Category:Seers of the Throne CofD

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Seers of the Throne

Seers of the throne

Magic is Payment
“All it costs is your soul.” Is that what they’ve told you happens when you serve the Throne? Spare me. And no, before you ask, the street meat vendor you’ve been eating from all these years is not an evil mage. I’m just borrowing him for a few minutes. A tip, free and friendly: shed your correspondences if you can, cease your habits if you can’t. You’re quite easy to find. Here’s the truth: Humanity is oppressed, no matter what happens. You live in the Fallen World, but it will not move for you. You see the Lie, but you’ll always live in it. You cannot beat the Exarchs. You can’t even truly fight them. The best you can manage is a vague and persistent resistance. The Diamond does not tolerate dissent or disloyalty, and the Free Council tolerates nothing else. We are no different than the “Atlanteans,” save that we serve the divine beings who are demonstrably at the helm of the universe rather than old wizards fighting a war lost before Plato first wrote down the name of some made-up island. So don’t. A far wiser saying goes, “If you can’t beat them…”, but you already know the rest. Pithy, perhaps, but we’re speaking of magic here. Don’t take my word for it. Sleep well tonight, listen to your dreams, and scrutinize the signs. If you’re wise, if you desire reward for your service, They will tell you where to go. And no, it doesn’t cost your soul. Just your obeisance, better given to gods than men who think themselves divine.

The Exarchs have won. The living Supernal symbols of oppression rule supreme, while the Fallen World is kept separate by their will. Humans are blind to the wonder of magic, the few who glimpse the truth squabbling over shattered remnants, ancient ruins, and the fragmented writings of lost archmages. Gods sit the throne of reality while men look up in envy and fear. Better to rule on Earth in order to one day serve in Heaven. From a position of wealth and power in the Fallen World, the Seers of the Throne interpret the will of the Exarchs. In the kingdom of the blind, the Seers are kings. The third great sect of the Awakened opposes the Diamond and the Free Council out of religious obligation — one of many commandments from their faceless, never-seen masters in the Supernal Realms. The Seers can directly compete with any of the Diamond Orders in their respective areas of expertise, and frequently exploit human culture to a degree that enrages the Free Council. Their battle-mages worship war itself, marching alongside sages who serve the living symbol of control through surveillance. Wealth, power, sex, magic — all are granted in exchange for oppressing humanity and furthering the Lie.

Key Teachings

  • The Will of the Tyrants
  • Mages who serve the Exarchs faithfully will be rewarded
  • Divination reveals the Tyrants’ will
  • From the Iron Pyramid comes prestige and servitude

Seers of the Throne across Australia

Character Faction Path Legacy Group Domain Status Position
Character Faction Path Legacy Group Domain - ••••• Position

Seers of the Throne NPC across Australia

Character Faction Path Legacy Group Status Position
Character Faction Path Legacy Group - ••••• Position

Deceased, Departed or Missing

The following members have deceased, departed, missing or otherwise not in play.

Character Path Legacy Group Domain Reason
Character Path Legacy Group Domain Reason not in play
Character Path Legacy Group Domain Reason not in play
Character Path Legacy Group Domain Reason not in play

Cabals and Groups

The following Cabals and other groups exist within the Order.

Order benefits


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