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Sect: Camarilla
Clan: Toreador (Masquerade) --
City: Canberra --
Sire: Kaalia
Lineage: Toreador
Generation: 11
Player: [mailto: Caitlin]
Storyteller: Canberra VST
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Personal Information


Just under 5’ 5” in height, around 65kg in weight, red-brown hair (under most lighting it simply appears brown, but if under bright light it has a copper coloured shine to it (a mortal once described that it was as if her hair turned to copper coloured fire, metaphorically of course), Green-brown eyes, a pale skin complexion (even before embrace she was pale like she never spent much time in sunlight) an apparent age of 21. She usually dresses in plain trousers and a plain t-shirt/long sleeved top, however if requested/ required to wear something nicer she will put on a black military style coat that come down just short of her knees and a fancier scabbard for her Sabre. If going into a pre-planned battle she will change into black denim cargo pants (lots of pockets, loose fit), a white long sleeved top under a leather Armour corset/belt with hip side scabbards for her sabers, and a leather pauldrons and gorget piece with an inlaid pattern that matches the one on her leather vanbraces.

She will always be wearing glasses (though the lenses are fake ones since being embraced), a silver ring (that can come apart into three interlinked ones) and two feather tokens in her hair (the green ones hold a special significance to her from the time before, but the others are just decorative) She may or may not, depending on the night have a chainless pocket watch, a phone, and/ or pencil and paper in her pockets


She is shy and must work up the courage to talk with strangers and being the centre of attention causes her to stiffen up and go quiet. As well as that she is also soft-hearted and feels the need help those who are sad or in undeserved misfortune, though combining this with her shyness leaves it such that most of the time she ends up feeling awkward, and guilty for not being able to help, though in some cases her shyness can be mostly laid aside.

Mortal World

Mairwen was a prominent Author within Canberra, and has a small family consisting of her Stepmother and her Father. She has ben busy finishing the final book in her series.

Mairwen is known as a bit of a recluse in the high society scene

Information Known by Kindred Society


Recent History


  • SEP - Details
  • OCT - Details
  • NOV - Details
  • DEC - Details


Known Sire

-Kaalia: Mairwen has a desire to live up to the expectations of her sire.

Known Siblings

Known Childer

Known Grand-childer


Quotes By

Quotes About

"She is much like I was upon my arrival. I expect great things from her."
- Kaalia
“Young and skittish... more so than her Sire. However, of interest to me, is a writer. I may have to... procure... her in some restoration work within my Haven’s library.”
- Gunderic the Vandal



  • Has a rivalry with Larissa
  • Has met a certain Setite somewhere in her mortal youth
    • Did she though? Why isn't she a Setite then?
  • Is a perfect candidate for Damsel in Distress
    • And yet is one of the finest combatants of the court
  • Has a crush on Octavian Webb
    • Has a weird bond with the Nosferatu

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • DEATHSTARS - All The Devils Toys (Ethan Gibraltar to Mairwen) [1]





OOC Information

Member Information
Player: [mailto: ]
Domain: Canberra