strikingly thin, at high humanity it would be easy to imagine she would have been quite striking but such things are now a distant memory. Her eyes are milk white and shimmer like pearls, the skin around them is cracked and broken thicker and darker then the pale translucent skin which covers the rest of her body there is a slight goldish ting it appears almost like she has ... scales. Her hair is long, reach past her shoulders and pale blonde almost white, sometimes it will be braided back, often this indicates that she is preparing for a ritual.

She wears a delicate white dress made from fine linen a small black pouch hangs at her throat this contains a number of items of mystical significance, small bones,candle stubs,a vial of blood and another of ash. She is often seen wearing a black and white clock clasped with a bronze Norse style broach and a second leather bag hangs from a belt at her waist it contains the runes she often works with. She wears simple slip on shoes when she must or none at all if she is familiar with her surroundings and can get away with it. She almost always bears markings in vitae somewhere on her body the bindings for the mothers rituals.

A large and powerfully muscled brown, drop eared dog accompanies her when she ventures outside of her haven ((Those with academics or animal ken may recognize it as a fine example of the Broholmer Breed))it often bears a hand print of blood on its brow.


A Child and a mother she walks the line between the two worlds. To the world at large she is a mystic and mysterious figure dressed like a ghost she moves with find grace and brings uncertainty and suspicion in her wake. She enjoys the company of the young and freshly embraced she treats them all like her own children and their presence always brings her great joy, she does not however often engage them in conversation on important matters as she does the older court members, with whom discussions of faith and arguments on feeding practices flow freely. She is biased against those of the Lancea et Sanctum and interactions with those who openly profess their membership are often far more stiff and uncomfortable.

She enjoys a good story and friendship can be kindled easily if one can weave a good tale, whilst sometimes crude the general kindred of court only ever really see the wise and motherly parts of her nature.

Those who take the time to befriend and assist her, who prove their loyalty and steadfastness are greeted to interaction with a very different kindred away from the court. A child like soul who revels in practical jokes and childish tricks. Who will laughs freely and dances for fun a kind soul who adores animals and is always amazed by the creation of new life. The tender love between her and her family is a sight to behold and there is a quiet fierceness and protectiveness in her actions which bespeaks an individual who would unflinchingly wade through the fire to ensure the safety of those she cares for.

Mortal World

Little is known of her by the mortal world, the price she pays for the mothers blessing is that she can not interact with those who do not and can not know. Still in every town she lives in eventually rumors begin to arise a women in white who walks the grounds of the local cemetery, a ghost or apparition the rumors do not elaborate. some say that if you leave a gift of oil and blood she will favor you and watch over the loved ones you leave behind in the bone yard and their will always be fresh flowers on their graves. Still others paint a far darker tale of a vengeful spirit who desends upon the unwary and tears them apart draining their blood to feed to the worms and the hungry dead. The legends agree on one thing, benevolent of vengeful you will always know when she arrives you will feel her gaze even before you see her and if you do... Run.

Information Known by Kindred Society


22/03/1002 – Born in Hjoring to Astrid (20) and Gisl(52) Hall
31/01/1013 – She falls from her horse striking her head and falls into a coma
25/02/1013 – Her parents begin to give up hope when she begins to once more so signs of life she opens her eyes which are now milky white and blind
08/09/1014 – Her parents believe her a prophet, they begin to spread the word
22/12/1014 – Fremmed first visits and is impressed by her perceptiveness
04/11/1015 – Gisl dies
23/11/1015 – Fremmed returns and starts to visit her regularly
15/02/1016 – Fremmed Leaves the city and her mother become violent and cruel
23/05/1016 – her mother remarries
06/09/1017 – The drinking hall her mother runs fails and she is abandoned along with it. She sells what she has begs for food to stay alive and at night she shelters in the hall, she cannot bring herself to spend the coin Fremmed gave her.
25/10/1018 – she sells the last of her possessions, begging gives only a little food, she begins to waist away and grow ill
01/01/1019 – Fremmed returns to find her delirious from fever and near death. He nurses her back to health and feeds her his blood to strengthen her he tells her about kindred
11/01/1019 – She recovers enough to travel and he takes her with him to Bronderslev
16/03/1020 – they are forced to leave the city they travel to Aalborg
20/06/1020 – they travel to Aarhus by boat she is sick the entire way
07/12/1020 – He embraces her
06/03/1021 – They travel to Korsor her sire uses the time to begin teaching her more about the mother and the magic he knows.
13/04/1021 – They arrive in Korsor and she is presented with a horse.
14/04/1021 – They ride for Copenhagen stopping to rest for the day on the outskirts of Roskilde, when they awaken the next night they find a boy trying to steal her horse,Egil is embraced.
16/04/1021 – They finally arrive in Copenhagan and begin to set up a haven, Ylva learns about ghouling and creates her dog Gharm and a number of Mandragora
15/10/1021 - Their sire leaves.
30/07/1023 – Thier Sire falls to torpour, Egil sets out to locate and recover him.
04/11/1024 – Egil returns with their sire

