Ylva Hall

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Ylva Hall
Concept: Blind Crone Sorcerer
Clan: Nosferatu ••
Covenant: Circle of the Crone •••
City: GSS (No Home VSS)
Title: Mother of Heathens, Keeper of History, Hierophant of The Circle of Toowoomba
Sire: Fremmend (NPC)
Bloodline: Pure Clan
Group: Ormrrsen
Embraced: 07/12/1020
Player: NPC
Storyteller: GSS (No Home VSS) VST
Ylva as a mortal

Personal Information


She is quite tall and strikingly thin, at high humanity it would be easy to imagine she would have been quite striking but such things are now a distant memory. Her eyes are milk white and shimmer like pearls, the skin around them is cracked and broken thicker and darker then the pale translucent skin which covers the rest of her body there is a slight goldish tinge it appears almost like she has ... scales. Her hair is long, reach past her shoulders and pale blonde almost white, sometimes it will be braided back, often this indicates that she is preparing for a ritual.

She wears a delicate white dress made from fine linen a small black pouch hangs at her throat this contains a number of items of mystical significance, small bones,candle stubs,a vial of blood and another of ash. She is often seen wearing a black and white cloak clasped with a bronze Norse style broach and a second leather bag hangs from a belt at her waist it contains the runes she often works with. She wears simple slip on shoes when she must or none at all if she is familiar with her surroundings and can get away with it. She almost always bears markings in vitae somewhere on her body the bindings for the mothers rituals.

A large and powerfully muscled brown, drop eared dog accompanies her when she ventures outside of her haven ((Those with academics or animal ken may recognize it as a fine example of the Broholmer Breed))it often bears a hand print of blood on its brow.


A Child and a mother she walks the line between the two worlds. To the world at large she is a mystic and mysterious figure dressed like a ghost she moves with find grace and brings uncertainty and suspicion in her wake. She enjoys the company of the young and freshly embraced she treats them all like her own children and their presence always brings her great joy, she does not however often engage them in conversation on important matters as she does the older court members, with whom discussions of faith and arguments on feeding practices flow freely. She is biased against those of the Lancea et Sanctum and interactions with those who openly profess their membership are often far more stiff and uncomfortable.

She enjoys a good story and friendship can be kindled easily if one can weave a good tale, whilst sometimes crude the general kindred of court only ever really see the wise and motherly parts of her nature.

Those who take the time to befriend and assist her, who prove their loyalty and steadfastness are greeted to interaction with a very different kindred away from the court. A child like soul who revels in practical jokes and childish tricks. Who will laughs freely and dances for fun a kind soul who adores animals and is always amazed by the creation of new life. The tender love between her and her family is a sight to behold and there is a quiet fierceness and protectiveness in her actions which bespeaks an individual who would unflinchingly wade through the fire to ensure the safety of those she cares for.

Mortal World

Little is known of her by the mortal world, the price she pays for the mothers blessing is that she can not interact with those who do not and can not know. Still in every town she lives in eventually rumors begin to arise a women in white who walks the grounds of the local cemetery, a ghost or apparition the rumors do not elaborate. some say that if you leave a gift of oil and blood she will favor you and watch over the loved ones you leave behind in the bone yard and their will always be fresh flowers on their graves. Still others paint a far darker tale of a vengeful spirit who desends upon the unwary and tears them apart draining their blood to feed to the worms and the hungry dead. The legends agree on one thing, benevolent of vengeful you will always know when she arrives you will feel her gaze even before you see her and if you do... Run.

Information Known by Kindred Society


1000 - 1018 (Mortal Life)


  • Born in Hjoring to Astrid (20) and Gisl(52) Hall.

1013 - An accomplished rider she is out on her own when something spooks her horse, she over corrects and the horse reared panicked and not thinking she tugs on the reigns unbalancing the horse and sending it over backwards on top of her. She hits her head against a rock as she falls and when she is found hours latter she is unresponsive. Her mother prays to God her father to Hel, months pass and whilst the wounds on her body heal she doesn't wake her parents start to despair until one day she opens her eyes, but they are milky white and blind. Her mother tries to be positive at first but views her daughter now as an invalid her father views it differently to Ylva and her mother he quotes the Edda, "The lame can ride horse, the handless drive cattle,the deaf one can fight and prevail,'tis happier for the blind than for him on the bale-fire,but no man hath care for a corpse.

1014 - though blind she shows great insight and her parents come to the realisation that she has the sight, her father believes more strongly then her mother and they both disagree on where her sight comes from but still words spreads people begin to travel to meet with her, her father never fores her to meet or talk with others but her mother trades coin for audience with her child keeping her dealings quiet from Gisl and threatening harm to Ylva if she ever tells him.

