Andrew Carter

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Place holder page. Character page coming soon.


Andrew 'Ands' Samuel Carter
Concept: Lovable corrupt cop
Tribe: Iron Masters
Auspice: Rahu
City: Canberra
Lodge: Lodge of the Shield
Pack: Southside Serpents
Spirit Rank •••
Cunning ••
Purity •••
Player: Guy
Storyteller: [mailto: Canberra VST]

Personal Information


Snr PC Carter stand just over 6 feet tall, with well tanned skin, blue eyes and beach blonde hair.


Despite fast approaching what would be called middle-age in a mortal, Carter maintains an almost offensively active and healthy lifestyle.

When not engaging in MMA and Aikido tournaments, rugby with his local squad, or other sports Carter is constantly fidgeting with things, moving his hands or jiggling his legs.

Always cheerful and upbeat, Carter can often give the impression of being a bit naive and gormless, an appearance which is not entirely wrong.


Senior Counstable Andrew Carter

Information Known by Forsaken Society

- Carter has been a police officer for slightly more than 20 years now, and despite a sterling record, is about as bent as it's possible to be.

- As a part of the Lodge of the Shield, Carter is known to be quite vocal about his opinion that Human law isn't worth the paper it's written on. Especially when compared the the '"Immutable laws of the Spirit etched into our Very Souls"'

-Carter has more than a few martial arts belts tohis name, and a fair few trophies have pride of place in his home. He'll happily spar with anyone, happy to provide instruction if asked.


Recent Events


  • Cunning
    • 1 Successfully acting as a decoy to some beshilu to allow a pack to clear out the nest.
    • 2 Arranging for a valuable young wolf-blooded to get off from assault charges due to mishandling of evidence without getting caught
  • Glory
    • 1 Tackling and immobilising a new change in the midst of Kuruth until they passed out from exhaustion
  • Honor
    • 1 While establishing new territory, took the time to alert all spirits in the area of his intentions and willingness to defend his claim with violence.
  • Puriy
    • 1 Remaining respectful when taunted by a Predator King with higher purity.
    • 2 Ensuring a group of human gangsters unknowingly working for a rogue spirit were given clean deaths that allowed for and honourable open casket funerals
    • 3 Accepted harsh disciplinary action including a stripping or rank as part of covering up an uratha death
  • Wisodom
    • 1 Established a secure territory in a previously unclaimed rural location,


Quotes By

"If you're in the ring, like, it's not really a fight, it's a game. Even in MMA they'll ring the bell if you go for the eyes, or bite off a finger, or wrap one of the cables around his neck, or call in a mate to take him from behind, or sneak in a brass knuckle... Real fights have one rule, survive."

"Ok guys, here's how it works. We all agree that what happened here was a bit of a nasty accident, no real harm done. Your mate there slipped and got his hand trapped in the door hinge, and in the rush to help him your other mate over there slipped on a bit of soap and ran his own head through the plaster, then that guy there was so shocked he just plain jumped out of window on his own, and the young lady here never hears from you again OR we go back to the station, and you all get to file police brutality reports while I organise a few flights of stairs for you to trip down before your solicitor arrives, and put you in a cell with some *real* hard cases who owe me a favor, right?"

Quotes About


"The Dragula! Ands, Ands, can we put on Rob Zombie, Ands? I love that song." "Ugh, that shits not real metal Asphalt, but fine..." "You're not real metal either, but you don't see me complaining" - The Asphalt Serpent and Carter, discussing the merits of music on the road.


  • Spent a year touring Australia as a semi-professional wrestler.
  • Cut the breaks on a superior officer's squad car after disapproving of his command decisions one two many times.
  • Has regular lunches with the mid-level bosses of several crime families.
  • Has 'misplaced' his service pistol no fewer than five times.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • Both Captain Carrot and Corporal Knobbs -Discworld series
  • Orange Cassidy - WWE

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Guy
Number: au2009040009
Domain: Canberra