16/10/1099 – They wake Fremmed
24/11/1100 – Egil and her sire leave to travel
06/09/1205 – She embraces her first childe Orn
19/11/1205 – Egil returns and gifts Orn with an eagle
17/02/1298 – She releases her childe and sends him off with a task to find and bring back the family
22/03/1325 – she embraces her second childe ((Possible Character tie))
06/09/1350 – She falls into torpor
02/04/1356 – Her sire, brother and childe return, her second childe is torpored as well.
25/04/1531 – She awakens from torpor
24/07/1544 – Travels to Poland
15/08/1562 – Travels through Germany to France
10/03/1596 – Travels to Russia
25/03/1609 – Meets up with her brother and travels with him
10/03/1646 – Settles in Italy
13/07/1647 – Embraces her third Childe Marcus without princely consent
15/07/1647 – The Sanctified and the Invictus of the city set fire to her haven
16/07/1647 – Egil returns saving her life, She goes to torpor
30/09/1647 – she wakes from torpor and settles back in Copenhagen
11/10/1710 – Their sire meets up with them and as a group they travel
21/05/1713 – Releases her third childe
08/07/1730 – Her first childe dies in an earthquake in La Serena.
28/11/1745 – Embraces her fourth childe ((Possible Character Tie))
15/01/1801 – Releases her fourth childe
08/01/1829 -Her sire returns to visit her and brings with him a book written in braille he begins to teach her how to read.
04/02/1829 – Skaldi is captured and tortured and Edgil leaves to find and retrieve her
20/06/1831 – Her touchstone the copper toymaker dies
05/07/1831 – She diablorises a visiting member of the newly formed Circle of the Crone
29/07/1831 – Skaldi and Edgil return she falls into torpor
10/05/1961 – She wakes from torpour and begins to travel with Egil again
16/12/1969 – Embrace her fifth childe Riley
25/09/1973 – her third childe dies and her second goes missing in the heart of the Vietnam war, she tries to go into the fighting desperate to find them, Riley stakes her.
09/03/2016 – wakes in Australia, in Toowoomba.

Recent History


  • SEP - Attends court becomes Hierophant, Lights the bonfire to celebrate the start of spring.
  • OCT - Stays in her haven working with her animals as one of her best breeding animals has grown very ill.


  • Fremmed NPC
    • Egil
      • Sigvardr
      • Childe 2
      • Skaldi
      • Childe 4
      • Childe 5
      • Childe 6
      • Childe 7
    • Ylva
      • Orn
      • Childe 2
      • Marcus
      • Childe 4
      • Riley

Known Sire

  • Fremmed - A consummate traveler he preferred to embrace childer in pairs when he reached very high BP and very low Humanity. Ylva is deeply in love with him but it is not recipricated

Known Siblings

  • Egil - they share a deep familial love, she would walk through fire and into Hel to save him.

Known Childer

  • Orn - her first childe, he was smart and quick witted he moved with great speed he was her ghoul for a decade before she embraced him. Her heart broke when he died she loved him like any mother loves their childe
  • Marcus - Her little riotous warrior, he was a ghoul of the Lancea et Sanctum before she embraced him and whilst he came to believe as she did he never quite lost that ritious fire or the belief that he was the warrior for a higher power. His death shocked her to her core and almost sent her running head long into a war zone.

Known Grand-childer

  • Possible Character Ties


Quotes By

"Quote" - reference

Quotes About

"Quote" - reference


"Quote" - reference


  • The Gods look through her
  • She has broken everyone of the traditions during her requiem

Inspirations and Soundtrack


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Katherine Atkins
Number: 2013090005
Domain: Toowoomba