A few months after word begins to spread a stranger comes to the hall and ylva instantly knows he is wrong she refuses to see him until her mother forces her, locked in the room with him he asks her what she knows of him and she tells him he is a dead man a corpse given breath. He laughs complementing her insight and praising her honesty he stays only a few minutes with her before he leaves he gives her a strange coin with the promise that she need never fear him and that he will return.

1015 - Her father is old and so his passing is not a surprise they bury him in the fields behind the Hall beneath a large tree. Both Ylva and her mother morn his death but his loss also hardens her mother makes her cruel. In this time the stranger Fremmend visits them many times and Ylva comes to enjoy his company he buys no food or drink but always wishes to speak with Ylva, her mother stops allowing people to see her unless they pay and after one night and an unpleasant man who offers extra to have his way with Ylva her mother begins for those services as well. Ylva is sworn not to tell but begs the stranger to take her with him every time he comes every time he refuses always having some excuse.

1016 - Fremmend visits one last time he tells her he is leaving and can not say when he will return, she pleads with him to stay and then to take her with him even offering him the coin as payment and when that isn't enough she offers herself. she clings to him pleading but he pushes her away becoming angry. For the first time Ylva fears him he leaves and she is alone. not long after her mother marries one of the frequent visitors to the pub, he is a drunk and an unpleasant man and so it is purhapse no surprise that not long after the hall begins to fail loosing money fast then it could gain it.

1017 - there is no money left in the busness her stepfather convinces her mother to leave and to abandon Ylva behind. Ylva wakes late one night to the sound of horses in harness and thinks nothing of it till she wakes the next morning alone.She sells what she has begs for food to stay alive and at night she shelters in the Hall

1018 - She sells the last of her possessions, she cannot bring herself to spend the coin Fremmed gave her, begging gives only a little food, she begins to waist away and grow ill. The wood begins to grow hard to find as winter draws on.

1019 - 1023 (Embrace and Fledgling Years)

1019 -Fremmed returns to find her delirious from fever and near death. In her delirious fevered state she talks to him about Hel and how the goddess is waiting and that she is not afraid to meet the mother again that she has promised she can sit at her side when the last night comes, she clutches the coin he gave her on their first meeting in weak fingers. He nurses her back to health and feeds her his blood to strengthen her he tells her about kindred their roll in society, where he has been the last year and when she has recovered enough to travel he finally takes her with him to Bronderslev where they stay for a time before they are forced out by the Lance prince the travel makes her sick and he decides it is time

1020 - He embraces her and they travel to Korsor, it is a long trip her sire uses the time to begin teaching her more about his beliefs and the rules of her existence now she is kindred when they they arrive in Korsor and he presents her with a horse telling her they are riding for Copenhagan it is the first time she has been around or ridden a horse since her accident, when they stop to rest for the day on the outskirts of Roskilde, A boy tries to steal her horse, her sire deals with it and Egil is embraced.

Ylva and egil are introduced to the haven in Copenhagan and begin to make it their home, Ylva takes a liking to the plants and animals and her sire teaches her how to ghoul them and how to cultivate lacrima and blood wine.

1021 - Their sire leaves on business he tells them that he will not be back for at least a year. He gifts Ylva with a puppy saying he will keep her safe she ghouls him on and off for the next few years and names him Gharm

1023 - The blood sympathy tells them that Fremmed has been placed into torpor Egil sets out to locate and recover him leaving Ylva alone aside from Gharm, with his aid she begins to attend the local court.

Recent History


  • SEP - Attends court becomes Hierophant, Lights the bonfire to celebrate the start of spring.
  • OCT - Stays in her haven working with her animals as one of her best breeding animals has grown very ill.


  • Fremmend NPC
    • Egil
      • Sigvardr
      • Childe 2
      • Skadi
      • Childe 4
      • Childe 5
      • Childe 6
      • Childe 7
    • Ylva
      • Orn
      • Childe 2
      • Marcus
      • Childe 4
      • Riley

Known Sire

  • Fremmend - A consummate traveler he preferred to embrace childer in pairs when he reached very high BP and very low Humanity. Ylva is deeply in love with him but it is not recipricated

Known Siblings

  • Egil - they share a deep familial love, she would walk through fire and into Hel to save him.

Known Childer

  • Orn - her first childe, he was smart and quick witted he moved with great speed he was her ghoul for a decade before she embraced him. Her heart broke when he died she loved him like any mother loves their childe
  • Marcus - Her little riotous warrior, he was a ghoul of the Lancea et Sanctum before she embraced him and whilst he came to believe as she did he never quite lost that ritious fire or the belief that he was the warrior for a higher power. His death shocked her to her core and almost sent her running head long into a war zone.

Known Grand-childer

  • Possible Character Ties


Quotes By

"Quote" - reference

Quotes About

"Quote" - reference


"Quote" - reference


  • The Gods look through her
  • She has broken everyone of the traditions during her requiem

Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: NPC Under GST Office
Number: N/A
Domain: Toowoomba