The Rutherford Assembly

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Mystery Cult: The Rutherford Assembly

Approved for use in: Southern Cross


The Assembly exists with a dual purpose. It's first and primary mandate, is to conceal evidence of the supernatural from humanity at large. At least, until humanity is equipped to understand, and more importantly deal with it. When people encounter something they don't understand, they tend to react irrationally. When people perceive something as a threat to themselves, or worse, their loved ones, their first impulse is to protect themselves at all costs - usually violently.

The supernatural is firmly in both camps. Unknown and dangerous. Meaning a large scale supernatural revelation would set seven billion people on a predominately violent and irrational quest for self preservation in the age of nuclear ICBMs. There are no winners in such a scenario. The supernatural, the assembly assert, is still natural. Science will figure it out eventually, but until then the general populace just need to be kept in the dark for their own good. Ignorance may not be bliss, but at least it's not a horrific violent death. Usually.

The second mandate, is to study and understand the supernatural with the ultimate goal of positioning humanity to handle a global revelation of magic and monsters. They quarantine and study various supernatural recordings, documents and samples using the same tried and true scientific methods and protocols they exercise in their mundane lives as scientists, doctors and related academics.


The Rutherford Apparatus - This old hardwood timber box was constructed by an inventor known only by the autograph carved into it's base. The device contains many old electric light bulbs, copper wires, dials and switches. Three lengths of coiled wire attach to a silver bowl with buckled strap, clearly to be secured to the head. When powered, the device emits a a dull buzzing, followed by a sharp squeal and electrical crackle. Those that submit themselves to the device almost always lose consciousness, but awaken soon after to directly control the minds of others. Exactly why, or more importantly how, this device came about is the most frustrating mystery the Assembly have experienced to date.


1) Rote Operation: The Assembly routinely gather to perform sample operations and train for field work, much like army reservists. Cleanups, captures, disposals and media (online and mundane) management situations are common place.

2) Lecture: As discoveries are made, or new theories begin to best tested, private educational lectures are conducted and attended by the membership. Here, after the formalities, the assembly's internal social politics are played behind closed doors, masks and fake names.

3) Peer Review: Studies of the supernatural are officially recorded, structured into formal documents and submitted to the rest of the assembly for critique and review. Every submission is collated by the Administrators to be accesses at any time for members further perusal. Peer reviewed papers of merit are the fastest and most effective path to respect within the Assembly.

4) Masks and Whispers: You do not reveal your true face or true name to anyone whilst on Assembly business, not even other members. Especially other members. The assembly has no martial forces, and routinely deals with supernatural threats. Secrecy is their best defence. The Assembly also constantly communicate in a convoluted combination of acronyms and jargon from various medical and scientific disciplines. Those without routine training in these fields and a keen intellect struggle to make any sense of it.

Ranks and Benefits:


Alternate Identity 1

Associates have not yet proven themselves, but are useful or savvy enough to maintain membership. They are issued (or create) an identity, and secure communication tools to use for Assembly business. This identity and discretion are key. No Assembly member knows the exact identity of many, if any, others. An associate is required to keep and ear out for information relevant to the Assembly, assist in the occasional background cover up and, above all, remain discreet.


Untouchable or Good Time Management

Field Analysts are capable and trustworthy. Their time as associates has tested them and they're willing to put themselves on the front line. They are the mysterious, cleaners and investigators in grey hazmat. They arrive on scene, and set to work on obscuring, investigating, and sterilising the scene. Their impressive efficiency a product of decades of individual scientific or medical efficiency, and the Assembly's own training.


Eye for the Strange or Small Unit Tactics

When a team of field analysts are dispatched, they are headed by a coordinator. Coordinator are analysts with the skills and knowledge to take control of a scene from whichever agency or group may interfere with their team's assignment. They know the mark of the weird when they see it, and know how to best lead their team to get it cleaned. With the flash of a badge and a dire warning about the contagious or deadly nature of the scene, they take control and disappear with the team again before other investigators know what hit them.


3 Dots Between Style (Fast Talking) or Allies (Bureaucracy)

Even the best coordinators run into especially obstinate detective or hospital administrator from time to time. A quick call to an administrator usually addresses the issue. Administrators keep the Assembly running. They cultivate and manage influence in select government agencies, receive reports from associates and assign tasks to both field and support teams. They have practised the art of wielding false authority, and equip their members with the identification and resources necessary to do the same.


Mind Control 3 or Status (Science) 3

Whilst administrators run, the Principal(s) lead. They speak in clandestine lecture hall gatherings, sharing their expansive knowledge and experience and directing the study of samples gathered in cleaned scenes. From an operational perspective however, they are the final call. Many principals are moved into positions of significant authority that can be called upon to orchestrate legitimate jurisdiction or leverage over a scene. Others subject themselves to The Rutherford Apparatus, emerging with terrifying control over the minds of others that has yet to be explained; the trump card in the Assembly's repertoire.