Victoria Black

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God should fear girls with battle scars.
Pretty little things with knives hidden in their smiles,
blood red lips and poison-painted nails.
They’ve been to the gates of Hell -
and the Devil sent them back,
armed and ready to fight.

God is so obviously a man, so the Devil protects her sisters - c.k

Victoria Black
Sect: Camarilla •••
Clan: Ventrue (Masquerade)
City: Brisbane •••
Title: Baroness
Sire: Vishakhadatta
Lineage: House Vandal
Embraced: Presented in London, 2013
Generation: 11th
Player: Charlie Kay
Storyteller: Brisbane VST
Victoria black.png

Personal Information

Like most of her clan, Victoria's a polite, well-mannered member of the Camarilla. She smiles among her peers, follows the example of her Elders without question, and, in her private time, focuses on creating a stable, safe city that her and her clan can thrive in. It's said she was released remarkably soon after her Embrace, as well. This makes her either expendable or outstanding. Only time will tell which.


Victoria isn't pretty, but she dresses well and manages to pull off a modern, elegant style without significant difficulty. She's usually dressed in neat attire that makes her stand out in court without seeming garish - which is remarkable. In a court filled with black and red, it's not easy to pull off pale pink.


Polite, well-spoken, and sociable, Victoria focuses on acting as a stalwart member of her clan with a quiet sense of humor to her actions. She'll happily engage in a few minutes of Court gossip while sipping a glass of wine or savoring some cake, and it's that disarming humanity that means she can get along with most Kindred. That said, she can be irritatingly goal-oriented once she's decided on a plan of action. Hard not to hold it against her, of course. She's Ventrue.

Mortal World

Victoria Black is a new figure in Brisbane's high society; she assisted at an English debutante school before coming to Australia to start one of her own.

Information Known by Kindred Society

One of Victoria's main assets is her ability to supply young, elegant, polite and well-turned out men and women. This makes her a very frequent supplier of ghouls; she's very talented in her field. Her Sire's slowly directing her towards Court matters, though she's wading in very, very slowly.


  • 2013 - Victoria Black is released in London to polite applause, though no significant interest. The few harpies in the area are surprised by their inability to harvest any information on her background.
  • 2014 - Awarded title of Baroness.
  • 2015 - Victoria Black and her Sire, Vishakhadatta, move to Brisbane.

Recent History

  • SEP 2015 - Arrived in Court and started swiftly generating allies.
  • OCT 2015 - Apprenticed to the Harpies. Attended Conclave.
  • NOV 2015 - Named Vigilant for her steady work in strengthening the Brisbane Ventrue. Continues to amass influence. Runs afoul of a particular Caitiff.
  • DEC 2015 - Her feud with the Caitiff sours, despite requests from the Primogen; she's named 'Ignorant' for a month. She continues to create handholds for the Ventrue to climb, however, assisting a visiting Lictor throughout the month.
  • FEB 2016 - Plays safe, avoids said Caitiff, and has her negative standing removed by her Primogen for her work for the clan. Meets and is awestruck by an Archon.
  • MAR 2016 - Turns down the position of Whip for another of her clan. Completes her apprenticeship to the Harpies. Ascends to the position of Master Harpy ten minutes later, when Mr. Parker misteps, ruthlessly and publicly backstabbing him in front of an Archon. Named 'Foolish' by her Primogen for restarting the feud with her Caitiff enemy.
  • APR 2016 - Avoids Brisbane, instead assisting the Archon in Canberra when he travels. Is slowly beginning to accumulate prestige for herself as a polite, yet incredibly driven Ventrue. Still quietly brooding over a certain Caitiff, however.
  • MAY 2016 - The calm, dignified visage starts to crack. For most of the night, Victoria an elegant and polite force for the Court, having her negative status removed and being named Conservative by her Primogen. But when she finds out about a particularly greivous slur given to her by one of her clanmates, she frenzies in the middle of the Ventrue's board meeting. A few members of the Court are forced to step in to restrain her and bring some peace to the evening. She avoids status, but later that same evening, leaves with her Sire for an hour. When she returns, in a cold, silent fury, she's dispensed with the silk that hides her steel. Her visage indicates that she's abandoned some of her humanity in just that short meeting, and a few members of the Court who misstep find out just how ruthless the new Master Harpy can be.



Quotes By

"I was never particularly special, I'm afraid. But my blood has changed that."
- politely deflecting questions about her mortal life
"Other clans coddle their traitors, Viscount. The Ventrue find killing them to be more effective."
- during a meeting with the Lictor
"I thought the Keeper said he'd be getting better wine in the future."
- at Elysium
"God, what is this nonsense I'm hearing? Red moons of warning? Gehenna becoming nigh? Ancient vampires rising from the depths of the earth? Leave that nonsense to the Sabbat; our Elders have everything under control."
- during the Week of Nightmares
"What's that they say about making omelettes and breaking eggs?"
- after getting a Kine killed via a botched influence maneuver

Quotes About

"What a delight that was, to receive a visit from Lady Black. Pleasant, incisive, admirably dedicated to prestation and etiquette, and politely efficient in the pursuit of her duties, it's easy to see why the great Archon Bell chose her as his secretary. However young, her breeding shows in her conduct. Wouldn't it be nice if she came to see us again?"
- Gretchen Di Val, in Canberra, April 2016.
"An interesting young kindred, Lady Black seems to consider her words before she speaks. This is a most excellent trait to nurture. One wouldn't wish to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. She also seems determined to seek competition with improbable odds - to that I say to her, good luck, young one."
- Hathus Eiriks Chindavinth


"... What an excellent suggestion Ms Black, and this is why Harpies never act interdependently and always meet to agree on the scandal, guilt and punishment, BEFORE we enact punishment..." Mr Parker commending Baroness Black on an astute observation during the Toreador Salon, Conclave 2015

"... You wish to record *another* boon you own the Prince this evening....?" Mr Parker flicking open his notebook with a raised eyebrow.


  • No history? No mortal life? Odd.
  • Devoted to her Sire. Unnaturally so.

Inspirations and Soundtrack


  1. Acknowledged, as a member of the Camarilla.
  2. Traditional, by word of Hathus, Brujah Clan Head.
  3. Conservative, by word of Vishakhadatta, Seneschal of Brisbane.
  1. Overambitious, by word of Gunderic, Clan Head.



OOC Information


Member Information
Player: Charlie Kay
Number: 2012040010
Domain: Brisbane